Class FolderViewTransform

    • Field Detail


        public static final int CM_FLAG_CREATE_SHORTCUT
        To customize context-menus use the xml-definition specified by AbstractAppTransform.contextMenus
        Flag value for the contextMenuFlags formal parameter. Specifies that the Create Shortcut context menu entry shall be rendered by transform.
        Value = 4
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int CM_FLAG_DELETE
        To customize context-menus use the xml-definition specified by AbstractAppTransform.contextMenus
        Flag value for the contextMenuFlags formal parameter. Specifies that the Delete context menu entry shall be rendered by transform.
        Value = 8
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int CM_FLAG_RENAME
        To customize context-menus use the xml-definition specified by AbstractAppTransform.contextMenus
        Flag value for the contextMenuFlags formal parameter. Specifies that the Rename context menu entry shall be rendered by transform.
        Value = 16
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int CM_FLAG_PROPERTIES
        To customize context-menus use the xml-definition specified by AbstractAppTransform.contextMenus
        Flag value for the contextMenuFlags formal parameter. Specifies that the Properties context menu entry shall be rendered by transform.
        Value = 32
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String FP_CONTEXT_MENU_FLAGS
        To customize context-menus use the xml-definition specified by AbstractAppTransform.contextMenus
        Constant specifying the name of the formal parameter for controlling context menu. Value is contextMenuFlags.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • contextMenuFlags

        public FormalParameter contextMenuFlags
        To customize context-menus use the xml-definition specified by AbstractAppTransform.contextMenus
        Indicates the options to display on each context menu for the different items on the folder. The options may include copy, create shortcut, move, etc. Multiple options might be rendered at the same time. For indicating which ones to show, the value to assign to this formal parameter should be a bitwise flag combining constants such as CM_FLAG_COPY, CM_FLAG_MOVE, etc. Usage: If copy and move options should be displayed, the value to assign to the formal parameter would be 3 (1 + 2). Default value is CM_FLAG_ALL
      • id

        protected FormalParameter id
        Indicates the name of the outer shell for all folder modes.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • renderLinks

        protected FormalParameter renderLinks
        Indicates that if the user want's to render folder browsing links, by default it is set to true.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FolderViewTransform

        public FolderViewTransform()
        Default no-argument constructor. Initializes formal parameters.
    • Method Detail

      • getDescription

        public java.lang.String getDescription()
        Return the description for this Transform
        String with the description for the transform.
      • addSummaryAttribute

        public java.util.Map addSummaryAttribute()
        Return the Summary Attribute to be used in the table for the transform.
        java.util.Map with the attribute name (as key) and the value.
      • renderFolderName

        public void renderFolderName​(MarkupOutput out)
        Renders the name of the current folder.
        out - MarkupOutput instance with the output by this transform
      • renderFolderDescription

        public void renderFolderDescription​(MarkupOutput out)
        Renders the description of the current folder.
        out - MarkupOutput instance with the output by this transform
      • getFolderObjects

        public java.util.ArrayList getFolderObjects()
        Retrieve the list of the objects in the folder.
        java.util.ArrayList with the contents as WebObjectInfo WebObjectInfo
      • renderIconInfo

        public void renderIconInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                   WebObjectInfo object,
                                   boolean includeStyleAttribute)
        Write out the image information for a single object. The css class of the image (which defines the GIF to use) is determined by the object type. The image will be rendered as a link if the event according to the object type, provided by the getEvent() method, is available.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
        includeStyleAttribute - boolean value indicating if css style should be added to the icon information generated.
      • renderLayeredIconInfo

        public void renderLayeredIconInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                          WebObjectInfo object,
                                          boolean includeStyleAttribute)
        Similar to AbstractObjectInfoListTransform.renderIconInfo(MarkupOutput, WebObjectInfo), but instead of generating an IMG tag, having a transparent image as its source and a background image assigned via the CSS style, it will now generate a SPAN tag which will have the same css class defined (where the background image is indicated) and an inner SPAN for the layering effect, in case an additional image has to be included, on top of the original (for example, a shortcut arrow, a red error sign, etc).
        renderLayeredIconInfo in class AbstractObjectInfoListTransform
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
        includeStyleAttribute - boolean value indicating if css style should be added to the icon information generated.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • renderLayeredIconInfo

        public void renderLayeredIconInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                          WebObjectInfo object,
                                          boolean includeStyleAttribute,
                                          boolean largeIconView)
        NOTE: overloaded to accept additional parameter 'iconView' for new style process Similar to AbstractObjectInfoListTransform.renderIconInfo(MarkupOutput, WebObjectInfo), but instead of generating an IMG tag, having a transparent image as its source and a background image assigned via the CSS style, it will now generate a SPAN tag which will have the same css class defined (where the background image is indicated) and an inner SPAN for the layering effect, in case an additional image has to be included, on top of the original (for example, a shortcut arrow, a red error sign, etc).
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
        includeStyleAttribute - boolean value indicating if css style should be added to the icon information generated.
        largeIconView - flag indicating if it is generating a large icon view of folders
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • renderSubscriptionInfo

        public void renderSubscriptionInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                           WebObjectInfo object,
                                           boolean renderLinkAsText)
        Write out subscription information for a single object, as a link based on the event generated by the getSubscriptionsEvent() method and the user privileges. with CSS class defined as sub.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
        renderLinkAsText - boolean determine whether to render the URL as text. (otherwise it is rendered as an image).
      • renderSendNowInfo

        public void renderSendNowInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                      WebObjectInfo object,
                                      boolean renderLinkAsText)
        Write out narrocast send now information for a single object, as a link based on the event generated by the getSendNowEvent() method. with CSS class defined as snd.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
        renderLinkAsText - boolean determine whether to render the URL as text. (otherwise it is rendered as an image).
      • getDeleteTooltip

        protected java.lang.String getDeleteTooltip​(WebObjectInfo object)
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • shouldDisplayDeleteInfo

        protected boolean shouldDisplayDeleteInfo()
        boolean value indicating if the delete information should be displayed or not. By default, it tests on formal parameters and other environment conditions that determine if the delete link should be rendered. No test about privileges or security is done at this level.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • renderDeleteInfo

        public void renderDeleteInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                     WebObjectInfo object,
                                     boolean renderLinkAsText)
        Write out delete information for a single object, as a link based on the event generated by the getDeleteEvent() method and the user privileges. with CSS class defined as del.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
        renderLinkAsText - boolean determine whether to render the URL as text. (otherwise it is rendered as an image).
      • renderEditInfo

        public void renderEditInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                   WebObjectInfo object,
                                   boolean renderLinkAsText)
        Write out edit information for a single object, as a link based on the event generated by the getEditEvent() method and the user privileges. with CSS class defined as edi.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
        renderLinkAsText - boolean determine whether to render the URL as text. (otherwise it is rendered as an image).
      • canCopy

        public boolean canCopy​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Checks if all privileges and access control are enabled to make a copy of the object.
        object - the corresponding WebObjectInfo
      • canMove

        public boolean canMove​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Checks if all privileges and access control are enabled to change the location of the object.
        object - the corresponding WebObjectInfo
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.1
      • canCreateShortcut

        public boolean canCreateShortcut​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Checks if all privileges and access control are enabled to create a Shortcut to the given object.
        object - the corresponding WebObjectInfo
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.1
      • canRename

        public boolean canRename​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Checks if all privileges and access control are enabled to rename the given object.
        object - the corresponding WebObjectInfo
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.1
      • canDisplayProperties

        public boolean canDisplayProperties​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Checks if all privileges and access control are enabled to display the properties of the given object.
        object - the corresponding WebObjectInfo
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.1
      • hasMultipleRunModesAvailable

        public boolean hasMultipleRunModesAvailable​(WebObjectInfo object)
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getCopyEvent

        public WebEvent getCopyEvent​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Returns an event to make a copy of the object.
        object - the corresponding WebObjectInfo
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.1
      • getMoveEvent

        public WebEvent getMoveEvent​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Returns an event to change the location of the object.
        object - the corresponding WebObjectInfo
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.1
      • getCreateShortcutEvent

        public WebEvent getCreateShortcutEvent​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Returns an event to create a Shortcut to the given object.
        object - the corresponding WebObjectInfo
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.1
      • getRenameEvent

        public WebEvent getRenameEvent​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Returns an event to rename the given object.
        object - the corresponding WebObjectInfo
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.1
      • getDisplayPropertiesEvent

        public WebEvent getDisplayPropertiesEvent​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Returns an event to show the properties of the given object.
        object - the corresponding WebObjectInfo
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.1
      • getOpenObjectManipulationDialogEvent

        protected WebEvent getOpenObjectManipulationDialogEvent​(WebObjectInfo object,
                                                                int action)

        Returns an event to open the object manipulation dialog. This event is the one actually triggered by several of the actions inside a folder, like copy/move/properties/rename. All these events internally call this passing the corresponding action. The actions are defined in the ObjectManipulationDialogBean itself.

        object - WebObjectInfo the object info to manipulate
        action - the action to trigger. Possible actions are defined in the ObjectManipulationDialogBean
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.1
      • getExportEvent

        public WebEvent getExportEvent​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Overwrites the parent method by assigning a target to the event, corresponding to the user preference on where the export result should be displayed
        getExportEvent in class AbstractFolderTransform
        object - the WebObjectInfo instance which will be exported if the event is called.
        an initialized WebEvent object if the application supports it. Otherwise, will return null.
      • renderExport

        public void renderExport​(MarkupOutput out,
                                 WebObjectInfo object,
                                 boolean renderLinkAsText)
        Write out information for exporting a single object, as a link based on the event generated by the getExportEvent() method and the user privileges. with CSS class defined as exp.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
        renderLinkAsText - boolean determine whether to render the URL as text. (otherwise it is rendered as an image).
      • getPDFExportEvent

        public WebEvent getPDFExportEvent​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Overwrites the parent method by assigning a target to the event, corresponding to the user preference on where the export result should be displayed
        getPDFExportEvent in class AbstractFolderTransform
        object - the WebObjectInfo instance which will be exported if the event is called.
        an initialized WebEvent object if the application supports it. Otherwise, will return null.
      • getFlashExportEvent

        public WebEvent getFlashExportEvent​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Overwrites the parent method by assigning a target to the event, corresponding to the user preference on where the export result should be displayed
        getFlashExportEvent in class AbstractFolderTransform
        object - the WebObjectInfo instance which will be exported if the event is called.
        an initialized WebEvent object if the application supports it. Otherwise, will return null.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • renderPDFExport

        public void renderPDFExport​(MarkupOutput out,
                                    WebObjectInfo object,
                                    boolean renderLinkAsText)
        Write out information for exporting to PDF a single object, as a link based on the event generated by the getPDFExportEvent() method and the user privileges. with CSS class defined as pdf.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to display
        object - WebObjectInfo to be rendered.
        renderLinkAsText - boolean determine whether to render the URL as text. (otherwise it is rendered as an image).
      • getActionImageSrc

        protected java.lang.String getActionImageSrc​(java.lang.String action)
        Get the image source to display as part of the action button. This method is called only when the user has turned on Accessibility mode under Preferences.
        action - String indicating the ID of the action from where the source should be calculated. For example, values like pdf, sub, del or exp are expected
        String with the source to use for the image to display.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.1.1
      • isFolderNotNull

        public boolean isFolderNotNull​(WebObjectInfo object)
        Convenience method to check object is Null.
        object - WebObjectInfo Object to be checked for null.
        true if the object is not null.
      • isActionsTabAvailable

        public boolean isActionsTabAvailable()
        Convenience method to check whether we need to render the Actions Tab based on the features available.
        true if there is atleast one feature is available. (PDF,Export,SendNow,Subscriptions,DesignMode,Delete).
      • renderEmptyCellForActions

        protected void renderEmptyCellForActions​(MarkupOutput out,
                                                 boolean renderCellAsText)
        Convenience method that renders the content for the action. If the renderCellAsText is false it renders a transparent blank image.
        out - MarkupOutput instance to write output to.
        renderCellAsText - for the text based rendering.
      • getFolderName

        public java.lang.String getFolderName​(WebFolder folder)
      • checkContextMenuFlag

        public boolean checkContextMenuFlag​(int flag)
        Check if the level parameter value contains this flag. This method calls checkLevel(FormalParameter, int) using the contextMenuFlags parameter
        flag - value to test for
        true means the level flag is included in the levelFlag formal parameter value
      • getObjectID

        public java.lang.String getObjectID​(WebObjectInfo object)
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getCreateDocumentFromReportEvent

        public WebEvent getCreateDocumentFromReportEvent​(WebObjectInfo object)
      • getCreateDocumentFromThemeEvent

        public WebEvent getCreateDocumentFromThemeEvent​(WebObjectInfo object)
      • getCreateDocumentFromDossierEvent

        public WebEvent getCreateDocumentFromDossierEvent​(WebObjectInfo object)
      • getCreateAnalysisFromReportEvent

        public WebEvent getCreateAnalysisFromReportEvent​(WebObjectInfo object)
      • getCreateHTML5VIFromReportEvent

        public WebEvent getCreateHTML5VIFromReportEvent​(WebObjectInfo object,
                                                        boolean isJsonMode)
      • getNewFilterEvent

        public WebEvent getNewFilterEvent()
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getNewPromptEvent

        public WebEvent getNewPromptEvent​(java.lang.String promptType,
                                          java.lang.String promptExpressionType)
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getID

        public java.lang.String getID()
        Description copied from class: AbstractAppTransform
        Returns the unique name of the component to be used as the ID for its shell. This id is used for updating the page using the iFrame technology, and as the id for the corresponding bone (if any).
        Specified by:
        getID in interface Transform
        getID in class AbstractAppTransform
        the component's unique id
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • generateAnchor

        protected AnchorTag generateAnchor​(WebEvent event,
                                           WebObjectInfo obj)
        Generates anchor based on event. This method will check for ClientEvent, the type only known by this class
        event -
        obj -
      • generateAnchor

        protected AnchorTag generateAnchor​(WebEvent event)
        Generates anchor based on event. This method will check for ClientEvent, the type only known by this class
        generateAnchor in class AbstractAppTransform
        event -
      • renderMenuArrow

        public void renderMenuArrow​(MarkupOutput out)
        Render a "down" arrow to open context menu when clicking
      • getTimestamp

        public java.lang.String getTimestamp​(WebObjectInfo object)
      • getObjectModificationTimeStamp

        public java.lang.String getObjectModificationTimeStamp​(WebObjectInfo object)