Class ReportGridDisplayCellRowTitle

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    ReportGridCell, ReportGridCellRowTitle, ReportGridCellTitle, ReportGridDisplayCell, java.lang.Cloneable

    public class ReportGridDisplayCellRowTitle
    extends ReportGridDisplayCellImpl
    implements ReportGridCellRowTitle
    Please use the ReportGridCellRowTitle interface or extend the ReportGridCellRowTitleImpl class.
    This class represents a Row Title cell cell of the report grid.
    This class has been deprecated along with all the ReportGridDisplayCell classes.
    In its place, the Transform manipulates the cells through the ReportGridCell interface.
    MicroStrategy Web 7.3.1 or earlier
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReportGridDisplayCellRowTitle

        public ReportGridDisplayCellRowTitle()
        Constructor used for creating a generic display cell.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • ReportGridDisplayCellRowTitle

        public ReportGridDisplayCellRowTitle​(FormalParameters formalParas)
        Constructor used for creating a generic display cell.
        formalParas - all the formal parameters from the report transform. Used to control some output generation. For example, the cssPrefix is needed for the empty cells in design mode.
      • ReportGridDisplayCellRowTitle

        public ReportGridDisplayCellRowTitle​(ReportBean rb,
                                             WebTemplateUnit unit,
                                             java.util.HashMap cachedObjects)
        Constructor used in displaying template editor in design mode. As single action doesn't apply the changes to I-server until "Execute"/"Sava as" button is clicked, ReportGrid is not updated for intermediate user actions, we shall not use WebHeader to build this DisplayCell
        rb - the associated report bean
        unit - the associated template unit
        cachedObjects - cached object, used to store some information shared across multiple cells
      • ReportGridDisplayCellRowTitle

        public ReportGridDisplayCellRowTitle​(ReportBean rb,
                                             WebTitle title,
                                             java.util.HashMap cachedObjects)
        Constructor used for report grid display in execute mode.
        rb - the associated report bean
        title - the associated row title
        cachedObjects - cached object, used to store some information shared across multiple cells