MicroStrategy ONE

Use Smart Suggestions

Starting in MicroStrategy ONE (June 2024), smart suggestions are supported in Auto Answers and Bots. Smart suggestions enhance user interactions by providing intelligent query refinements when ambiguity is detected in user questions. When Auto Answers or Bots identify a query that can be interpreted in multiple ways or lacks a time dimension, it provides a default answer and suggests one to three alternative options to help users clarify their queries. Auto then learns from these clarifications to improve future response accuracy.

In the following example, the user does not specify the performance metric they ask for the best-performing product subcategory. In this dataset, performance can be measured by revenue, profit, profit margin, or units sold. Auto, by default, calculate performance based on the highest revenue. However, because Auto detects ambiguity, it provide smart alternative suggestions that each present different interpretations of "best-performing". In this case, the smart alternate suggestions are "Profit", "Average Monthly Revenue", and "This month's revenue".

If a user selects one of the suggestions, Auto sends a new query with the added clarification. You can also click Ask again to copy the response to the text box and edit it before you send it.

Auto uses these clarifications for future queries and tailors your answers to meet your needs. This smart learning is specific to each user's interactions with Auto. For more information, see Rate the Response.

In the following example, Auto provides the total revenue of all combined time periods when a user asks for the revenue of a specific store. Auto recognizes the importance of time in business analytics and offers smart alternative suggestions to specify whether the user wants revenue for the current year, quarter, or month.

Smart suggestions are not triggered for the following question types:

  • The number of rows in a dataset or visualization

  • General dashboard summary

  • Key Driver Analysis

  • Forecast Analysis

  • Trend Analysis