MicroStrategy ONE

MicroStrategy Cloud Platform Support Model

Issues with your MicroStrategy Cloud Platform deployment may be caused by components of the MicroStrategy Platform, your Cloud provider, or your configuration.

Use these guidelines to determine who to contact if you run into an issue.

Contact MicroStrategy Support in these cases.

  • MicroStrategy Cloud Console is not reachable:
  • You want to provide some feedback on the MicroStrategy Cloud Platform product.
  • You cannot log in to the MicroStrategy Cloud Console or utilize the REST APIs.
  • There is a problem when a MicroStrategy environment is provisioned.
  • There is a problem regarding a MicroStrategy application.

Contact your Cloud Provider's Support in these cases:

  • There is an error in your cloud account/subscription during any process, deployment, or configuration.
  • Any service is unavailable in your cloud account/subscription (Such as EC2 and EFS in AWS or VM and NetApp in Azure).

  • There is an error regarding service limits within your cloud account/subscription.

For additional information visit the MicroStrategy Support and the AWS Support or Azure Support websites.