MicroStrategy ONE

Report Data Options dialog box: SQL Generation

This subcategory allows you to control the order in which data sources are used to provide data as part of MultiSource Option, as described below:

  • Database Instance Ordering: Determines the order in which data sources are used to provide data as part of MultiSource Option, when the same data can be retrieved from multiple data sources. A license for MultiSource Option is required to use this database instance ordering as part of connecting multiple data sources to a project.

    You have the following options to determine the order in which data sources are selected for the project:

    • Use MultiSource Option default ordering: If data is available in multiple data sources through MultiSource Option, the primary database instance is used if it has the necessary data. If the data is only available in other secondary data sources, one of the secondary data sources that includes the data is used to retrieve the necessary data using some basic internal logic. Any data source priority you defined for the project using Database Instance Ordering is ignored.

    • Use project level database instance ordering: If data is available in multiple data sources through MultiSource Option, the data source used to retrieve the data is based off of the priority that you defined for the project using Database Instance Ordering. If data is only available in a data source that is not included in the priority list, then an applicable data source is chosen using the standard MultiSource Option logic.

    • Use default project-level behavior (default): If data is available in multiple data sources through MultiSource Option, the data source used to retrieve the data is based off the Database Instance Ordering option selected for the project.