MicroStrategy ONE

Property List: HTML container properties


  • Name: identifies the HTML container.

  • 3D effect: sets whether the HTML container appears three-dimensional, like a button. The options are:

  • None: No 3D effect.

  • Sunken: The HTML container is inset, like a pushed button.

  • Raised: The HTML container is outset, like a button.

    The 3D effect border takes precedence over any existing border. If you later disable the 3D effect, the original border settings are restored.

  • 3D weight: sets the thickness of the 3D line, measured in points.

  • Backcolor: sets the background color of the HTML container, using the Color dialog box. Applies only to HTML containers using HTML text, not iFrame.

  • Backstyle: sets whether the background of the HTML container is Transparent or Opaque. Applies only to HTML containers using HTML text, not iFrame.

  • Border: opens the Border tab of the Format Objects dialog box, which allows you to set the style and color of the borders.

  • Drop shadow: sets whether the HTML container "floats" on top of the background.

  • Drop shadow depth: sets the offset of the drop shadow, in points.

  • Font: sets how the font is displayed, using the Font tab of the Format Object dialog box. Settings include the color and size, for example. Applies only to HTML containers using HTML text, not iFrame.

  • Forecolor: opens the Color dialog box, which allows you to set the font color. This can also be set in the Font property. Applies only to HTML containers using HTML text, not iFrame.

  • Gradient color: sets the second color to use to create a gradual color change in the background of the HTML container. The Backcolor and Gradient Color are blended together. Applies only to HTML containers using HTML text, not iFrame.

  • Gradient variant: sets the direction of the shading between the Backcolor and Gradient Color. Options are Left to Right, Right to Left, Top to Bottom, Bottom to Top, Horizontal Centered, and Vertical Centered. Applies only to HTML containers using HTML text, not iFrame.

  • Tooltip: contains the pop-up text that is displayed when a user positions the cursor over this HTML container in MicroStrategy Web.

  • Visible: determines whether the HTML container is visible when a user views the document. By default, it is visible.

    Even when this property is set to False, the control is still visible in Design View.


  • HTML type: determines whether the HTML container uses HTML code (HTML text) or a URL (iFrame).

Only one of the following properties is displayed:

  • If the HTML type is defined as HTML text, HTML text displays the HTML codes entered in the HTML container itself.

  • If the HTML type is defined as iFrame, iFrame source displays the URL entered in the HTML container itself.


  • Left: sets the distance between the left edge of the HTML container and the left border of the section.

  • Top: sets the distance between the top edge of the HTML container and the top of the section.

  • Locked: determines whether the control can be resized or moved.

    This is useful when a document template contains an object that should not be moved or resized inadvertently when multiple objects are selected at the same time. For basic information on templates, see Creating document templates; for instructions to select multiple objects simultaneously, see Selecting multiple controls simultaneously.

    The lock functionality only applies to MicroStrategy Web. You can select or clear the Locked property in MicroStrategy Developer, but the control can still be sized or moved in MicroStrategy Developer.


  • Height: sets the height of the HTML container.

  • Width: sets the width of the HTML container.


  • Horizontal alignment: determines how the text is aligned horizontally within the control boundaries—Left, Center, or Right. Applies only to HTML containers using HTML text, not iFrame.

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