MicroStrategy ONE
Grid Display Dialog
The Grid Display page allows you to personalize some display options for your grid reports, such as the number of rows and columns to display. You can also specify what features you would like to access in your grid reports. To access this page, see How to Access Project Defaults and User Preferences
Options denoted with an asterisk (*) are available only to you as the administrator. They do not appear as options in the User Preferences section that is accessible by users.
Grid style: Select one of the following options from the drop-down list to specify the grid style to use with reports in Web:
Use the format stored in the report definition (default): The grid style preference stored in the report definition is used for all reports.
Use my selected default grid style: Your selected default grid style (see the Default grid style option below) is applied to all reports in Web. If you choose to use a selected grid style, you will not be able to change any formatting on any of the reports that you run.
Default grid style: Select a grid style from the drop-down list to be the default grid style for all reports. The default grid style is used for all reports that are run in Web if the Use my selected default grid style checkbox above is selected.
Maximum rows in grid: Limit the
number of rows displayed on your report. If your report has more rows
than the number entered here, you can click incremental fetch icons
to view additional data. The default value is 50.
Maximum columns in grid: Limit the
number of columns displayed in your report. If your report has more
columns than the number entered here, you can click the incremental
fetch icons or
view additional data. The default value is 10.
Show attribute form names: Format the display of headers for attributes and attribute forms in a grid. For example, you can choose to have a header automatically displayed for each attribute in the grid, with each header containing the attribute name. The following options are available:
Yes: Select this option to have headers automatically displayed for each attribute or each attribute form depending on the amount of attribute forms visible in the grid for each attribute. If only one attribute form is shown in the grid for an attribute, the attribute is displayed with a header containing the attribute's name. If more than one of the attribute's forms are visible in the grid, each attribute form is displayed with a header containing the attribute name followed by the attribute form name.
No: Select this option to have the attribute name automatically displayed in the header of each attribute in the grid. No attribute form names are included in the grid.
Read from report (default): Select this option to allow individual grid or grid report settings to determine how attribute or attribute headers are displayed. For steps to format how headers are displayed in a grid report, see the Advanced Reporting Guide. For steps to format how headers are displayed in a grid in a document, see the Document Creation Guide.
Show pivot buttons: Show or hide pivot buttons on all your reports. This checkbox is cleared by default.
Show sort buttons: Show or hide sort buttons on all your reports. This checkbox is cleared by default.
Display empty grid axes in view mode: Determine whether or not to display an empty grid when objects do not exist in the columns or rows. For example, you have a report that does not contain objects in its rows, but has objects in the columns. If this checkbox is selected, an empty grid is displayed in the portion of the grid in which there are no objects, in this case, the rows. The empty grid may display a message similar to the following: "Drop objects here to add rows." If this checkbox is cleared, only portions of the grid that contain objects (in this case, the columns) are displayed. This checkbox is selected by default.
Enable sorting by attribute forms that are not displayed on the grid: Determine if you can sort according to attribute forms that are not displayed on the grid. For example, the ID attribute form for the Category attribute is displayed, but DESC is not. If the checkbox is selected, you can sort based on both the ID and DESC attribute forms, even though the DESC attribute form is not on the report. This checkbox is selected by default.
Automatic page-by: Determine whether a new page of information displays immediately after you select a choice in a page-by drop-down list. This can be useful if there are multiple page-by drop-down lists and you want to select several before clicking Apply. This checkbox is selected by default.
Use images for depicting expand and contract
in outline mode: This is mainly a troubleshooting setting used
to adjust the expand and contract symbols in Outline mode. If
the expand and contract
images do not appear correctly in Outline mode, clear
this checkbox to resolve the issue. This checkbox is selected by
* Allow word-wrapping of row headers in the report grid: Enables word-wrapping for all cells that contain attribute element values, depending on your browser. This setting does not enable character-level wrapping. This means that, even with this option enabled, a long numeric metric value (an unbreakable value) may not wrap.
* Allow word-wrapping of metric values in the report grid: Determine whether or not to enable the word-wrapping of metric values in the report grid. This checkbox is cleared by default.
* Show object descriptions as tooltips in grid: Display object descriptions as tooltips in the grid. Tooltips are displayed when a user hovers the cursor over an objection on the grid. This checkbox is cleared by default.
Allow link drilling on header: Enable or disable attribute links in the header. This checkbox is selected by default.