MicroStrategy ONE
Import a Dashboard Into Another Dashboard
You can import a dashboard as a new chapter into a different dashboard to enrich your data analysis, reuse existing work, or to assemble a dashboard collaboratively. When you import an existing dashboard, the existing dashboard's dataset, sheets, and contents are added to the destination dashboard. Importing dashboards is especially useful if different users build dashboards and later want to integrate their content and visualizations into a single dashboard.
- Open a dashboard.
- Choose Insert > Browse Objects.
- Select the dashboard that you want to import.
- Click Insert.
- The source dashboard is added to the destination dashboard as a new chapter.
Import Dashboard Considerations
- If the dashboards use different datasets, the datasets in the source dashboard are added to the destination dashboard.
- Access Controls Lists (ACLs) and sharing permissions in the destination dashboard take precedence over imported dashboards.
- After you import a dashboard, you can use
Undo to revert the change.