MicroStrategy ONE

3. Run MicroStrategy Backup

You are now positioned to run the MicroStrategy Backup client. You can run MicroStrategy Backup in one of three modes and, depending on the mode you select, running the MicroStrategy Backup client will differ.

Mode Supported OS Flag Behavior
How to Run in Prompted Mode




Runs the client in Prompted mode. This mode asks the user for information about the location of various MicroStrategy items.

This is an interactive mode for users running MicroStrategy Backup for the first time.

How to Run in Cloud Mode

Linux (Cloud)


Runs the client in Cloud Only mode.

This is an express backup mode specifically for users with MSTR Cloud environments. This mode is ideal for users who want to quickly backup their entire environment in the default location. This mode is also ideal for upgrading by creating a parallel environment. Cloud mode only backs up following items:

Metadata, cube, cache, inbox, MicroStrategy Web (images, plugins, configurations), MicroStrategy Mobile (images, plugins, configurations), MicroStrategy Library (images, plugins, configurations).

See Default Install Locations.

How to Run in Silent Mode




Runs the client in Silent mode. This reads from a JSON file for information about the location of various MicroStrategy items.

This mode is for automated processes or development operations. This mode works as a back up client in case you need to restore your information.

Default Install Locations

Value Default File Path
BakFileLocation /opt/mstr/mstrbak/
CachePath /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/IntelligenceServer/Caches/cloud_10s/
CubePath /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/IntelligenceServer/Cube/cloud_10s/
InboxPath /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/IntelligenceServer/Inbox/cloud_10s/
LibraryImagesPath /opt/apache/tomcat/latest/webapps/MicroStrategyLibrary/images/
LibraryPluginsPath /opt/apache/tomcat/latest/webapps/MicroStrategyLibrary/plugins/
MSTRInstallPath /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/


MobileImagesPath /opt/apache/tomcat/latest/webapps/MicroStrategyMobile/images/


MySQLbin /usr/bin/mysqldump




WebPluginsPath /opt/apache/tomcat/latest/webapps/MicroStrategy/plugins/