Class TabDocumentOtherTransform

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AppTransform, LayoutTransform, Transform

    public class TabDocumentOtherTransform
    extends AbstractTabTransform
    implements LayoutTransform
    - Since we now use the JUIL architecture, these transforms are no longer being used.

    This class transforms a TabBean allowing users to view/modify general properties of a dodument (for example, default grid's autostyles and exporting options). As with other TabTransforms, this one assumes its TabManagerBean will take care of rendering the required HTML & Javascript allowing users to switch between different formatting TabBean instances.

    The output of this transform is divided into three sections:

  • Miscellaneous section.
  • Export options Section
  • Conditional Formatting Section
    Each one of these sections has its own render method.

    This Transform implements LayoutTransform, therefore its render methods can be invoked using a custom layout-xml. When this is the case, the layout-xml specified in the style-catalog controls which methods are called and in which order. Otherwise, the default output of this transform changes depending on the selection. By default is as:
         Contents / ContentsBody
         |                                   |
         |  Misc Section                     |
         |                                   |
         |                                   |
         |  Mobile Section           |
         |                                   |
         |                                   |
         |  Conditional Formatting Section   |
         |                                   |
MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0