MicroStrategy ONE

Create and Edit a Bot

Bots are supported in MicroStrategy Cloud environments and starting in MicroStrategy ONE (March 2024), Bots are supported on the MicroStrategy Cloud for Government platform. You can only use Bots in MicroStrategy Library.

Starting in MicroStrategy ONE (June 2024), you can use the Usage panel to view a variety of information including the amount of users, feedback information, interpretation requests, etc. You can also right-click attributes to select which forms can be used by the Bot.

Starting in MicroStrategy ONE (March 2024), you can enable interpretation of your Bot responses and enrich your Bot capabilities and accuracy by uploading a knowledge asset that provides context that is specific to your organization. You can also right-click an object in a dataset to rename it or configure a number format. MicroStrategy ONE (March 2024) also includes new general settings to enable topic suggestions and enable the Ask About panel.

Starting in MicroStrategy ONE Update 12, you can create a highly customized Bot tailored to your organization's needs. This advanced customization encompasses many options that empower you to extract valuable insights from a selected dataset.

When you create a new Bot, you will be prompted to select an existing dataset or create one with new data. The interface will allow you to ask questions immediately or configure different options that will personalize the experience. Five main tabs will allow you to do this:

  • General: Define settings to guide the Bot user experience.
  • Appearance: Define the look and feel of the Bot.
  • Custom Instructions: Specify the Bot's business background and format responses.
  • Data: Modify dataset settings used to build the Bot.
  • Usage: View user usage statistics for your Bot.

Check out the following topics to get started:

Create a Bot with New Data

You can use this option when adding new data into MicroStrategy or if you don't have any datasets already created that have the data you need.

  1. Choose Create New > Bot.

    If Bot is not available, see Troubleshoot Bots for more information.

  2. Click Create with New Data.

    If you can't see the Create with New Data option, ensure you have one of the following privileges:

    • Access data (files) from Local, URL, DropBox, Google Drive, Sample FIles, Clipboard, Push API

    • Access data from Databases, Google BigQuery, BigData, OLAP, BI tools

    • Access data from Cloud App (Google Analytics, Salesforce Reports, Facebook, Twitter)

  3. The New Dataset dialog appears, which allows you to select from the different data sources that are available, which include two main sections:
    • General: Upload new data from locations such as Clipboard, Data from URL, File from Disk, Import existing dataset, Public Data, or Sample Files
    • Services: Upload data from data sources enabled by your platform Administrator. These data sources are from other services such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Financial Force, Salesforce, and others.
  4. Once you import your data, drag and drop tables from the left Data Catalog panel to the main screen.

  5. Click Create.
  6. If needed, click Prepare Data.
  7. The Preview Dialog appears.

  8. If needed, click Wrangle:
    1. Confirm Refresh.

    2. Wrangle your data.
    3. See Data Wrangling Dialog for more information.

    4. Click Apply.
  9. If needed, click Add/Edit Tables:
    1. Add or remove existing tables.
    2. Click Update.
  10. Click Update Dataset.
  11. Click Finish.
  12. See Bot Settings to customize your Bot.

Create a Bot with Existing Data

  1. Choose Create New > Bot.

    If Bot is not available, see Troubleshoot Bots for more information.

  2. Select an existing dataset.
  3. If you encounter a server error when you pick a dataset, ensure the dataset has been published before importing. If a database is grayed out, refer to it's associated documentation to configure sources correctly.

  4. Click Create.
  5. There are no options to edit a dataset if you create a Bot with existing data. These options are only available when you create a Bot with new data.

  6. See Bot Settings to customize your Bot.

Bot Settings

You can use the settings panels to customize your Bot. Check out the following topics to get started:

General Settings

You can use General Settings to customize how your Bot behaves for different industries.

When you edit the Bot, updates are reflected immediately. You can test and adjust settings, as required.

To access the General Settings dialog:

  1. Create a new Bot or open an existing Bot and click the Edit icon in the upper right.
  2. Click the General Settings panel.

  1. Define your preferred settings.

  1. Click Save or continue to the other settings.

Troubleshoot General Settings

Why won't the string label in the Bot toolbar update after I change the Bot name?

Note that the Bot Name and object name are different. When you update the Bot Name, the greeting message, chat panel title, and greeting message within the chat panel update.

Why is the Bot still active when I used the toggle to deactivate it?

Ensure you saved your settings. Deactivated Bots display an inactive banner after you save your settings.

Why does my image display "image not found"?

If this error appears, check the image URL for accessibility. Update the URL using the Change Cover Image setting.

Why can't I add a custom suggestion?

You can only add custom suggestions if the total number of suggested questions (auto-generated and custom) does not exceed five.

Why can I still ask questions in editing mode when the Max question / user / month is set to zero?

The maximum question limit only applies in consumption mode.

Why are some customized string not translated into different languages?

Customized string sin languages other than the default can't be auto-translated. They will appear in the language that they were initially entered unless you manually configure them in the current language.

Topics Known Limitations

  • All topics are generated during Bot configuration so during Bot consumption, the same topics will be retrieved.

  • The client cache is turned on to store topic summaries so if you click the same topic more than once, you will retrieve the cached answers.

  • Topic summary is not added to the history list.

  • Topic summaries can not be copied, downloaded, or used to generate a snapshot.

  • Depending on whether the AI can generate three relevant questions or answers according to a topic, you may see less than three feedback options are retrieved for a topic.

  • Topics are automatically generated when you create the Bot. If you change the dataset or rename dataset objects after you create the Bot and generate topics, you should manually trigger the topic regeneration steps so topics are relevant to the latest dataset.

Appearance Settings

  1. Create a new Bot or open an existing Bot and click the Edit icon in the upper right.
  2. Click the Appearance panel.

  3. Define your preferred settings.

  1. Click Save or continue to the other settings.

Troubleshoot Appearance Settings

  • The Panel Theme drop-down is disabled when the Bot is processing a response. Once the Bot generates a response, the Panel Theme drop-down is enabled.
  • If a different theme appears when viewing the Bot vs. editing the Bot, your Administrator might have overwritten any changes to the appearance theme. In the Application Editor in Workstation, an Administrator can select Apply app theme to all bots. In this case, when viewing the Bot, the application theme appears and when editing the Bot, your chosen theme in the Appearance tab appears.

Custom Instructions

The Custom Instructions panel allows you to enable custom instructions regarding business-specific data information and tailor the response format.

  1. Create a new Bot or open an existing Bot and click the Edit icon in the upper right.
  2. Click the Custom Instructions panel.
  3. Toggle on Enable the custom instructions.
  4. Type your custom instructions.
  5. Upload an Excel file in Knowledge. For more information, see Upload Knowledge Assets to Bots.
  6. Click Save or continue to the other settings.

Troubleshoot Custom Instructions

Why won't custom instructions work?

  • To add more responses and communication to the Bot, you can add 'Always add insights to response' to the custom instructions.
  • When adding a visualization type to the custom instructions, MicroStrategy recommends using support visualizations such as line chart, grid chart, or bar chart. The support for other visualization types depends on the question.
  • When adding attribute or metrics to the custom instructions, it must exactly match the attribute or metric in the dataset, otherwise the Bot may not be able to find the specified attribute or metric.
  • Instructions should not be vague. MicroStrategy suggests adding examples.

See Custom Instructions Examples for more information.

Custom Instructions Examples

Bot Data Settings

Bots are designed to work with a single dataset only. Bots support in-memory OLAT and MTDI cube dataset types. Other cube types are currently unsupported and Bots are unable to answer questions in those cases. Similarly, if no items are selected, Bots are also unable to answer questions.

Select a Dataset

  1. Create a new Bot or open an existing Bot and click the Edit icon in the upper right.
  2. Click the Data panel.
  3. Select or unselect the checkbox next to an item.

  1. Click Save or continue to the other settings.

Dataset Options

  1. In the Data tab, click More .
  2. Click one of the following options and make your required changes:
  3. Starting in MicroStrategy ONE (March 2024), right-click an attribute or metric and click one of the following options:
    1. Rename
      1. Type your desired name and press Enter.
    2. Number Format
      1. Use the drop-down to choose a predefined number format and click OK.
  4. Starting in MicroStrategy ONE (June 2024), right-click an attribute and use the checkboxes next to the attribute forms to select which forms can be used by the Bot.
  5. Click Save.
Edit Dataset

This option is only available if you created the dataset in the Bot.

  1. In the Data tab, click More .
  2. Choose Edit Dataset.
  3. The Preview Dialog appears.

  4. If needed, click Wrangle:
    1. Confirm Refresh.

    2. Wrangle your data.
    3. See Data Wrangling Dialog for more information.

    4. Click Apply.
  5. If needed, click Add/Edit Tables:
    1. Add or remove existing tables.
    2. Click Update.
  6. Click Update dataset.
Replace Dataset

You can replace the current dataset in the Bot with an existing dataset or a new dataset.

  1. In the Data tab, click More .
  2. Choose Replace Dataset.
  3. To replace the dataset with an existing dataset, select a published dataset.

  4. To replace the dataset with a new dataset:
    1. Click Replace with New Data.
    2. Select a table from the left panel.
    3. If needed, click Prepare Data and edit your dataset.
    4. Click Create.
  5. Click Replace.
Refresh Dataset
  1. In the Data tab, click More .
  2. Choose Refresh Dataset.
  3. Select the checkbox next to the dataset that you want to refresh.
  4. Choose a Refresh Policy from the drop-down.
  5. Click Refresh.

Bot Data Limitations

  • If all items are deselected, an error will display.
  • If a standalone in-memory cube is changed to direct data access (DDA) outside of the Bot, the Bot will no longer support the data.

Usage Panel

The Usage panel allows you to view user usage information including the amount of users using the Bot, feedback information, interpretation requests, and more.

Before you can gather usage information, you must Enable Adaptive Learning and Configure Usage Telemetry.

  1. Create a new Bot or open an existing Bot and click the Edit icon in the upper right.
  2. Click the Usage panel.
  3. Choose the time frame of usage information from the drop-down.

  4. Click Download to download a .csv file with all the questions that received a thumbs-down.
  5. View the usage information.

    This data refreshes every 5 minutes. If a user thumbs down a question, the data won't update until the refresh is complete and you refresh the page.

  6. Click Save or continue to other settings.

Troubleshoot Bots

If you click Create New and Bot is not available, check the following information:

  • Check the AI Services configuration:
    • Open aiConfig.json (this is the path you added in mstr_collaboration_services/lib/config.json) and ensure the following parameters are correct. If they are incorrect, edit them and restart collaboration services.
    • Copy
      {    ...

  • Check that you have the correct privileges. See Enable and Disable Auto for more information.

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