MicroStrategy ONE

Area: Layout category

In the Layout category for Area graphs, some or all of the following options are available depending on what type of Area graph you are formatting:

  • Type: Allows you to select a layout type of Absolute, Stacked, Percent, or 3D Connect Series Areas.

  • Absolute: Displays area risers on top of each other to show the absolute relationships between data series.

  • Stacked: Stacks area risers on top of each other. The axis is the cumulative total of all the groups.

  • Percent: Displays an area version of a Pie chart. Each group calculates the percent of the total required for each series. The axis goes from zero to 100%.

  • 3D Connect Series Areas: Displays trend information along a series. Creates a three-dimensional graph.

  • Dual Axes: For Absolute and Stacked Area graphs, makes an Area graph with two numeric axes (Y1 and Y2). This allows you to chart some of the series on one axis and some of the series on another axis.

  • Split Dual Axes: Physically splits the graph and shows two separate numeric axes; divides the series between two physical axes in the graph. When the Dual Axes check box is selected, half of the series in the graph are on the primary numeric axis (Y1) and the other half on the secondary numeric axis (Y2). However, all risers are drawn from a single category axis base line. The series assigned to the Y1 and Y2 axes are drawn on opposite sides of the graph.

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