MicroStrategy ONE

Create a Security Filter on a Dataset

Dataset owners can define filters that limit the attribute elements a user can access.

  1. Open the Workstation window with the Navigation pane in smart mode.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Datasets.
  3. Right-click the dataset to which you want to add a security filter and choose Properties.
  4. In the left pane, click Security Access.
  5. Use the Search box to locate users and groups to which you want to apply a security filter.
  6. Click Add Filter next to a user or group. The New Qualification dialog opens
  7. Select the appropriate options to define each qualification to add to the security filter. If you are including hierarchical attributes in your qualifications, see Create a Hierarchical Attribute Filter for a Chapter for more information about navigating and selecting hierarchical elements.
  8. If you have created at least two qualifications, you can change the operator used to combine the qualifications. Click the operator displayed between the qualifications, then select an operator, such as AND or AND NOT.
  9. Conditions are evaluated in the order they appear. If you have multiple qualifications, you can rearrange them, to change their priority, by dragging them to another location.
  10. Click on any of the qualifications on the screen to edit them.
  11. To delete a qualification, hover over the qualification and click X.
  12. Click Save.

Related Topics

Manage Datasets

Edit a Security Filter on a Dataset

Delete a Security Filter on a Dataset