AbstractAdminPathTransform |
AbstractAppTransform |
AbstractAppTransform is an abstract class that acts as the parent of all
Transforms used by Web Universal.
AbstractAppWidgetTransform |
AbstractBasicMojoVisualizationDataTransform |
This is an abstract class for transforms that generate the data for Mojo or Android visualizations.
AbstractBasicReportTransform |
AbstractChangePasswordTransform |
This class implements the common methods that transforms for the ChangePassword bean
AbstractColorGradientEditorTransform |
AbstractDocumentTransform |
AbstractDocumentTransform is an abstract class which acts as a super class for all document transforms.
AbstractEditorTransform |
This abstract transform class is used as a base object that provides common and
convenience methods used to render a bean as an editor.
AbstractExportTransform |
AbstractExpressionTransform |
A base class for expression transforms.
AbstractFilterElementTransform |
AbstractFolderTransform |
AbstractFolderTransform is an abstract class that takes care of rendering folder-related information.
AbstractFormatTabTransform |
AbstractHeaderFooterTransform |
Abstract class for all transforms that display a header/footer editor on preferences or Options pages.
AbstractMojoRWTransform |
AbstractMojoTransform |
AbstractObjectBrowserTabTransform |
This transform is the base class for those Tabs that are displayed within an
ObjectBrowserManager .
AbstractObjectExplorerTransform |
AbstractObjectExplorerTreeTransform |
AbstractObjectInfoListTransform |
AbstractObjectInfoListTransform is an abstract class that takes care of
rendering a bean that holds WebObjectInfo instances on a list structure.
AbstractOptionsTransform |
This abstract class is the base for print/pdf/export options Transforms.
AbstractPreferencesTransform |
This abstract class is the base for all preferences Transforms.
AbstractPrivilegesEditorTransform |
Abstract class to render privilege related editors
AbstractPromptEditorTransform |
AbstractPromptEditorTransform.ListItem |
AbstractPromptExpressionTransform |
Title: PromptExpressionBaseTransform.
AbstractPromptObjectTransform |
The AbstractPromptObjectTransform is the base class we use for these prompt transforms should extend from.
AbstractPromptWidgetTransform |
AbstractReportDataTransform |
This is the base class for those Report Transforms that generate some sort of representation of
the report's data, either as grid, as a graph or as a grid-graph.
AbstractReportDataVisualizationTransform |
Transform used to render a visualization on the report.
AbstractReportExportTransform |
AbstractReportGridCellHeader |
AbstractReportGridCellHeader.AxisDepth |
AbstractReportGridCellTitle |
AbstractReportGridCellTitle.TitlePivotButtonInfo |
Helper class for storing pivot button information - such as JavaScript id, descriptor
(tooltip) and image name - based on the action that can be performed given the current
selected target.
AbstractReportGridDisplayCell |
The AbstractReportGridDisplayCell is the base class for those that generate a grid's cell output
in Microstrategy Web.
AbstractReportGridDisplayCell.PivotButtonInfo |
AbstractReportGridExportTransform |
AbstractReportGridTransform |
The AbstractReportGridTransform is an base class for those transform that generate a
grid visualization of the data returned by a Report.
AbstractReportOutlineModeExportTransform |
AbstractReportTransform |
AbstractReportTransform is an abstract class extending from AbstractAppTranform.
AbstractReportXMLTransform |
Abstract class for transforms that generate report XML content.
AbstractRWDataVisualizationTransform |
Transform used to render a visualization on the document.
AbstractRWTransform |
AbstractRWTransform is an abstract class which acts as a super class for all report writing transforms.
AbstractRWTransform.ButtonAlignmentsHelper |
Helper for button alignment configuration.
AbstractScheduleListTransform |
AbstractSimplifiedRWXMLTransform |
AbstractSubscriptionEditTransform |
AbstractSubscriptionEditTransform is an abstract class which acts as a super class for all subscription and schedule transforms.
AbstractSubscriptionFolderBeanTransform |
This transform renders the list of Narrowcast Subscriptions from a
AbstractSubscriptionListTransform |
This transform renders the list of Narrowcast Subscriptions from a
SubscriptionFolderBean as Large Icons.
AbstractSubscriptionsEditorTransform |
This class is the base class for the Editors used for subscription.
AbstractTabTransform |
This is the base class for those Transforms that will
generate the Tab's content in a tabbed environement.
AbstractUserEntitiesTreeCartTransform |
AbstractWebBeanTransform |
AccordionTabBeanTransform |
Title: AccordionTabBeanTransform
AccordionTabManagerTransform |
AddDataSetWizardTransform |
Deprecated. |
AddressDeleteTransform |
This transform enables a user to delete addresses.
AddressListFileTransform |
AddressListPrintTransform |
AddressListTransform |
This transform is used to list and edit Narrowcast Addresses.
AddressTransform |
AdminFolderQuickSearchResultsTransform |
AdminFolderSearchResultsTransform |
AdminFolderViewTransform |
AdminGenericTabTransform |
AdminPathTransform |
AdvancedThresholdsEditorTransform |
AdvSortDataTransform |
AlertsEditorTransform |
AlertsObjectExplorerTransform |
AlertsSubscriptionMobileWidgetImpl |
AllObjectBrowserHTMLTransform |
AllObjectBrowserTransform |
AndroidMapTransformImpl |
AndroidMessageResultTransform |
Returns basic information about a message.
AnnotationsTransform |
AppLayoutParser |
AppLayoutSourceFile |
AttributeElementsWidgetTransform |
AttributeFormsEditorTransform |
AttributeFormsQualificationTransform |
Used mostly on prompts, this transform renders a dialog which enables users to build
a qualification based on an attribute form value.
BeanGeneratedOutputTransform |
This transform generates the output of a bean by calling the bean's generateOutput method.
BlockColorPickerTransform |
ChangePasswordGeneralTransform |
This transform renders the change password dialog to the user, including the form input
fields so the setting can be updated if submitting the request.
ChangePasswordPreferencesTransform |
This transform renders the change password dialog to the user, including the form input
fields so the setting can be updated if submitting the request.
CharsetEncoderWithSpecialChar |
CharsetTranscoder |
ColorGradientEditorTransform |
ColorPickerEditorTransform |
This transform renders the color picker editor transform.
ConfirmOverwriteDialogTransform |
Title: ConfirmOverwriteDialogTransform.
ConstantPromptEditorTransform |
ControlToolbarTransform |
CubeExplorerForViewReportTransform |
CurrentItemTransform |
This class is used to render the path section of a page.
It renders the Back/Forward buttons as well as links and information about the
object being displayed in the current page.
DataExplorerElementsWidgetTransform |
DataExplorerFolderWidgetTransform |
DataExplorerTransform |
DataExplorerWidgetTransform |
DataImportTransform |
DataProviderCartRenderer |
DatasetObjectExplorerTransform |
DatasetSelectorCartRenderer |
DerivedElementCalculationTransform |
This transform is used to render Calculation Derived Element.
DerivedElementFilterTransform |
The DerivedElementTransform is the transform that is used to render the view and
base filters in the MicroStrategy Web GUI.
DerivedElementFormatEditorTransform |
DerivedElementListTransform |
The DerivedElementTransform is the transform that is used to render the view and
base filters in the MicroStrategy Web GUI.
DerivedElementsBrowserTransform |
DerivedElementsConvertDialogTransform |
Transform class for parsing DerivedElementsConvertDialogBean and generating its output.
DerivedElementsEditorTransform |
DerivedElementTransform |
The DerivedElementTransform is the transform that is used to render the view and
base filters in the MicroStrategy Web GUI.
DesktopPathTransform |
This class is used to render the Path in the Desktop and Summary pages.
DialogPathTransform |
This class is used to render the Path in pages that show a dialog such as the Save As page.
DirectExportTransform |
DocumentDetailsTransform |
DocumentDetailsXHTMLTransform |
This transform is used to show details of a document.
DocumentExportTransform |
DocumentExportTransform is the class that generates the output for a DocumentBean for exporting.
DocumentFastExportTransform |
DocumentFastExportTransform is the class that generates the output for a DocumentBean before fast exporting
DocumentGridToolbarBlockLoaderTransform |
DocumentSimpleTransform |
DocumentTransform is the class that generates the output for a DocumentBean.
DrillFilterEditorTransform |
This transform renders drill filter editor for the user to perform filter on selections actions on reports and RWDs.
DrillPathsComparator |
Refer to {@link ReportCellDrill.java::DrillPathsComparator}
EditorToolbarTransform |
ElementPickerTransform |
This transform renders the element picker used in prompts.
ElementsPromptEditorTransform |
EmptyTransform |
EncodeSpecialStreamingContext |
EnumRWPullDownStyleLevel |
ESRIMapTransform |
ESRIVisualizationPropertiesTransform |
This transform renders the content of the Visualization Properties Editor for the ESRI Map Visualization.
ExportOptionsEditorTransform |
ExportTransform |
This is the main Transform for Exporting.
ExpressionBlockBuilder |
ExpressionFilterTransform |
Creates consistent text for expressions
ExpressionGenericTransform |
The ExpressionGenericTransform class is a LayoutTransform which transforms an
ExpressionBean object.
ExpressionPartsImpl |
A helper class that builds a collection of expression parts that can be used
to build expression GUI.
ExpressionPlainTextTransform |
Creates consistent text for expressions
ExpressionPromptEditorTransform |
FilterAllObjectBrowserTransform |
FilterDetailsEditorTransform |
This Transform is responsible for reading the FilterDetailsFormatProperties for the Filter Details Editor
FilterDetailsFormattingEditorTransform |
FilterElementRWTransform |
FilterElementTransform |
The FilterElementTransform is the transform that is used to render the view and
base filters in the MicroStrategy Web GUI.
FilterExpressionTransform |
The FilterExpressionTransform is the transform that is used to render the view and
base filters in the MicroStrategy Web GUI.
FilterObjectBrowserTransform |
Title: FilterObjectBrowserTransform
FilterTransform |
FloatingEditorBlockTransform |
FolderAddDataSetExplorerTransform |
Deprecated. |
FolderAddDataSetTransform |
Description: The class is used to transform a Folder Bean into it's
Add Data Set mode use by the RW Add DataSet Editor.
FolderAdminBrowserTransform |
FolderBulletReportsTransform |
FolderBulletRWTransform |
FolderBulletTransform |
This class renders the folders content as a bulleted list
FolderCreateDocumentTransform |
FolderCreateReportTransform |
FolderCreateReportXHTMLTransform |
FolderDeleteObjectTransform |
This class renders the object info of the first selected item and shows an HTML Form
to have it deleted.
FolderDetailsTransform |
This transform displays the number of folder, reports and documents within the specified FolderBean
FolderFrameTreeTransform |
Transform class used to generate the visual representation of the folder as a tree in Microstrategy Web.
FolderIconRadioButtonTransform |
This transform renders the contents of a folder as a list of objects with
icons and radio buttons.
FolderIconTransform |
This class displays the content of a FolderBean as a list of icons
organized in columns.
FolderListTransform |
FolderNameHelper |
FolderObjectBrowserTransform |
Description: The class is used to transform a Folder Bean into it's
Object Brwoser mode.
FolderObjectExplorerTransform |
FolderOMDBrowserTransform |
FolderPathRenderHelper |
This helper class provides some utility methods to render folder paths.
FolderProjectBrowserTransform |
Description: The class is used to transform a Folder Bean into it's
Project Brwoser mode.
FolderQuickSearchResultsXHTMLTransform |
FolderQuickSearchTransform |
Title: FolderQuickSearchTransform.
FolderRadioButtonTransform |
FolderSaveAsBrowserTransform |
FolderSaveAsTransform |
FolderSaveAsXHTMLTransform |
This class extends the FolderSmallIconTransform by changing
the events for opening templates, filters, reports and documents.
FolderSearchResultsTransform |
FolderSearchResultsXHTMLTransform |
This class extends the FolderViewTransform by rendering specific messages
related to search results.
FolderSmallIconTransform |
This class displays the content of a FolderBean as a list of small icons.
FolderSummaryCreateDocumentTransform |
This class extends the FolderCreateDocumentTransform by
specializing in showing the information on the Summary page, mainly by
customizing the event to be triggered if folder browsing is requested.
FolderSummaryCreateReportTransform |
This class extends the FolderCreateReportXHTMLTransform by
specializing in showing the information on the Summary page, mainly by
customizing the event to be triggered if folder browsing is requested.
FolderSummaryTransform |
This class extends the FolderIconTransform by assigning to the
event used for the folder a few more arguments for enabling opening their contents
on the main folder page of the application.
FolderSummaryViewTransform |
This class extends the FolderViewTransform by assigning to the
event used for the folder a few more arguments for enabling opening their contents
on the main folder page of the application instead of the summary page.
FolderTreeTransform |
Generic Transform class that can be used to render a folder bean as a tree.
FolderViewTransform |
This transform is used by MicroStrategy Web and Web Universal
to display both the Icon View as well as the List View of folder contents.
FolderViewTransform.ClientEvent |
FolderViewWidgetTransform |
This class provides additional methods related to folder browsing used to
populate a Folder Browsing service.
FolderViewWidgetTransform.Tree |
FolderViewXMLTransform |
FormatEditorTabManagerTransform |
This transform takes care of rendering FormatTabManagerBean instances,
overwritting the original TabManagerTransform implementation by allowing all the available
children to render their HTML tab contents, and hiding with css styles and JavaScript
all but the one currently selected by the user.
FormatPromptNumberTransform |
This class transforms a FormatNumberTabBean allowing users to modify
the number formatting of a number based constant prompt.
FormatTabAlignmentTransform |
This class transforms a
FormatTabBean allowing users to modify
the corresponding alignment properties of a control.
FormatTabColorLinesTransform |
This class transforms a FormatColorLinesTabBean allowing users to modify
the corresponding color lines properties of a control, such as borders, color, etc.
FormatTabEffectsTransform |
This class transforms a
FormatTabBean allowing users to modify
the corresponding effect properties of a control.
FormatTabFontTransform |
This class transforms a FormatTabBean allowing users to modify
the corresponding font properties displayed for the text of a control.
FormatTabNumberTransform |
This class transforms a FormatNumberTabBean allowing users to modify
the number formatting of a control (in case the control displays numeric values).
FormatToolbarTransform |
Title: FormatToolbarTransform.
FormulaBarTransform |
Title: FormulaBarTransform.
FrameGenericTransform |
This transforms renders a FrameBean using a LayoutBuilder.
FunctionEditorTransform |
Transform which renders the Function Editor.
GenericEditorTransform |
GoogleMapTransform |
GoogleMapVisualizationDataTransformImpl |
GraphImageTransform |
This is the transform which renders the acual graph image.
GridAutoStylesTransform |
Title: GridAutoStylesTransform.
GroupbyPropertiesEditorTransform |
GroupPathTransform |
GuiElementsBlockTransform |
Provides several methods usefull for block transformation
typically used on the block layout file
HelpOnCBTabManagerTransform |
HyperLinkObjectExplorerTransform |
ImageLayoutVisualizationPropertiesTransform |
ImageMapVisualizationDataTransform |
This transform generates the Json data needed for the Area Mashup visualization.
ImageViewerVisualizationPropertiesTransform |
ImportDerivedElementsTransform |
InboxClearTransform |
Title: InboxListTransform.
InboxDetailsTransform |
InboxExtrasTransform |
Title: InboxExtrasTransform.
InboxListTransform |
InboxListXHTMLTransform |
Title: InboxListXHTMLTransform.
InboxToolbarTransform |
This transform renders the different options that can be offered to users on the History List
page, such as refreshing the contents, clearing them or showing more level of information about
the messages already displayed.
InsertLayoutBlockTransform |
InsertMenuBlockTransform |
InteractiveGridVisualizationDataTransform |
IPadTimeLineVisualizationPropertiesTransform |
IPhoneGridVisualizationPropertiesTransform |
IPhoneImageMapPropertiesTransform |
IPhoneMapVisualizationPropertiesTransform |
IPhoneMarkerMashupVisualizationPropertiesTransform |
IPhoneReportDataXMLTransform |
IPhoneReportGridCellColHeaderImpl |
IPhoneReportGridCellMetricValueImpl |
IPhoneReportGridCellRowHeaderImpl |
IPhoneReportGridTransformImpl |
IPhoneReportInteractiveGridXMLTransform |
IPhoneReportMapXMLTransform |
IPhoneReportXMLTransform |
IPhoneRWTransform |
Title: MSTR Web Transform Component: IPhoneRWTransform
Description: Provides report bean a grid view
Company: MicroStrategy
IPhoneTimeSeriesEditorTransform |
JsonRWDTransform |
LimitElementTransform |
A subclass of the FilterElementTransform that takes care of the
MDX report filter specific.
LimitExpressionBlockBuilder |
LoginContinueTransform |
Title: LoginContinueTransform.
LoginTransform |
This transform renders the login dialog to the user, displaying the different options
according to what the Administrator has marked as enabled for users given the IServer and
Project selected.
LoginXHTMLTransform |
This transform renders the login dialog to the user, displaying the different options
according to what the Administrator has marked as enabled for users given the IServer and
Project selected.
LogoutTransform |
This transform renders the logout dialog to the user.
MacroHelper |
MDXReportLimitElementTransform |
A subclass of the FilterElementTransform that takes care of the
MDX report filter specific.
MenuBlockTransform |
MetricQualLevelEditorTransform |
MobileChunkedAppContext |
MobileChunkedAppContext.MobileElementIDMap |
MobileChunkedAppContext.MobileObjectRefIDMap |
MobileChunkedAppContext.MobilePageIndexMap |
MobileChunkedAppContext.MobileStyleManager |
MobileChunkedGraphDataTransform |
MobileChunkedRWTransform |
MobileDataXMLTransform |
MobileGraphXMLTransform |
MobileGraphXMLTransform is a report transform that generates a simplified version of the report xml.
MobileHTMLGridTransform |
MobilePreambleXMLTransform |
MojoAttributeTransform |
MojoCustomGroupTransform |
MojoDEHelper |
MojoFolderTransform |
MojoIVETransform |
MojoMapTransform |
MojoPathTransform |
MojoRWDTransform |
MojoRWDTransform.ScriptTagExtractor |
MojoRWDTransform.TransformStringUtil |
MojoServerJsonVisualizationDataTransform |
MojoSubscriptionTransform |
MojoTemplateTransformImpl |
MojoToolbarTransform |
MojoVisualizationDataTransform |
This transform generates the report data needed for Mojo Visualizations.
MojoVisualizationDateSelectionTransform |
MojoVisualizationSimplifiedDataTransform |
This transform generates the report data needed for Mojo Visualizations.
MojoXtabTransformImpl |
MultiMediaVisualizationPropertiesTransform |
MultipleObjectSelectorTransform |
ObjectBrowserManagerTransform |
Title: ObjectBrowserManagerTransform.
ObjectBrowserTabOMDTransform |
ObjectBrowserTabProjectBrowserTransform |
ObjectBrowserTabReportAllObjectsTransform |
This Transform renders the all objects tab of the report's object browser.
ObjectBrowserTabReportWorkingSetTransform |
This Transform renders the Report objects (working set) tab of the report's object browser.
ObjectBrowserTabRWWorkingSetTransform |
ObjectExplorerBlockTransform |
ObjectInfoTransform |
This transform renders the list of Narrowcast Subscriptions from a
ObjectManipulationDialogTransform |
Title: ObjectManipulationDialogTransform.
ObjectPathTransform |
ObjectPathXHTMLTransform |
ObjectReportPathTransform |
ObjectReportXHTMLPathTransform |
ObjectSelectorProjectBrowserTransform |
ObjectSelectorTransform |
ObjectSiblingsTransform |
This transforms renders a list of siblings of a WebObject.
ObjectsPromptEditorTransform |
OIVMToolbarTransform |
This class refines the Toolbar used for the Optimized Interactive
View Mode (OIVM).
OMDCreateFolderTransform |
Title: OMDCreateFolderTransform.
PageByInfo |
PageByTransform |
The Page-by Transform generates the HTML for both, the page-by axis of a report
and the group-by section of a document.
PageSetupHTMLEditorTransform |
PathTransform |
This class is used to render the path section of a page.
It renders the Back/Forward buttons as well as links and information about the
object being displayed in the current page.
PDFTransform |
PDFTransform is the class that generates the PDF output for a PDFBean.
PreferencesDocumentTransform |
PreferencesDrillTransform |
This is the transform that render the Drill Preferences.
PreferencesExcelHeaderFooterTransform |
Transform to render the Sheet Header/Footer Editor for Excel.
PreferencesExportAdminHeaderFooterTransform |
Transform to render the Project Header/Footer Editor for Exporting.
PreferencesExportTransform |
This is the transform that renders the Export Preferences and the Export Options page.
PreferencesFolderTransform |
This is the transform that render the Office Preferences.
PreferencesGeneralTransform |
This is the transform that render the General Preferences.
PreferencesGenericTransform |
The PreferencesGenericTransform is the base class for rendering preferences
in Microstrategy Web.
PreferencesGraphTransform |
PreferencesGridProjectLevelTransform |
PreferencesGridTransform |
This is the transform that render the General Preferences.
PreferencesInboxTransform |
PreferencesLogoutTransform |
PreferencesNCTransform |
This is the transform that render the Drill Preferences.
PreferencesOfficeTransform |
This is the transform that render the Office Preferences.
PreferencesPDFReportHeaderFooterTransform |
Transform to render the PDF Report Header editor.
PreferencesPDFTransform |
This is the transform that renders the PDF Preferences and the PDF Options page.
PreferencesPrintHeaderFooterTransform |
This is the transform that render the Print Header/Footer editor.
PreferencesPrintHeaderFooterTransform.ImageButtonInformation |
This class provides the fields necessary to generate an image for a macro button.
PreferencesPrintTransform |
PreferencesProjectTransform |
PreferencesPromptsLayoutTransform |
PreferencesPromptsTransform |
PreferencesScheduleTransform |
This is the transform that render the General Preferences.
PreferencesSecurityTransform |
This is the transform that render the Security Preferences.
PreferencesToolbarTransform |
PreferencesUserGroupsTransform |
This Transform renders the list of user groups as defined in the Preferences bean
PrintTransform |
ProjectBrowserTransform |
ProjectStatusTransform |
This transform renders the information that the ProjectStatus bean contains about
the status of the project - if enabled by a project administrator.
ProjectsTransform |
This transform renders the list of projects to show to the user for logging in.
PromptAnswerTransform |
PromptCartTransform |
PromptCartXHTMLTransform |
Renders prompt content in a "shopping cart" style.
PromptCheckboxTransform |
Renders each available item with a checkbox, items checked become the answer.
PromptConstantTransform |
User must type the answer using a textbox.
PromptConstantWidgetTransform |
PromptDetailsTransform |
This transform renders the prompt details on the report page.
PromptDimtyWidgetTransform |
PromptEditorJavaScriptBoneTransform |
PromptEditorTabManagerTransform |
PromptEditorTabTransform |
PromptElementsWidgetTransform |
PromptExpressionCartTransform |
PromptExpressionCartWithPickerTransform |
This transform renders the expression prompt with additional
inputs to display the element picker.
PromptExpressionCartXHTMLTransform |
Renders Expression prompt in "shopping cart" style.
PromptExpressionListTransform |
Renders each available expression item with a radio button, when one item is selected
previous is deselected.
PromptExpressionNonCartTransform |
Renders each available expression item with a radio button, when one item is selected
previous is deselected.
PromptExpressionTextboxTransform |
Renders each available expression item with a radio button, when one item is selected
previous is deselected.
PromptExpressionTransform |
This transform is meant to be used by Expression and Hierarchical prompts through
CartExpression class.
PromptExpressionWidgetTransform |
PromptHierarchicalCartTransform |
PromptHierarchicalCartXHTMLTransform |
Renders a hierarhical prompt in "shopping cart" style.
PromptHierarchicalTreeTransform |
PromptHierarchicalTreeXHTMLTransform |
Renders hierarchical prompt in "tree" style, with the attribute
populated dynamically using javascript, as the user expands in nodes.
PromptHierarchyWidgetTransform |
This transform is used to render a hierarchy qualification prompt.
PromptListboxTransform |
Renders the list of available items inside a listbox, items selected
become the answer.
PromptObjectBrowsingTransform |
PromptObjectBrowsingXHTMLTransform |
Renders prompt content in a "shopping cart" style with a browseable folder path.
PromptObjectWidgetTransform |
PromptPathTransform |
Extended implementation for PathTransform , by rendering
a simple parent folder if prompt definition object is new.
PromptRadioTransform |
Renders each available item with a radio button, when one item is selected
previous is deselected.
PromptsClassicTransform |
Title: PromptsClassicTransform
PromptsContainerGUIStyleMapper |
PromptsContainerTransform |
This transform renders the PromptsContainerBean.
PromptsCreateReportContainerTransform |
PromptsCreateReportTransform |
The PromptsCreateReportTransform customizes the PromptsClassicTransform
to use it within the Create Report/Document page.
PromptsIFrameTransform |
PromptsSubscriptionTransform |
Extends PromptsClassicTransform by changing the form to work with the
Scheduling and Subscription beans.
PromptsSummaryTransform |
PromptXSLTransform |
The PromptXSLTransform delegates generation of the HTML of a
prompt to an external xsl transformation.
ReportAjaxMojoVisualizationTransform |
This transform is used to render the Ajax Mojo visualizations.
ReportAjaxVisualizationTransform |
This transform serves as the base for a AJAX/DHTML visualization.
ReportDesignModeTransformImpl |
The ReportDesignModeTransformImpl generates a grid visualization of the Report
that allows to modify its definition.
ReportDetailsPanelTransform |
This transform renders the report details panel contents on the report page.
ReportDetailsTransform |
ReportDetailsXHTMLTransform |
This transform is used to show details of a report.
ReportDisplayCellsFactory |
The ReportDisplayCellsFactory is introduced to generate a new cell instance of particular type if such an instance doesn't
exist in the factory.
ReportErrorVisualizationTransform |
Displays an error message for a visualization
ReportExportExcelFormattingTransform |
ReportExportExcelFormatTransform |
ReportExportHTMLFormatTransform |
ReportExportHTMLTransform |
ReportExportIServerTransform |
This is the Transform that exports a Report Bean to Excel with formatting, Excel with Plaintext, CSV or plaintext.
ReportExportPlainTextTransform |
ReportTransformExportPlain is the class that generates the output for a ReportBean in plaintext format for exporting to a text file
Used for exporting to plaintext, CSV and Excel with plaintext.
ReportFlashTransform |
This Transform generates an embeded flash object tag.
ReportFrameClassicTransform |
ReportFrameGenericTransform |
This transforms renders a ReportFrameBean using a LayoutBuilder.
ReportGoogleGraphVisualizationTransform |
Generates a graph representation of the report using the Google Visualization API.
More information about Google's Visualization API can be found at: http://code.google.com/apis/visualization/documentation/index.html
This transform requires a report with 1 or more attributes on the row axis and 1 or more metrics on the column axis
It supports the following graph types based on the graph major type (read from the report graph properties):
Horizontal Bar
Vertical Area
Vertical Bar (default)
ReportGraphDesignTransform |
ReportGraphImageTransform |
ReportGraphTransformImpl |
Provides a graph view to the report bean.
ReportGridCellColHeaderImpl |
The ReportGridCellColHeaderImpl is used to generate the HTML
of a cell of that is a value of the column axis.
ReportGridCellColHeaderImpl.ColHeaderPivotButtonInfo |
Helper class for storing pivot button information - such as JavaScript id, descriptor
(tooltip) and image name - based on the action that can be performed given the current
selected target.
ReportGridCellColTitleImpl |
The ReportGridCellColTitle is used to generate the HTML
of a cell of that is a title of the column axis.
ReportGridCellImpl |
ReportGridCellMetricValueImpl |
The ReportGridCellMetricValue is used to generate the HTML of a cell value of the report data.
ReportGridCellRowHeaderImpl |
The ReportGridCellRowHeaderImpl is used to generate the HTML
of a cell of that is a value of the row axis.
ReportGridCellRowTitleImpl |
The ReportGridCellRowTitleImpl is used to generate the HTML
of a cell of that is a title of the row axis.
ReportGridDisplayCellColHeader |
ReportGridDisplayCellColTitle |
ReportGridDisplayCellImpl |
ReportGridDisplayCellMetricValue |
ReportGridDisplayCellRowHeader |
ReportGridDisplayCellRowTitle |
ReportGridExcelCellColHeaderImpl |
ReportGridExcelCellColTitleImpl |
ReportGridExcelCellMetricValueImpl |
ReportGridExcelCellRowHeaderImpl |
ReportGridExcelCellRowTitleImpl |
ReportGridExcelTransform |
ReportGridGraphTransformImpl |
Provides a graph view to the report bean.
ReportGridHTMLTransform |
ReportGridPrintTransform |
ReportGridToolbarBlockLoaderTransform |
ReportGridTransformImpl |
The ReportGridTransformImpl generates the grid visualization of the data returned by a Report.
ReportHomeExportMenuBlockTransform |
ReportIncrementalFetchTransform |
Title: MSTR Web Transform Component: ReportIncrementalFetchTransform
Description: Provides report bean a grid view
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001
Company: MicroStrategy
ReportLastUpdateTransform |
ReportOptionsTransform |
ReportOutlineModeExcelTransform |
ReportOutlineModeHTMLTransform |
ReportOutlineModeTransformImpl |
Title: ReportOutlineModeTransformImpl.
ReportPageByInfoTransform |
Title: MSTR Web Transform Component: ReportPageByInfoTransform
Description: Provides report bean a pageby transform.
ReportPageByTransform |
ReportPathTransform |
ReportQuickLinksTransform |
ReportSavePropertiesTransform |
ReportSavePropertiesTransform is the class that generates the output for a Report to be exported.
ReportTimelineVisualizationTransform |
Generates an HTML page that shows a timeline of the report data.
ReportTimelineXMLTransform |
This transform generates the report xml necessary for the timeline AJAX visualization sample rendered by ReportTimelineVisualizationTransform
The following is a sample of the XML generated:
ReportToolbarTransform |
This Transform generates the content of the report toolbar area.
ReportTransformHelper |
ReportTransformHelper Provides utility functions used in various report transforms.
ReportWorkingSetObjectsTransform |
ReportXMLTransform |
ReportXMLTransform is a report transform that generates a simplified version of the report xml.
ResizeEditorTransform |
Title: ResizeEditorTransform.
RestrictedFolderObjectExplorerTransform |
ResultSetFrameTransform |
ResultSetStatusTransform |
This transform generates an XML that contains status information of the report such as message ID, report ID and whether is prompted or not.
RibbonToolbarTransform |
The RibonToolbarTransform class contains inner classes and utility
methods for the toolbar rendering
RWActionControlEditorTransform |
RWDColorGradientEditorTransform |
RWDetailsTransform |
This transform is used to show details of a report writing document.
RWDocPropertiesEditorTransform |
RWExportTransform |
The RWExportTransform retrieves the binary data from the RWInstance and appends it to the markup output.
RWFlashDashboardTransform |
RWFlashTransform |
This Transform generates an embeded flash object tag.
RWFrameGenericTransform |
Specific implementation of the FrameGenericTransform for the RW Frame.
RWGraphDropZonesEditorTransform |
RWGridIFRenderer |
RWGridTransform |
This is a transform of the RWBean that is used to transfrom one ViewBean contained in the document.
RWHyperLinkObjectLinks |
RWIncrementalFetchJsonGenerator |
RWIncrementalFetchTransform |
Title: MSTR Web Transform Component: RWIncrementalFetchTransform
Description: Provides report bean a grid view
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001
Company: MicroStrategy
RWLastUpdateTransform |
RWLayoutTabStripTransform |
RWLayoutTransform |
This transform displays the data of a Report Writing Document.
RWLayoutTransform.ButtonHelper |
RWOutlineViewTransform |
RWPathTransform |
Extended implementation for PathTransform , by rendering
tooltips for the RW names / alias, if applicable.
RWPDFTransform |
RWPromptsPathTransform |
RWPropertiesEditorTransform |
RWReportGraphDesignDropZoneTransformImpl |
RWReportGraphDropZoneTransformImpl |
RWSavePropertiesTransform |
RWSavePropertiesTransform is the class that generates the output for a Report Writing document to be exported.
RWSectionsVisitor |
RWTransformHelper |
RWXMLTransform |
ReportXMLTransform is a report transform that generates a simplified version of the report xml.
SaveAsReportTransform |
This transform renders the save as dialog to the user.
SaveAsRWTransform |
This transform renders the save as dialog to the user.
SaveAsTransform |
This transform renders the save as dialog to the user.
SaveObjectAsDialogTransform |
Title: SaveObjectAsDialogTransform.
ScheduleEditTransform |
ScheduleOverwriteTransform |
SchedulesBulletTransform |
SchedulesFilteredListTransform |
SchedulesFilteredListXHTMLTransform |
SchedulesIconTransform |
SchedulesIconXHTMLTransform |
SchedulesListTransform |
SchedulesListXHTMLTransform |
SearchSimpleTransform |
Transform for the search page
SearchSuggestTransform |
Transform for the search page
SecondaryDataSourcesEditorTransform |
Transform used to display the content of the Secondary Data Providers editor.
SecurityFilterExpressionTransform |
SecurityFilterFrameTransform |
SecurityFilterTransform |
SecurityRoleEditorTransform |
SecurityRolePathTransform |
SecurityRoleUserEntitiesSelectorTransform |
ShareURLTransform |
SimpleThresholdsEditorTransform |
SingleObjectSelectorTransform |
SJISModifier |
SortEditorTransform |
This transform renders the list of projects to show to the user for logging in.
SortGeneralTransform |
SortTabBeanTransform |
SubscriptionCacheWidgetImpl |
SubscriptionConfirmSendNowTransform |
This class renders the confirmation message on a successful Send Now email subscription.
SubscriptionConfirmTransform |
This class renders the confirmation message on a successful Email, File or Print subscription.
SubscriptionContactsBrowserTransform |
SubscriptionEditCacheTransform |
SubscriptionEditFileTransform |
This class renders the output to create/edit an file export subscription.
SubscriptionEditFTPTransform |
This class renders the output to create/edit an ftp subscription.
SubscriptionEditInboxTransform |
SubscriptionEditMobileTransform |
SubscriptionEditPrintTransform |
This class renders the output to create/edit an file export subscription.
SubscriptionEditTransform |
This class renders the output to create/edit an email subscription.
SubscriptionFileWidgetImpl |
SubscriptionFrameTransform |
SubscriptionHistoryListWidgetImpl |
SubscriptionMobileWidgetImpl |
SubscriptionPersonalViewTransform |
SubscriptionPersonalViewTransform.SubscriptionPersonalViewWidgetImpl |
SubscriptionsBulletTransform |
This transform renders the list of emanil Subscriptions from a
SubscriptionFolderBean as bullet icons.
SubscriptionsEditorHistoryListTransform |
SubscriptionsEditorMobileTransform |
SubscriptionsEditorNCCacheTransform |
SubscriptionsEditorNCFileTransform |
Title: SubscriptionsEditorNCFileTransform.
SubscriptionsEditorNCFTPTransform |
Title: SubscriptionsEditorNCPFTPTransform.
SubscriptionsEditorNCPrintTransform |
Title: SubscriptionsEditorNCPrintTransform.
SubscriptionsEditorNCSendNowTransform |
Title: SubscriptionsEditorNCSendNowTransform.
SubscriptionsEditorNCTransform |
Title: SubscriptionsEditorNCTransform.
SubscriptionsEditorPersonalViewTransform |
SubscriptionsEditorTransform |
SubscriptionSendNowTransform |
This class renders the output to create a Send Now subscription.
SubscriptionsFilteredListTransform |
SubscriptionsFilteredListXHTMLTransform |
This transform renders the list of Narrowcast Subscriptions from a
SubscriptionFolderBean for a particular Object.
SubscriptionsIconTransform |
SubscriptionsIconXHTMLTransform |
This transform renders the list of Narrowcast Subscriptions from a
SubscriptionFolderBean as Large Icons.
SubscriptionsListTransform |
SubscriptionsListXHTMLTransform |
This transform renders the list of Narrowcast Subscriptions from a
SubscriptionsPageByAttributesTransform |
Returns a JSON with the list of attributes on a report's page by axis or a report services' group by axis
Used by the File subscription's bursting feature.
SubsetViewLimitElementDialogTransform |
SubsetViewLimitElementTransform |
A subclass of the FilterElementTransform that takes care of the
MDX report filter specific.
SubtotalDefinition |
Title: SubtotalDefinition.
SubtotalsDHTMLTransform |
SubtotalsEditorTabManagerTransform |
SubtotalsEditorTransform |
This transform renders the subtotals editor.
SurveyVisualizationPropertiesTransform |
TabBeanTransform |
Title: TabBeanTransform
TabDocumentAdvancedTransform |
TabDocumentExportTransform |
TabDocumentOtherTransform |
TabDocumentTableOfContentsTransform |
TabDocumentWatermarkTransform |
TabGraphAdvancedTransform |
This class transforms a TabBean allowing users to view/modify
advanced graph properties (like graph series by rows, subtotals, font resizing, etc) of a graph.
TabGraphAxesTransform |
This class transforms a TabBean allowing users to modify
axis properties (like max/min values) of a graph.
TabGraphGeneralTransform |
This class transforms a TabBean allowing users to view/modify
general graph properties (like graph type, subtype, categories, etc) of a graph.
TabGraphNumberTransform |
TabGraphOptionsTransform |
TabGraphTitlesTransform |
This class transforms a TabBean allowing users to view/modify
formatting properties for the graph titles (mainly font properties).
TabLayoutTransform |
TabManagerTransform |
This transform can be used as base for the transforms that will
take care of rendering TabManagerBean instances.
TabPageMarginTransform |
This class transforms a TabBean allowing users to view/modify
the page margins.
TabPageOutputTransform |
TabPageSetupTransform |
This class transforms a TabBean allowing users to view/modify
general page output properties (like graphs format, PDF settings, horizontal fit).
TabPropertiesAdvancedTransform |
TabPropertiesDeliveryTransform |
TabPropertiesFlashTransform |
This transform renders the Flash tab in document properties dialog.
TabPropertiesGeneralTransform |
This class transforms a TabBean allowing users to view/modify
general properties (like name, type, tooltip) of a control.
TabPropertiesGridTransform |
This class transforms a TabBean allowing users to view/modify
properties of a grid (like header options, shows thresholds, etc).
TabPropertiesLayoutTransform |
Title: TabPropertiesLayoutTransform.
TabPropertiesLineTransform |
This class transforms a TabBean allowing users to view/modify
the properties of a line control (for example, orientation).
TabPropertiesOtherGridTransform |
TabPropertiesPictureTransform |
This class transforms a TabBean allowing users to view/modify
the properties of an image control (for example, its source).
TabPropertiesSelectorTransform |
This transform renders the content for selector tab of report writing document property dialog.
TabSectionsTransform |
TemplateFilterExecTransform |
This transform renders the template-filter execution widget.
TemplateFilterExecXHTMLTransform |
TemplateFilterExecXHTMLTransform extends TemplateFilterExecTransform by
generating a different HTML strucutre, which is XHTML compliant and uses
external css files for all formatting.
ThresholdExpressionTransform |
ThresholdsEditorTransform |
ThresholdsFormatEditorTransform |
TimelineMojoVisualizationDataTransform |
TimeSeriesVisualizationDataTransform |
This transform generates the report data needed for the Mojo Time Seies Visualization.
ToolbarSetTransform |
This transforms handles ToolbarSetBean instances for rendering its different
ToolbarBean instances defined as children one after the other.
ToolbarTransform |
Title: ToolbarTransform.
TransactionExpressionBlockBuilder |
TranscodingStreamingContext |
TreePickerVisualizationPropertiesTransform |
TreeTabManagerTransform |
UserAddressListTransform |
This transform is used to list and edit Narrowcast Addresses.
UserAnalysisQuotaEditorTransform |
UserContactsBrowserCartTransform |
UserEntitiesSelectorTreeCartTransform |
UserEntitiesTransform |
UserEntityEditorTransform |
UserEntityPrivilegesTransform |
This transform generates the dialog that allows modifying Privileges for a user or group.
It displays each project loaded in the Intelligence-Server as a column and privileges
are groups in categories and displayed at the row.
The transform doesn't generate the information about whether a specific privilege is
granted for a particular project, this generation is calculated in the client using javascript
based on the information generated by this Transform.
UserGroupTransform |
ViewBeanTransformHelper |
ViewBeanTransformHelper Provides utility functions used in report transforms
ViewFilterEditorRWTransform |
Transforms the View Filter panel bean to display the View Filter Editor used for grids in documents
ViewFilterElementPanelTransform |
This transform displays the View Filter Panel on the Report page.
ViewFilterElementRWTransform |
Called by ViewFilterEditorRWTransform to render the the view filter in the MicroStrategy Web GUI
for crosstab objects contained in a report writing document.
ViewFilterElementTransform |
Filter Element used to display the View Filter on the report page.
VIMojoAttributeFormTransform |
VisualizationPropertiesEditorTransform |
This transform generates the content for the Visualization Properties Editor which allows users to save visualization-specific custom properties
VisualizationPropertiesTransform |
VisualizationsEditorTransform |
This transform used by the visualizations editor bean.
VisualizationsHelper |
This is a helper class with methods to validate WebVisualizationSettings from different type
of beans.
VisualizationsHelper.PrepareStringForXMLParser |
replace the xml specific charcters, including "&", "<", ">"
only replace the content in ""
WebHyperLinkEditorTransform |
WebSubscriptionTransformHelper |
WidgetTransformHelper |
WizardStepTransform |
WizardTransform |
This transform will act as HTML container for a Wizard.
XDADataExplorerTransform |