Class RWFlashTransform

    • Field Detail

      • flashFile

        public FormalParameter flashFile
        The name of the flash SWF file to include. Allowed values: String values
      • containerWidth

        protected FormalParameter containerWidth
        Specifies the width (in any measure accepted by the web-browser) of the element rendered by this transform. Its value can be specified on the request as "containerWidth" and this will overwrite the existing value.
      • containerHeight

        protected FormalParameter containerHeight
        Specifies the height (in any measure accepted by the web-browser) of the element rendered by this transform. Its value can be specified on the request as "containerHeight" and this will overwrite the existing value.
      • extraFlashVars

        protected FormalParameter extraFlashVars
        to add extra flashvars please extend Transform and overwrite getFlashVars()
        The value of this parameter specifies a collection of extra flashVar variables that will be passed to the embedded flash object. These variables consist of name/value pairs in the following format:
        If set through the styleCatalog.xml, the '&' must be encoded, so it should be "name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=value3"
      • includeBaseURL

        protected FormalParameter includeBaseURL
        Adds a FlashVar named "baseURL" that contains a URL that can be used to access MicroStrategy Web from Flash.
        This link includes the session manager state which is used to restore the session
      • useJS

        protected FormalParameter useJS
        Whether to use Javascript to render the embeded Flash Object.
        Javascript is used validate that the proper version of Flash is installed on the client.
        Its value can be specified on the request as "useJS" and this will overwrite the existing value.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.1.1
    • Constructor Detail

      • RWFlashTransform

        public RWFlashTransform()
        Default no-args constructor, initializes formal parameters.