MicroStrategy ONE

Undoing/redoing graph changes

Creating an attractive and easily understandable graph usually means you have to try different combinations of fonts, colors, gradients, and other options. The Undo function allows you to easily reverse actions that resulted in an undesirable outcome. If you decide later that you did not want to undo an action, the Redo function allows you to quickly recreate it.

To undo a graph change

This procedure assumes that the report is in Graph view and you have made a change to the graph.

Do one of the following:

  • From the Edit menu, select Undo. The most recent change is reversed.

  • On the Edit toolbar, click the arrow next to Undo. A list of the most recent changes is displayed. Click the action you want to undo.

    When you undo an action, you also undo all actions above it in the list.

If you decide that you did not want to undo a change, you can use the procedure below to redo the change.

To redo a graph change

This procedure assumes that the report is in Graph view and you have undone at least one change.

Do one of the following:

  • From the Edit menu, select Redo. The most recent "undo" action is reversed.

  • On the Edit toolbar, click the arrow next to Redo. A list of the most recent "undo" actions is displayed. Click the action to redo.

    When you redo an action, you also redo all actions above it in the list.