MicroStrategy ONE

Configuring the content of the filter details auto text code

Before you begin

This topic assumes that you are familiar with filters, especially the different types of filters and the components of filters. For background information, see Filters.

Auto text codes are document or dataset variable information. The filter details auto text code displays the report filter and report limit of the specified dataset report by default, although other types of filters can be displayed using the properties described below. You can:

  • Select which filter types to include. See Filter types for more details.

  • Select how the filters are displayed. See Filter display for more details.

Filter types

You can choose whether or not to include each type of filter. The filter types are listed below:

  • Report Filter

    • If the report filter is displayed, you can select whether or not to display the following:

  • Report Filter Name. You can also select another option, Automatic. If Automatic is chosen, the report filter name is displayed for a stand-alone filter, but is omitted for an embedded filter.

  • Report Filter Description

  • Report Limits

  • View Filter - only for View Reports. This applies to view reports based on Cubes only.If the view filter is displayed, you can select whether or not to display the following:

  • Metric Qualification in the View Filter

  • Drill Filter. When a Grid/Graph is drilled on, this property determines whether or not the attribute element(s) drilled on are displayed in the report details of the drilled-to report. If you drill from an attribute (as opposed to selecting elements), a drill filter is not created. For more information about this setting, seeConfiguring how the drill filter is displayed in the filter details auto text code.For information about drilling in Grid/Graphs, see Drilling in Grid/Graphs.

  • Security Filter

Filter display

You can select how the filters are displayed in the filter details auto text code by specifying the following settings:

  • Whether to include the names of the filter types (that is, Report Filter, View Filter, and so on).

    This filter details auto text code includes the filter type names:
    Report Filter (Local Filter): Year = 2026, 2027
    Security Filter: Region=Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast

    This one does not include the filter type names:
    (Local Filter): Year = 2026, 2027
    Region = Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast


  • If the filter type name is included, specify whether to include empty expressions. An empty expression is a filter type that is not included on the dataset report.

    For example, a dataset report contains a report filter and a security filter, but no report limits. If empty expressions are included, the results are:
    Report Filter (Local Filter): Year = 2026, 2027
    Report Limits: Empty Filter
    Security Filter: Region=Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast

    If empty expressions are omitted, the results are:
    Report Filter (Local Filter): Year = 2026, 2027
    Security Filter: Region=Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast

  • Whether to add a new line after each filter type name, before the actual definition of the filter.

    An example of new lines:
    Report Filter (Local Filter):
    Year = 2026, 2027
    Security Filter:

    An example with no new lines:
    Report Filter (Local Filter): Year = 2026, 2027
    Security Filter: Region=Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast

  • Whether to add a new line between the different filter types to help differentiate between them.

    An example of new lines:
    Report Filter (Local Filter): Year = 2026, 2027
    Security Filter: Region=Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast

    An example with no new lines:
    Report Filter (Local Filter): Year = 2026, 2027 Security Filter: Region=Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast


  • Whether to show the report limits before or after the view filter.

  • Whether to display details of shortcut filters, which are stand-alone filters used in the report filter. The options are:

  • Show filter name

  • Show filter definition

  • Show name and definition

For example, Filter 1 is created as a stand-alone filter in the Filter Editor. The filter is defined as Region = Northeast. A report contains the Year and Region attributes, as well as the Revenue metric. A local filter (a filter defined in the Report Editor, not the Filter Editor) is created in the report, filtering on 2025. Then Filter 1 is added to the report filter, so Filter 1 becomes a shortcut filter in the report.

This report is used to create the document shown below, which contains three filter details auto text codes, one for each of the shortcut filter options. The definition of the local filter (Year = 2025) is displayed in each auto text code.

  • Show filter name: (Year = 2025) and {Filter 1}

  • Show filter definition: (Year = 2025) and (Region = Northeast)

  • Show name and definition: (Year = 2025) and ({Filter 1}:Region = Northeast)

For each of the properties listed above, you can choose to inherit the setting instead. If you are configuring the auto text codes in a specific text field, the setting is inherited from the document setting. If you are configuring all the auto text codes in the document, the setting is inherited from the report setting. For more information on the levels of inheritance, see Levels of auto text code configuration.

For examples of this settings, see the Document Creation Help .

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