MicroStrategy ONE

Property List: Selector properties


  • Name: Identifies the control.

  • 3D effect: Sets whether the selector appears flat/two-dimensional or three-dimensional. The options are:

  • None (no 3D effect)

  • Sunken (like a pressed button)

  • Raised (like a raised button)

    The 3D effect border takes precedence over any existing border. If you later disable the 3D effect, the original border settings are restored.

  • 3D weight: The weight of the three-dimensional borders around the selector.

  • Backcolor: The background fill color of the selector.

  • Backstyle: Sets whether the background of the selector is Transparent or Opaque.

  • Border: The style and color of the borders, set using the Border tab of the Format Objects dialog box.

  • Drop shadow: Sets whether the selector uses a drop shadow for a floating effect.

  • Drop shadow depth: The weight of the drop shadow borders around the selector.

  • Font: How the font is displayed, set using the Font tab of the Format Object dialog box. Settings include the color and size, for example.

  • Forecolor: The font color. This can also be set in the Font property.

  • Gradient color: The second color to use to create a gradual color change in the selector. The Backcolor and Gradient Color are blended together.

  • Gradient variant: The direction of the shading between the Backcolor and Gradient Color. Options are Left to Right, Right to Left, Top to Bottom, Bottom to Top, Horizontal Centered, and Vertical Centered.

  • Tooltip: Contains the pop-up text that is displayed when a user positions the cursor over this control in MicroStrategy Web.

  • Visible: Determines whether the selector is visible when a user views the document. By default, it is visible.

    Even when this property is set to False, the control is still visible in Design View.


  • Action type: Defines the type of selector. The types are described below:

  • Select Elements: When the document is displayed in MicroStrategy Web, the selector displays a list of the elements from the attribute selected in the Source property.

  • Select Metrics: When the document is displayed in MicroStrategy Web, the selector displays a list of the metrics available in the Grid/Graphs selected as the Target.

    Metrics in text fields within the target are not listed. For example, a panel stack is selected as a Target and contains a metric in a text field. That metric is not displayed in the Select Metrics list.

  • Select Panels: When the document is displayed in MicroStrategy Web, the selector displays a list of the panels available in the panel stack selected as the Target.

    If DHTML Style is set to Check Boxes, Select Panel is unavailable, since you cannot display multiple panels simultaneously. Select a different DHTML Style to display panels.

  • Metric Condition: When the document is displayed in MicroStrategy Web, the selector displays either:

    • A slider, which the user moves to select the minimum and maximum values to display.

    • A qualification, which the user completes to filter the metric's values.

  • Alias for All: Replaces the All option in the selector with the entered text. If no text is entered, (All) is displayed. See Disabling simultaneous display of all items in a selector.

    This property is available only if Show option for All is selected.

  • Allow multiple selections: Sets whether the user can choose multiple options in the selector. The defaults are listed below.

    • For the Slider, Listbox, Link Bar, and Button Bar styles, the Multiselect check box is cleared. You can select the check box to allow multiple selections.

    • For Check Boxes, the option is enabled, although the check box is unavailable. You cannot change the setting.

    • For Drop-down and Radio Buttons styles, this check box is unavailable and the option is disabled, since those styles do not support multiple selections. You cannot change the setting.

  • Auto pick: Determines how the target displays when no data exists. The selector that you want to be automatically updated must be on a panel. The selector that will update the first selector must target the panel stack. For an example, see Determining how the target of a selector displays when no data exists.

    • To display a message that no data is returned, set Auto pick to False.

    • To display an item, setAuto picktoTrue.

  • Change selection on mouseover: Sets whether an item is selected if the user hovers the cursor over it without clicking. By default, this check box is cleared, which means that the user must click an item to select it and change the target of the selector.

    This property is available only for List Box and if Flash view is enabled. For more information on Flash view, see Viewing and interacting with documents in MicroStrategy Web; for steps to enable Flash view, see Selecting available display modes for MicroStrategy Web.

  • DHTML style: Sets how the selector is displayed in Editable, Interactive, and Express Mode in MicroStrategy Web. The options are listed below:

    • Drop-down

    • Slider

    • Listbox

    • Radio Buttons

    • Check Boxes

      If Action Type is set to Select Panels, Check Boxes is unavailable since you cannot display multiple panels simultaneously.

    • Button Bar

    • Link Bar

    • Qualification

  • Flash Style: How the selector is displayed in Flash Mode in MicroStrategy Web if it is an interactive Flash-only selector. The options are listed below:

  • Automatic: The default, which uses the DHTML style for Flash Mode.

  • Fish Eye Selector: An interactive style of selector that is displayed only in Flash Mode. It magnifies an item when a user hovers the cursor over it. This style of selector is useful because it allows a user to choose from a large list of elements without having to see all of the elements displayed at the same time. Any item that a user hovers over or selects remains magnified, while the remaining items are minimized and hidden from view.

    • Since a Fish Eye Selector is displayed only in Flash Mode, determine how the selector is displayed in non-Flash modes by specifying a DHTML style.

    • For more information about creating a Fish Eye Selector, see Creating Fish Eye Selectors.

  • Make all items the same width: Controls the sizing behavior of the selector items (for example, buttons). By default, it is set to False, which means that the width of each item is proportional to the length of the text inside the item. Select True to use the same width for all the items.

  • Orientation: Sets whether the selector is displayed horizontally (on a single line from left to right) or vertically (in a single column).

    This property is displayed for Slider, Radio Buttons, Check Boxes, and Button Bar only.

  • Selection type: Determines whether the selector target includes or excludes the items chosen in the selector. If the selector's title bar is not displayed, then this property is used. If the selector's title bar is displayed, this is the default and a user can click the title bar to change between including or excluding the selections.

    The Selection type property is displayed only if Action Type is set to Attribute Element, or Action Type is set to Metric condition and DHTML Style is set to Slider.

  • Show option All: Sets whether the selector shows the All option, which displays all the attribute elements or metrics in the Target. By default, this check box is selected. See Disabling simultaneous display of all items in a selector.

    Show option All is not displayed if the Action Type is set to Select Panel, or the Style is set to Slider and the Multiselect check box is selected.

  • Show option Total: Specifies whether the selector displays the Total option, which allows the user to display totals. For an example and more details, see Showing totals in selectors.

  • Source: Lists all of the attributes in all of the datasets in the document. The selector displays the attribute elements of the attribute selected as the Source.

    The Source property is displayed only if Action Type is set to Attribute Element.

  • Targets: Lists the target(s) of the selector. The target of a selector is the object which displays the panel, attribute elements, or metrics that the user chooses in the selector.

    • To modify them, click the button, which opens the Selector tab of the Properties dialog box.

  • Apply selections as a filter: Determines whether the items selected in the selector filter or slice the target:

    The selections made in a filtering selector are used to filter the underlying dataset before the metric values are aggregated at the level of the Grid/Graph that is displayed in the document. To define the selector to filter data, set Apply selections as a filtertoTrue.

    The selections made in a slicing selectors are used to determine which slices of data are combined and shown in the Grid/Graph. To define the selector to slice data, set Apply selections as a filter to False.

For more details on the differences, see Applying selections as filters or slices.


  • Selected widget: Defines how the selector displays in Flash Mode in MicroStrategy Web. You can overwrite the rendering of the selector with a custom widget selector style that you created. For more information, see the MicroStrategy Developer Library (MSDL) provided with MicroStrategy SDK.


  • Left: The distance between the left edge of the selector and the left border of the section.

  • Top: The distance between the top edge of the selector and the top of the section.

  • Locked: Determines whether the control can be resized or moved.

    This is useful when a document template contains an object that should not be moved or resized inadvertently when multiple objects are selected at the same time. For basic information on templates, see Creating document templates; for instructions to select multiple objects simultaneously, see Selecting multiple controls simultaneously.

    The lock functionality only applies to MicroStrategy Web. You can select or clear the Locked property in MicroStrategy Developer, but the control can still be sized or moved in MicroStrategy Developer.


  • Height: The height of the selector.

  • Height mode: Determines whether the height is dynamic. The Height modes are

  • Fixed, which means the height does not change from the set size.

  • Fit to contents, which means the height expands to the height of the object. This mode is ignored in Design View.

  • Width: The width of the selector.


  • Horizontal alignment: Determines how the item text is aligned horizontally within the control boundaries—Left, Center, or Right.

  • Vertical alignment: Determines how the item text is aligned vertically within the control boundaries—Top, Bottom, or Center.


  • Show title bar: Displays a title bar which helps to identify the selector or provide instructions about using the selector.

  • Title: Displays in the title bar of the selector. If this field is left blank, the selector's Name is displayed, unless the selector's Action Type is defined as Select attribute element or Metric condition. In those cases, the Source of the target (such as Region or Revenue) is displayed.

  • Title height: The height of the title bar.

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