MicroStrategy ONE

Property List: Grid/Graph properties


  • Name: Identifies the control.

  • 3D effect: Sets whether the Grid/Graph appears flat/two-dimensional or three-dimensional. The options are:

    • None

    • Sunken

    • Raised

      The 3D effect border takes precedence over any existing border. If you later disable the 3D effect, the original border settings are restored.

  • 3D weight: Is the weight of the three-dimensional borders around the Grid/Graph.

  • Backcolor: Defines the background fill color of the Grid/Graph, using the Color dialog box.

  • Backstyle: Determines whether the background of the Grid/Graph is Transparent or Opaque.

  • Border: Is the style and color of the borders, using the Border tab of the Format Objects dialog box.

  • Drop shadow: Determines whether the Grid/Graph uses a drop shadow for a floating effect.

  • Drop shadow depth: Is the weight of the drop shadow borders around the Grid/Graph.

  • Gradient color: Specifies the second color to use to create a gradual color change in the Grid/Graph. The Backcolor and Gradient Color are blended together.

  • Gradient variant: Sets the direction of the shading between the Backcolor and Gradient Color.

  • Graph overflow (PDF): Determines how to display the graph when the document is exported to PDF. The options are:

    • None: Displays a single graph with the maximum number of categories or series. Any categories or series above the maximum are ignored.

    • Vertical: Displays as many graphs as necessary to show all the data, regardless of the category or series maximum. The graphs are displayed vertically, spaced by the amount specified inSpacing.

    • Horizontal: Displays as many graphs as necessary to show all the data, regardless of the category or series maximum. The graphs are displayed horizontally, spaced by the amount specified inSpacing.

      Graphoverflow (PDF) is available only when View mode is set to Graph.

  • Spacing: Is the size of the gap between multiple graphs when the document is exported to PDF.

    Spacing is available only when View mode is set to Graph.

  • Grid area percent: Specifies how much of the control the grid uses, when the View mode is set to Grid and graph. For example, if the Grid area percent is set to 75, the grid covers 75% of the control, and the graph the remaining 25%.

    • If Grid position is set to Top or Bottom, this property represents the height percentage.

    • If Grid position is set to Left or Right, this property represents the width percentage.

      Grid area percent is only displayed when View mode is set to Grid and graph.

  • Grid overflow (HTML): Specifies how to display the grid when it is larger than its container. This property is used in Express Mode in MicroStrategy Web when the Grid/Graph is displayed as a grid or as both a grid and a graph. The options are:

    • Clip: Displays only what can fit within the size dimensions.

    • Scroll: Displays scroll bars to allow you to view the entire grid.

      Grid overflow (HTML) is not available when View mode is set to Graph.

    • Grid overflow (PDF and Excel): Specifies how to display the grid when the document is exported to PDF or Excel. The options are:

    • Clip: Displays only what can fit within the size dimensions.

    • Fit to grid contents: Displays the entire grid.

      Grid overflow (PDF and Excel) is not available when View mode is set to Graph. The Grid overflow (PDF and Excel) option is used only if the Height mode or Width mode is defined as Fixed.

  • Grid position: Determines the position of the grid when View mode is set to Grid and graph. The options are:

    • Top, which means the grid is displayed on top of the graph

    • Bottom, which means the grid displays below the graph

    • Left, which means the grid is displayed to the left of the graph

    • Right, which means the grid is displayed to the right of the graph

      Grid position is only displayed when View mode is set to Grid and graph.

  • Tooltip: Contains pop-up text that is displayed when a user positions the cursor over this control in MicroStrategy Web.

  • View mode: Sets how the Grid/Graph is displayed. The options are:

    • Grid, which displays the control as a standard MicroStrategy grid report with rows and columns of attributes and metrics

    • Graph, which displays the data visually as in a standard MicroStrategy graph report

    • Grid and graph, which displays both Grid and Graph views in one control

    • Visible: Determines whether the Grid/Graph is visible when a user views the document. By default, it is visible.

      Even when this property is set to False, the control is still visible in Design View.


  • Data source: Contains the name of the dataset used to populate the Grid/Graph. The drop-down list shows all the datasets in the document.

  • Quick switch: Determines whether a user can switch between viewing the grid or the graph by clicking a button in either Interactive Mode or Editable Mode in MicroStrategy Web. This option is displayed only when View mode is set to Grid or to Graph. For more information, see Enabling quick switch for Grid/Graphs.

  • Secondary data providers: Is displayed only for a custom widget that has multiple data providers, which allow users to select more than one source of data for the widget. If you are designing a document using a custom widget and this property is available, contact your customization specialist for information on how to use their custom implementation.

    With the MicroStrategy SDK, you can access additional MicroStrategy widgets, add third-party widgets, and create and use custom widgets. For more information and instructions, see the MicroStrategy Developer Library (MSDL), part of the MicroStrategy SDK product. You can also download widgets from the MicroStrategy Widget download site at https://resource.microstrategy.com/Support.

  • Shortcut: Specifies whether the Grid/Graph is linked to the dataset report as a shortcut. If the Grid/Graph is a shortcut:

    • Any changes made to the dataset report are also made to the Grid/Graph in the document.

    • You cannot edit the Grid/Graph.

For more information on shortcuts, including what tasks you can perform with them, seeAdding Grid/Graphs as shortcuts.


This section is available only if the Grid/Graph is not a widget.

  • Transition speed: Indicates the rate at which the transition occurs.


  • Widget: Specifies the widget to display in Flash. Widgets are interactive Flash-only graphs that dynamically update when you select a new set of data to view.

    The Grid/Graph you turn into a widget must follow the data and template requirements for that type of widget. For example, a Gauge widget requires one attribute on its widget template's rows and one attribute on the columns. Therefore, any Grid/Graph you to turn into a widget must have the same objects on its template. If it does not, the Grid/Graph is not displayed correctly as a widget in Flash Mode. These requirements are detailed in the help topic for each type of widget.

  • Alternative Display: Determines how the widget is displayed in PDF View in MicroStrategy Developer, in Interactive Mode and Express Mode in MicroStrategy Web, and when exported to PDF and Excel. For more information on specifying how widgets can be displayed, see Determining how widgets are displayed. You can choose:

  • Show grid or graph to display the Grid/Graph to which the widget is attached

  • Placeholder to display an empty Grid/Graph placeholder instead of the widget

  • Hide grid or graph to hide the widget and display nothing

    TheAlternative Displayproperty is displayed only if a widget is selected.


  • Left: Sets the distance between the left edge of the Grid/Graph and the left border of the document section.

  • Top: Sets the distance between the top edge of the Grid/Graph and the top of the document section.

  • Locked: Determines whether the control can be resized or moved.

    This is useful when a document template contains an object that should not be moved or resized inadvertently when multiple objects are selected at the same time. For basic information on templates, see Creating document templates; for instructions to select multiple objects simultaneously, see Selecting multiple controls simultaneously.


  • Height: Sets the height of the Grid/Graph.

  • Height mode: Determines whether the height is dynamic or static. The Height modes are

  • Fixed: The height does not change from the size set in the Height property.

  • Fit to contents: The height expands or shrinks to adjust to the height of the contents of the Grid/Graph. This is used for Grid/Graphs displayed as grids only and is ignored in Design View.

  • Width: Sets the width of the Grid/Graph.

  • Width mode: Determines whether the width is dynamic or static. The Width modes are similar to the Height modes described above.


  • Display state: Sets how the window is initially displayed:

  • Normal: The Grid/Graph is shown at the height and width set for it.

  • Minimized: Only the title bar is shown. A user can move the Grid/Graph but cannot resize it.

  • Maximized: The size of the Grid/Graph is expanded to the current size of the document section in which it is located.

  • Show title bar: Displays a title bar which helps to identify the object and provide a dashboard or portal grid look to your documents. When the document is displayed in MicroStrategy Web, users can minimize and maximize the Grid/Graph using the title bar buttons.

  • Title: Displays in the title bar of the window. If this field is left blank and Show title bar is set to True, the title of the dataset report is used.

  • Title height: Sets the height of the title bar.

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