Interface ReportGridCellHeader

    • Method Detail

      • init

        void init​(WebComponent wc,
                  WebTemplateMetric metric,
                  java.util.HashMap cachedObjects)
        please use the interface that takes a TransformContext object instance as parameter
        This method is called to initialize the cell in design mode. It receives a WebTemplateMetric as the underlying SDK object.
        wc - The bean being transformed.
        metric - The WebTemplateMetric corresponding to this cell.
        cachedObjects - A HashMap populated by the transform and used to store information shared across multiple cells.
      • init

        void init​(WebComponent wc,
                  WebHeader header,
                  java.util.HashMap cachedObjects)
        please use the interface that takes a TransformContext object instance as parameter
        This method is called to initialize the cell in view mode. It receives a WebHeader as the underlying SDK object.
        wc - The bean being transformed.
        header - The WebHeader corresponding to this cell.
        cachedObjects - A HashMap populated by the transform and used to store information shared across multiple cells.
      • init

        void init​(TransformContext context,
                  WebHeader header)
        This method is called to initialize the cell in view mode. It receives a WebHeader instance as the underlying SDK object
        context - TransformContext instance initialized with the grid's transform information.
        header - WebHeader instance coresponding to the cell to be displayed.
      • getWebHeader

        WebHeader getWebHeader()
        Obtain the WebHeader instance associated with this class
        WebHeader instance from where the information to be rendered by this class will be retrieved.
      • getWebTemplateMetric

        WebTemplateMetric getWebTemplateMetric​(boolean retrieve)
        Obtain the WebTemplateMetric instance associated with this class
        retrieve - boolean flag that if true indicates it will search also on the header information and the template's metric collection for the metric represented here.
        WebTemplateMetric instance from where the information to be rendered by this class will be retrieved.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.1.2
      • isMetricDrillable

        boolean isMetricDrillable​(WebHeader header,
                                  WebDrillPath drillPath)
        Utility method for determining if the current cell represents a drillable metric or not
        header - WebHeader instance of the cell currently being analyzed
        drillPath - WebDrillPath information available for the cell being analyzed
        boolean value indicating if the current cell is a drillable metric or not
      • isMetric

        boolean isMetric()
        Utility method for determining if the current cell represents a metric or not.
        boolean value indicating if the current cell instance corresponds to a metric or not.
      • getInsertMetricPercentToTotalEvent

        WebEvent getInsertMetricPercentToTotalEvent​(int axisBitMap)
        Get the event for inserting a new metric based on Percent to Total
        axisBitMap - identifier of the axis to be used for calculating the metric information. Values expected come from the EnumDSSXMLAxesBitMap enumeration.
        WebEvent initialized with the event information for inserting a new metric.
      • getInsertMetricPercentToTotalEvent

        WebEvent getInsertMetricPercentToTotalEvent​(int axisBitMap,
                                                    java.lang.String attributeID)
        Get the event for inserting a new metric based on Percent to Total
        axisBitMap - identifier of the axis to be used for calculating the metric information. Values expected come from the EnumDSSXMLAxesBitMap enumeration.
        attributeID - identifier of the attribute at which the metric will be calculated
        WebEvent initialized with the event information for inserting a new metric.
      • getInsertMetricTransformationEvent

        WebEvent getInsertMetricTransformationEvent​(java.lang.String transformationID,
                                                    int formulaType)
        Get the event for inserting a new metric based on a transformation
        transformationID - identifier of the role of the transformation to be used
        formulaType - identifier of the type of formula to be used. Values expected come from the EnumDSSXMLMetricFormulaType enumeration
        WebEvent initialized with the event information for inserting a new metric.
      • getInsertMetricRankEvent

        WebEvent getInsertMetricRankEvent​(java.lang.String attributeID,
                                          int sortOrder)
        Get the event for inserting a new metric based on a rank
        attributeID - identifier of the attribute at which the metric will be calculated
        sortOrder - int with the sort order to be used on the new rank metric. Values expected include EnumViewBeanEvents.SORT_ORDER_ASCENDING and EnumViewBeanEvents.SORT_ORDER_DESCENDING
        WebEvent initialized with the event information for inserting a new metric.