MicroStrategy ONE
Format Panel for Text
Once you add text to a dashboard, you can format the text and use the text as a link to an URL.
- Open an existing dashboard that contains the text field you want to format.
- Select the text field in the dashboard.
- In the left toolbar, click Format
Font: Select font formatting options.
Padding: Select how much space is between the text and the borders of the text field.
Alignment: Select how the text in the field is aligned.
Wrap Text: Select this checkbox to wrap text to the next line.
Direction: Select the direction in which the text appears:
- Horizontal (default): Displays the text horizontally.
- 90 degrees: Displays the text rotated 90 degrees clockwise.
- -90 degrees: Displays the text rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise
Overflow: Select how to display text that exceeds the size of its text field:
- Clip (default): Displays only the text that can fit within the size of the text field.
- Scroll: Displays a scroll bar to allow a user to view all of the text.
Fill Color: Select the background color from the palette. In the Percent field, type the opacity of the background as a percentage. Higher values are more opaque.
Outer Border: Select the line style of the borders from the drop-down list. Next, select the color of the borders from the palette.