MicroStrategy ONE

Report Data Options dialog box: MicroStrategy Mobile

This subcategory allows you to control the design options and functionality available for reports displayed in MicroStrategy Mobile, as described below:

  • MicroStrategy Mobile Data View: Controls the design options and report functionality for reports displayed in MicroStrategy Mobile. Select one of the following:

  • Tabular interactive: This view allows the widest variety of report manipulations on the mobile device, but does not allow certain report formatting.

  • Original layout: This view disables some Mobile user features, but it enables some report designer configurations to allow greater flexibility in report design. It also improves the loading time of a report if the report is paged.

The differences between these views are summarized in the table below. For more information on MicroStrategy Mobile in general, and available design options and report functionality, see the MicroStrategy Mobile Analysis Help.


Tabular Interactive

Original Layout

Place attributes in columns

No; attributes in columns are moved to rows when the report is delivered to a mobile device.


Place metrics in rows

No; metrics in rows are moved to columns when the report is delivered to a mobile device.


Sort on a grid



Move objects to and from the page-by field



Rearrange rows and columns



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