MicroStrategy ONE

Project Configuration Default Settings

The default project configuration settings, defined in the Project Configuration Editor, are provided below.

To access the Project Configuration Editor in Developer, right-click the project source and choose Project Configuration.

Project Definition - General



Default Value
Description Create or edit a description of the project. Empty


Click the Modify button to alter three different properties:

Security - Change user permissions.

International - Change the default language.

Change journal - Enable the change journey category to list the changes that have been made to this object.


Project Definition - Security



Default Value
Security model Use 7.1x security model Set the security model at report execution time, whether security is checked only on the report object itself (Use 7.1.x security model) or on all objects that make up a report (Use 7.2.x security model). Unselected
Use 7.2x security model Selected
Access control Set project definition security Click Modify to open the Properties dialog box: Security tab. The ACL you define here is applied as the default ACL for the project and all of the objects within the project, excluding the objects mentioned in the following option.

Full control

Set Freeform SQL and MDX objects default security

Click Modify to open the Properties dialog box: Security tab. The ACL you define here is applied as the default ACL for all objects in the project related to Freeform SQL, Query Builder, and MDX cube sources (SAP BW, Microsoft Analysis Services, Hyperion Essbase, and IBM Cognos TM1). This includes objects such as reports, metrics, attributes, MDX cubes, tables, and other such objects that are created with these MicroStrategy features. You can modify this default ACL for any object in a project individually.

Full Control

Set project root folder security

Click Modify to open the Properties dialog box: Security tab. The ACL you define here is applied as the ACL for the project root folder.

Full Control

Project Definition - Drilling



Default Value
Default project drill map

Select a default project drill map or click Clear to remove the default drill map from the field.

All projects must have a default drill map; you cannot remove the existing default drill map from this field until you specify a new default drill map. If you try to remove the only default drill map for a project, a message indicates that other objects depend on it. When you search for dependent objects, none are found, because the dependent object is the project itself.

You can disable drilling for the project by selecting an empty drill map, and then clearing the Drill to immediate children/parents checkbox, described below.

Advanced Drill to immediate children/parents This controls drill-down behavior from objects on a report; when it is enabled, only the immediate children or parents of an object, rather than all children or parents, are displayed to be drilled to. Unchecked
Enable Web personalized drill paths

When this is selected, Web users can see only personalized drill paths rather than all drill paths. Personalized drill paths are based on each object's access control list (ACL), specified in the Security category of the Properties dialog box. If you set up ACLs, all drill paths are still displayed in Web until you enable Web personalized drill paths.

Note: Selecting this checkbox disables XML caching, which can adversely impact MicroStrategy Web performance.

Sort drilling options in ascending alphabetical order

When this is enabled, all drilling options are automatically sorted alphabetically in the display when a user right-clicks on a drillable object. Sorting occurs within a hierarchy and between hierarchies, in ascending alphabetical order.

Note: Sorting is by drill type, then by set name, then by path (attribute) name. However, for most custom drill paths, the drill type is "drilltounit" and the set name is generally empty, so the most likely default sorting order is ascending order of path (attribute) name.


Project Definition - Object Templates



Default Value
Report Default Template

The object template used to create a new report for any users who have disabled object templates for reports.

Note: The same default object template is used for both reports and Intelligent Cubes.

Show empty template Determines whether to show or hide the empty object template. Checked
Template Default Template The object template used to create a new template for any users who have disabled object templates for templates. (None)
Show empty template Determines whether to show or hide the empty object template. Checked
Metric Default Template The object template used to create a new metric for any users who have disabled object templates for metrics. (None)
Show empty template Determines whether to show or hide the empty object template. Checked
Document Use Document Wizard As an alternative to providing a default document template to document designers, if you select this the designer is automatable presented with a wizard that steps them through document creation. This can be helpful for newer or infrequent designers of documents. Unselected
Use Template The object template used to create a new document for any users who have disabled object templates for documents. Selected
Show empty template Determines whether to show or hide the empty object template. Checked

Project Definition - PDF Settings



Default Value
Edit From the Edit drop-down list, select whether you want to add a header or a footer to PDFs created when a report is exported from this project. Empty
Insert Auto-Text From the Insert Auto-Text drop-down list, select the auto-text to display. Options include Date, Number of Pages, Page By, and more. Empty

Project Definition - Export Settings



Default Value
Edit You can define static text that will appear on all reports within a project. This is particularly useful for adding text such as "Confidential," "Proprietary," your company's name, and so on. The text appears on every report that is exported from the project. The text can appear as a header or as a footer. Empty
Run Export to Excel/Word in 8.1.x compatibility mode If you have upgraded your MicroStrategy system from 8.1.x and are experiencing problems with exporting reports or documents to Excel or Word, MicroStrategy Technical Support may instruct you to select the Run Export to Excel/Word in 8.1.x compatibility mode checkbox. MicroStrategy recommends that you only select this checkbox if instructed to do so by MicroStrategy Technical Support. Empty
Do not merge or duplicate headers when exporting to Excel/Word Select the Do not merge or duplicate headers when exporting to Excel/Word checkbox to repeat the table headers when exporting a report or a document to an Excel sheet or a Word document, as per MicroStrategy 8.1.x. Again, MicroStrategy recommends that you only select this check box if instructed to do so by MicroStrategy Technical Support. Empty
Export to Flash file format The Export to Flash using this file format setting allows you to select the Flash file format for documents and dashboards. You can choose to export all the Flash files in a project in either MHT or PDF format. PDF

Project Definition - Communications



Default Value
Please type the text to display in the window title The Window title is displayed after the name of the object (report, document, metric, and so on) on the title bar of each interface for Developer users. The window title allows a user to confirm which project definition they are working with. Type the text to display in this field. Empty

Project Status

Click Modify to open the Project Status Editor. The Project Status is a message that is displayed on the project's home page. Enter a message and select the Display project status checkbox. Select to display the project at the top or bottom of the home page.


Project Definition - History List



Default Value
History settings Maximum number of messages per user   -1
Save Report Services document dataset messages to History List   Checked
Save exported results for interactive executions sent to History LIst   Unchecked
Maximum Inbox message size (MB)   -1

Project Definition - User Profiles



Default Value
Create user profiles at login

Enable or disable the automatic creation of these folders.

If you plan to duplicate a project, to minimize the time involved in the project duplication process it can be useful to disable this setting (by clearing the checkbox) so that user profile folders are not automatically created for new users.


Project Definition - Documents and Reports



Default Value
Report Details Properties Report details properties Click to specify report details properties. See Project Definition - Documents and Reports - Report Details Properties - General for more information.  
Watermark Watermark Click to specify the default watermark for documents and reports. See Project Definition - Documents and Reports - Watermark for more information.  
Watermark Allow documents to overwrite this watermark Select this checkbox if you want individual documents to be able to overwrite the watermark. Checked
Web Server Specify the web server that will be used to replace WEBSERVER macro in documents When a document containing the WEBSERVER macro is executed from MicroStrategy Web, the macro is replaced with the web server used to execute the document. If the document is executed from Developer, the WEBSERVER macro is replaced with the web server specified in the Specify the web server that will be used to replace WEBSERVER macro in documents field.


Specify the web server that will be used in link to history list for email subscriptions and notification of history list subscriptions If the document is executed through a subscription, you can use this field to specify which web server to use in the link to History List messages in email subscriptions and notifications. Empty
Flash documents Enable links in exported Flash documents (.mht files) Select this option to enable links in stand-alone Flash documents. Unchecked
Mobile documents Enable smart client Select this option to enable smart client for mobile documents. Unchecked

Project Definition - Documents and Reports - Report Details Properties - General



Default Value
Report Details Report Description Select this checkbox to display a short description of the report. Unchecked
Prompt Details Select this checkbox to display the prompt details on the report. Unchecked
Filter Details Select this checkbox to include the filter details such as the definition of the report filter, view filter, and report limits. Checked
Template Details Select this checkbox to include details about the objects on the report, such as attributes and metrics, as well as the metric definitions. Unchecked
Prompt Details Include Prompt Titles The prompt title is defined when the prompt is created and the index is a number indicating the order of the prompts in the dataset reports. To enable them to be displayed in the Report Details pane above a report, select Title and Index. Select No Title or Index to exclude the title and index. Title and Index
Replacement string for unanswered prompts

Select an option to be displayed from the drop-down list if a prompt is unanswered. The options are:

Default: The prompt is answered by the default prompt answer for the prompt in the target report.

Blank: There is no prompt in the target report.

Prompt Not Answered: The prompt in the target is ignored, which means that the prompt is not answered. No prompt answer is provided from the source and the user is not prompted to provide answers.

No Selection: The prompt is answered using none of the object selected in the source.

All/None: The prompt is answered using all the objects or none of the objects selected in the source.

Show attribute name for Attribute Element Prompts

You can specify whether and how you want to display the attribute name for the attribute element list prompts in the document. The options are:

Yes to show the attribute names.

No to exclude the attribute names.

Repeated to repeat the attribute name for each prompt answer.

Include unused prompts Select the checkbox to include unused prompts, which occur when you drill on a report that contains a prompt. Unchecked
Miscellaneous Use delimiters around report object names

Delimiters are characters that can appear around object names to set them off from other text. Braces { } are used as delimiters. You can select the following options from the drop-down list:

Yes to display delimiters for all metadata object names

No to exclude delimiters for all metadata object names

Automatic to display delimiters only for those object names that contain a special character. Special characters are characters other than a - z, A - Z, 0 - 9, #, _, and . (period).

Use aliases in Filter Details Select this checkbox to display aliases (object names) in the display of filter details. An alias is a secondary name for an object on a report, which is created when a user renames the object, to display a meaningful description in the context of that particular report. An alias does not change the name of the object as it is stored in the system, it only changes the name displayed on the report. A filter uses the actual name of the object, not the alias. You can determine whether aliases replace object names in the filter details. Unchecked

Project Definition - Documents and Reports - Report Details Properties - Filter Details - Contents



Default Value
General Report Filter Select this checkbox to enable report filters. Checked
Report Filter Name Choose whether to include the filter name in the Report Details pane or exclude it. If you select Automatic, the report filter name is displayed for a stand-alone filter and not displayed for an embedded filter. Automatic
Report Filter Description Select this checkbox to include a short description of the report filter in the Report Details pane. Checked
Report Limits Select whether to enable the display of report limits in the Report Details pane. A report limit specifies a set of criteria used to restrict the data returned in a result set after the report’s metrics are calculated. A report limit can make a report more efficient to run, because less information is returned from the data source. Checked
View Filter Select whether to enable the display of view filter details. A view filter is a quick qualification applied in memory to the report results. Checked
Metric Qualification in View Filter Select this checkbox to display the view filter’s metric qualification in the Report Details pane. Checked
Drill Filter Select this checkbox to display the drill filter. Unchecked
Security Filter Select this checkbox to display the security filter that is applied to the report and to the objects that make up the report. Unchecked
Additional Options Include filter type name Select this checkbox to display the filter type name, such as Report Filter, View Filter, etc. Checked
Show Empty Expressions Select this checkbox to display empty expressions in a filter. Unchecked
New line after filter type name Select this to add a line after each filter type name and before the actual definition of the filter. This provides spacing, making complex filter definitions easier to read. Checked
New line between filter types Select this to add a line after each sub-expression, to help differentiate between the various filters. Checked
Show Report Limits Select this to display report limit details either above or below the view filter details, if any. Before View Filter
Expand shortcut filters Select to expand the details displayed for shortcut filters. You can enable display of the shortcut filter’s name, definition, or both name and definition. Show Filter Definition

Project Definition - Documents and Reports - Report Details Properties - Filter Details - Other



Default Value
In List Conditions Show attribute name for In List conditions

Determines the display of the attribute’s name in the filter’s attribute element list. Select from the following options:

Yes to display the attribute name. This is the default setting.

No to exclude the attribute name.

Repeated to repeat the attribute name for each attribute element. Example: Region = Northeast, Region = Mid-Atlantic.

Separator after attribute name If you want a character to separate the attribute name from the attribute element name, type the character. The common characters used are an equals (=) sign or a colon. =
New line after attribute name Select this checkbox to display the attribute name and its element on separate lines. Unchecked
Separator between last two elements

You can select the text that separates the last two attribute elements in the list. The options are:

custom: The Custom separator field, described below, is enabled when you select this option.

or: The word ”or” is displayed between the last two attribute elements in the list.

and: The word ”and” is displayed between the last two attribute elements in the list.

comma: The comma character , is displayed between the last two attribute elements in the list.

Custom separator Type the character or text to be used as a separator. To enable this field, select Custom in the option described above. ,
New line between elements Select this checkbox to display each attribute element on a separate line in the Report Details pane. Unchecked
Trim elements Select this checkbox to trim any extra spaces in the attribute element names. For example, an element of an account attribute is PSI2415 : 10 : COMMERCIAL. If Trim elements is selected, the attribute is displayed as PSI2415 :10:COMMERCIAL, with the extra spaces excluded. Unchecked
Qualification Conditions Use names or symbols for operators Select the desired option to display operator names (such as Equals or Greater Than) or operator symbols (such as = or >). Symbols
Include attribute form names in qualification conditions Select this checkbox to display attribute form names (such as DESC or ID). Checked
Dynamic Dates Select this option to determine whether dates display the expression used to generate the date, the dates themselves, or a default display is used. Default
Logical Operators New line between conditions Select the desired option to specify whether or not each condition is displayed on a separate line in the Report Details pane. You can also select Automatic, which inserts a line only when filter conditions are joined by different logical operators. For more information, see Defining how logical operators are displayed. No
Parentheses around conditions

Select this option to display parentheses around each condition, such as (Region = Northeast). The options are:

Yes to display parentheses.

No to exclude parentheses.

Automatic to display parentheses only when it clarifies any ambiguity in the expression.

Logical operator between conditions

Select this option to display the logical operator, for example AND or OR, that appears between filter conditions. The options are:

Yes to display all operators. This is the default setting.

No to exclude all operators.

AND only to display only AND operators.

OR only to display only OR operators.


Project Definition - Documents and Reports - Report Details Properties - Template Details



Default Value
Logical Operators Units from View or Base

Use these options to display the details for report objects from the base report or the view report. Select one of the following from the Units from View or Base drop-down list:

To display details for all the objects on the report, that is, all the objects in Report Objects, select Base.

To show details for only those objects displayed on the report grid, select View.

Base Template name

Use these options to select whether the template name of the report is displayed in the Report Details pane. Select one of the following from the Base Template name drop-down list:

Yes: Select this to display the template name for a stand-alone template and the Local Template name for an embedded template.

Automatic: Select this to display the template name for a stand-alone template, but not display the Local Template name for an embedded template. This is the default setting.

No: Select this to omit display of the template name, whether or not the template is stand-alone or embedded.

Template Description Select this checkbox to display the short description of the template. If the template is embedded or does not have a description, the Template Description field does not appear. Checked
Non_Metric template units Select this checkbox to display definitions and expressions for objects on the report other than metrics, such as attributes and consolidations. Checked
Metrics Select this checkbox to display definitions and expressions for the metrics on the report. Checked
Conditional Metrics only Determines whether a metric has a condition applied to it. Unchecked
Formula Determines the metric formula. Checked
Dimensionality Determines the level at which the metric is calculated. Unchecked
Conditionality Determines the conditionality to a metric when you create a filter and add the filter to the metric’s definition so that only data that meets the filter conditions is included in that metric’s calculation. See the Basic Reporting Help for more information on conditionality. Checked
Transformation Determines whether a metric has a transformation applied to it. Unchecked

Project Definition - Documents and Reports - Watermark



Default Value
No watermark

If you select No watermarks while creating a project watermark, and the Allow documents to overwrite this watermark checkbox in the Project Configuration Editor is selected, a document displays its document watermark, if it is defined for the document. Reports do not display any watermarks when exported to PDF. See Creating document watermarks for more details.

If you select No watermarks while creating a project watermark, and the Allow documents to overwrite this watermark checkbox in the Project Configuration Editor is cleared, all watermarks are disabled. Neither documents nor reports display any watermarks. See Disabling all watermarks for more details.

If you select No watermarks while creating a document watermark, the document does not display any watermark, even if a project watermark has been defined. See Hiding a project watermark for a specific document for more details.

Text watermark   Select this option to enable a text watermark. Unselected
Text Enter the watermark text, up to 255 characters. Empty
Size font automatically Select to automatically adjust the font size to fill the layout. Checked
Washout Select to fade the watermark text, so you can view the report text through the watermark. Checked
Diagonal Select to display the watermark text diagonally. Selected
Horizontal Select to display the watermark text horizontally. Unselected
Image watermark     Unselected
Source Select an image to use as a watermark. Empty
Scale Select Auto to scale the watermark automatically. Select a percentage to scale the image manually. Auto

Project Definition - Change Journaling



Default Value
Configure Change Journaling Enable Change Journaling Select or clear this checkbox to enable or disable change journaling for this project source. When change journaling is enabled for a project, Intelligence Server records information in the change journal about changes made to the project configuration objects, such as users or schedules. Checked
Purge Change Journal Purge all data logged before (date) Select an appropriate date and time. All change journal data logged before this date and time is deleted when you click Purge Now. Today
Purge all data logged before (time) Now
Purge timeout (seconds) Enter the purge timeout in seconds. This is the length of time Intelligence Server waits for a response when it issues a purge command to the change journal. If there is no response by the time the timeout has elapsed, the purge command is canceled. 600

Project Definition - Advanced



Default Value

Prompt custom styles

Click Register Styles to associate prompt types with prompt styles, which determine how prompts display in MicroStrategy Web.


Attribute elements browsing Maximum number of elements to display

This is the maximum number of elements to display in a single request from Developer. Element requests that exceed this limit but are under the project level setting for maximum element rows are stored on the Intelligence Server. This setting impacts how many elements are displayed at one time in Developer's Data Explorer, and in prompt answer windows. Values of 0 and -1 indicate no limit.

Note: If a limit has been specified in the Hierarchy Editor or Attribute Editor that is lower than the limit specified here, that limit is used instead. If the limit specified here is lower than the limit in the Hierarchy Editor or Attribute Editor, this limit is used. If you are not seeing as many elements as you expect, check the attribute’s Limit setting in the Attribute Editor or Hierarchy Editor

Apply security filters to element browsing If this checkbox is selected, security filters are applied to attribute element browsing. For example, a user has a security filter defined as Category=Electronics. If this checkbox is selected, when the user browses the Product hierarchy, the user can see only the Electronics category. If this checkbox is cleared, the user can see all elements when browsing the Product hierarchy. Regardless of whether this checkbox is selected or cleared, the user can see only elements in the Electronics category when viewing a report. Checked
Project-Level VLDB settings Click to configure the analytical engine settings. See Details for All VLDB Properties for more information.    
Dependent Object Options Enable Find and Replace object dependencies If the checkbox is selected, a user is allowed to find all dependent objects and replace them. If the checkbox is cleared, a user is not allowed to find any dependent objects in the project. Unchecked
Enable deleting of object dependencies

If the checkbox is selected, users are allowed to view and delete all dependent objects that may be preventing the object in question from being deleted. A user must have the appropriate ACL access on all dependent objects for the deletion to occur (for details and links to steps, see About controlling access and ACLs).

If the checkbox is cleared, users cannot delete any dependent objects in the project.

Advanced Prompt Properties Display Attribute alphabetically in hierarchy prompt

If the checkbox is selected, users see the attributes in a hierarchy prompt displayed alphabetically. This setting overrides any specific sorting order defined in the Hierarchy Editor.

If the checkbox is cleared, users see the attributes in a hierarchy prompt displayed according to the sort order defined in the Hierarchy Editor.

Enable personal answers

Personal answers allow a user to save prompt answers for a specific prompt, and then reuse the answers on any report that uses a prompt.

If the checkbox is selected, prompt designers can allow users to select personal answers while creating a prompt.

If the checkbox is cleared, selecting personal answers for prompts is not allowed.

Populate Mobile ID system prompt for non-mobile users. Enter a value to populate as a mobile ID system prompt for non-mobile users. Unchecked

Project Definition - Right to Left



Default Value
Enable export to PDF in Hebrew Select this checkbox to enable export to PDF in Hebrew. This functionality is currently for internal MicroStrategy use only. Unchecked

Database Instances - SQL Data Warehouses



Default Value
Select the Primary Database Instance for the Project

Select the primary database instance for the project from the Select the Primary Database Instance for the Project drop-down list.

Note: If you have a license for the MultiSource Option, The primary database instance acts as the main source of data for a project and is used as the default database instance for tables added to the project. See the Project Design Help for information on the Warehouse Catalog, and accessing multiple data sources with the MultiSource Option.

VLDB Properties Click to configure VLDB properties. See Details for All VLDB Properties for more information.  

Database Instances - Statistics



Default Value

SQL Data warehouses

The SQL Data warehouses subcategory is where you create and modify your relational database instances.

You can configure the following settings for relational database instances:

Primary database instance: Select the primary database instance for the project from the Select the Primary Database Instance for the Project drop-down list.

New: Creates a new relational database instance with the Database Instance Editor.

Modify: Lets you modify database instances included for the project (including warehouse, data mart, Freeform SQL, and Query Builder database instances).

Set as default: Sets the selected database instance as the default database instance for the project. The default database instance is the database instance selected by default for Freeform SQL and Query Builder.

VLDB Properties: Modify the warehouse database instance VLDB properties using the VLDB Properties Editor.

Selecting a database instance check box makes that database instance available in the project for standard MicroStrategy reporting, data marts, Query Builder, and Freeform SQL. If you have a license for the MultiSource Option, selecting a check box for a database instance also makes the database instance available from the Warehouse Catalog to be part of the project’s relational schema.


MDX Data warehouse

The MDX Data warehouses subcategory provides settings to create and modify your MDX cube source database instances to connect to MDX cube sources.

You can configure the following settings for MDX cube sources:

New: Creates a new MDX cube source database instance with the Database Instance Editor.

Modify: Lets you modify an MDX cube database instance’s connection information.

VLDB Properties: You can Modify the database instance VLDB properties using the VLDB Properties Editor.

Schema Maintenance: Opens the Schema Maintenance dialog box, which lets you remove MDX database instances from a project, determine when MDX cube schemas are loaded into Intelligence Server, and move MDX cube schemas between different database instances.

Connection mapping

The Connection mapping category lists all the connection mappings for the project. It provides the following details:

Database Instance: The database instance that is being mapped to.

User: The user or group associated with the connection mapping.

Language: The default language used by the connection mapping.

Database Connection: The database connection used by the mapped database login.

Database Login: The database login ID that the users are mapped to.


The Statistics subcategory is where you select the database instance for the database where statistics tables are stored.

From the Statistics database instance drop-down list, select the database instance that represents the database in which the statistics tables are stored.

Statistics can be recorded for user sessions, caches, basic or detailed report jobs, etc.


Governing Rules - Default - Result Sets



Default Value
Intelligence Server Elapsed Time (sec) Interactive Reports Reports that are executed directly by a user. A value of -1 indicates no limit. 600
Scheduled Reports Reports that are executed from a subscription. The default value of -1 indicates no limit. 600
Wait time for prompt answers (sec) Specify the maximum time to wait for a prompt to be answered by the user in seconds. If the user fails to answer the prompt in the specified time limit, the job is cancelled. 600
Warehouse execution time (sec) Specify the maximum time for warehouse jobs to be executed by Intelligence Server. Jobs lasting longer than this setting are cancelled. A value of 0 or -1 indicates infinite time. 3600
Final Result Rows Intelligent Cubes Specify the maximum number of rows that can be returned to Intelligence Server for a report request, which includes intelligent cubes. When retrieving the results from the database, the Query Engine applies this setting. If the number of rows in a report exceeds the specified limit, the report generates an error and the report is not displayed. A value of 0 or -1 indicates no limit. 32,000
Data marts Specify the maximum number of rows that can be returned to Intelligence Server for a data mart report request. When retrieving the results from the database, the Query Engine applies this setting. If the number of rows in a report exceeds the specified limit, the report generates an error and the report is not displayed. The default value of -1 indicates no limit. 32,000
Document/Dashboard views Specify the maximum number of rows that can be returned to Intelligence Server for a document or dashboard request. When retrieving the results from the database, the Query Engine applies this setting. If the number of rows in a document or dashboard exceeds the specified limit, an error is displayed and no results are shown for the document or dashboard. A value of 0 or -1 indicates no limit. 50,000,000
All other reports Specify the maximum number of rows that can be returned to Intelligence Server for all other report requests. When retrieving the results from the database, the Query Engine applies this setting. If the number of rows in a report exceeds the specified limit, the report generates an error and the report is not displayed. A value of 0 or -1 indicates no limit. 32,000
All intermediate result rows   Limits the number of rows that can be in an intermediate result set used for analytical processing. This is not the number of rows that may be created in an intermediate or temporary table on the database. Intelligence Server uses intermediate tables for all analytic calculations that cannot be done on the database. Values of 0 and -1 indicate no limit. 32,000
Document/Dashboard views Specify the maximum number of rows that can be part of the intermediate result set when combining datasets to create the view of data for a document or dashboard. If the number of rows in a document or dashboard exceeds the specified limit, an error is displayed and no results are shown for the document or dashboard. A value of 0 or -1 indicates no limit. 50,000,000
All element browsing rows Limits the number of rows that can be retrieved from the database for an attribute element request. Values of 0 and -1 indicate no limit. Both MicroStrategy Developer and MicroStrategy Web have the ability to incrementally fetch element rows from Intelligence Server. This setting for Developer is in the Project Configuration Editor (Project definition category: Advanced subcategory); Web uses a General project default setting for incremental fetch called Maximum number of attribute elements per block. -1
Memory consumption during SQL generation (MB) Limits the memory consumption during SQL generation. This setting can be useful if you have jobs that may be extremely large, for example, when several highly complex custom groups exist on a report. When you use this setting, if the job is too big, the job is prevented from executing rather than the server becoming unavailable. Set the limit according to the expected number of SQL queries generated to avoid memory-related errors. A value of 0 or -1 indicates no limit. 2,000
Memory consumption during data fetching (MB) Limits the memory consumption during the importing of data from data sources such as web services or Excel spreadsheets. When you use this setting, if a data source is too large, the data is not imported. A value of -1 indicates no limit. A value of 0 or -1 indicates no limit. 2048
MicroStrategy (.mstr) file size (MB) Limits the file size, in megabytes, when downloading a dashboard from MicroStrategy Web. If a dashboard is larger than the specified file size, an error is displayed that provides the current limit, and the dashboard is not downloaded. Additionally, this setting applies to dashboards sent through Distribution Services. If a dashboard is larger than the specified size, the dashboard is not sent. A value of -1 indicates no limit. A value of 0 prevents the ability to download a dashboard from Web and to distribute a dashboard through Distribution Services. The maximum .mstr file size is 2047 MB. 100

Governing Rules - Default - Jobs



Default Value
Jobs per account Limits the number of concurrent jobs for a given user account and project. Concurrent jobs include report, element, and autoprompt requests that are executing or waiting to execute. Finished (open) jobs, cached jobs, or jobs that returned errors are not counted. A value of -1 indicates no limit. 100
Jobs per user session Limits the number of concurrent jobs a user may have during a given session. Concurrent jobs include report, element, and autoprompt requests that are executing or waiting to execute. Finished (open) jobs, cached jobs, or jobs that returned errors are not counted. A value of -1 indicates no limit. 100
Executing jobs per user Limits the number of concurrent jobs a single user account may have executing in the project at one time. If this limit is met, additional jobs are placed in the waiting queue until executing jobs finish. All requests are processed in the order they are received. A value of -1 indicates no limit. -1
Jobs per project   Limits the number of concurrent jobs that the project can process at a time. Concurrent jobs include report, element, and autoprompt requests that are executing or waiting to execute. Finished (open) jobs, cached jobs, or jobs that returned errors are not counted. A value of -1 indicates no limit. 1,000
Interactive jobs per project Specify the maximum number of interactive jobs that the selected project processes at a time. The default value of -1 indicates no limit. 600
Scheduled jobs per project Specify the maximum number of scheduled jobs that the selected project processes at a time. The default value of -1 indicates no limit. 400

Governing Rules - Default - User Sessions



Default Value
User sessions per project Limits the number of user sessions (connections) that are allowed in the project. When the limit is reached, new users cannot log in, except for the administrator, who may wish to disconnect current users or increase the governing setting. A value of -1 indicates no limit. See Governing Concurrent Users for steps to configure this setting. 500
Concurrent interactive project session per user Limits the number of concurrent interactive project sessions for a given user account. When the limit is reached, users cannot access new project sessions. 20

Governing Rules - Default - Subscriptions



Default Value
History List Limits the number of report or document execution requests that a user can subscribe to, to be delivered to the History List folder. A value of -1 indicates no limit. For steps to subscribe reports/documents to be delivered to a History List, see History List Subscription Editor. -1
Cache Update Limits the number of cache updates that a user can process at a time. A value of -1 indicates no limit. -1
Email Limits the number of reports or documents that a user can send to an email address at a time. A value of -1 indicates no limit. -1
File Limits the number of files that a user can subscribe to at a time. A value of -1 indicates no limit. -1
FTP Limits the number of reports/documents that the user can subscribe to, to be delivered to an FTP location, at a time. A value of -1 indicates no limit. -1
Print Limits the number of reports/documents that the user can subscribe to, to be delivered to a printer, at a time. A value of -1 indicates no limit. -1
Mobile Limits the number of reports or documents the user can subscribe to, to be delivered to a mobile device, at a time. -1
Personal View Limits the number of personal views that can be created by URL sharing. A value of -1 indicates no limit. -1

Governing Rules - Default - Import Data



Default Value
Maximum file size (MB)

The maximum size for a file to be imported for use as a data source. Files larger that this value cannot be opened during data import. The default value is 100 MB, the minimum value is 1 MB, and the maximum value is as follows:

Files from disk: 4 GB

Other sources: Dependent on Intelligence Server

Maximum quota per user (MB)

Defines the maximum size of all data import cubes for each individual user regardless of whether they are published to memory or on disk. You can set the maximum size quota by entering one the following values:

-1: Unlimited - No limit is placed on the size of data import cubes for each user.

0: Default - The default size limit of 100 MB is applied to each user.

1+: Specific limit - Entering a value of 1 or greater will apply a MB limit of that size to each user.

In a clustered environment this setting applies to all nodes in the cluster.

Enable URL file upload via   Enable this checkbox to allow users to import files from the Internet using a URL. Unchecked
HTTP/HTTPS Allow users to import data from the Internet by connecting to an HTTP or HTTPS URL. Unchecked
FTP Allow users to import data from the Internet by connecting to an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Server. Unchecked
File Allow users to import data from files on your Intelligence Server machine. Warning: Enabling this option can provide users the ability to import any critical or system files that are stored on your Intelligence Server machine. Unchecked

Caching - Result Caches - Creation



Default Value
Project Default Behavior Enable report server caching

If this option is enabled, you can modify the following:

Enable prompted report caching

Enable non-prompted report caching

Enable Document Output Caching in Selected Formats Select this checkbox to enable document output caching in various formats. Checked
PDF Select to enable document caching for PDF documents. Checked
Excel Select to enable document caching for Excel documents. Checked
XML/Flash/HTML5 Select to enable document caching for XML/Flash/HTML5 documents. Checked
All Select to enable document caching for all document formats. Checked
Enable caching for prompted reports and documents Select this checkbox to enable caching for reports and documents that contain prompts. If your users commonly answer prompted reports with different answers each time the report is run, caching these reports and documents may not provide significant benefits. In this case, you may want to disable this setting. Checked
Record prompt answers for cache monitoring Select this checkbox to display the answers to prompts in cached reports in the Cache Monitor. Checked
Enable XML caching for reports

Select this checkbox to enable XML caching for reports. XML caching stores the attributes to which all users in Web can drill in the report’s XML cache.

Note: If you select the Enable Web personalized drill paths checkbox from the Project definition Drilling category, XML caching is disabled, which may adversely impact MicroStrategy Web performance.

Cache Creation Options Create caches per user Determine what cache creation is based on: by user, by database login, and/or by database connection. Unchecked
Create caches per database login

Determine what cache creation is based on: by user, by database login, and/or by database connection.

Important: If you use database authentication, for security reasons MicroStrategy recommends selecting the Create caches per database login checkbox. Doing this ensures that users who execute their reports using different database login IDs cannot use the same cache.

Create caches per database connection Determine what cache creation is based on: by user, by database login, and/or by database connection. Unchecked

Caching - Result Caches - Storage



Default Value
Disk Storage Cache file directory Navigate to the directory you want to use for cache files.
Cache encryption level on disk If you need to encrypt the cache files, set the level of encryption using this drop-down list. None
Memory Storage Datasets - Maximum RAM usage (MB) Define the maximum RAM usage (in megabytes) for report caching. This setting needs to be at least the size of the largest cache file, or the largest report caches will not be used. The minimum value for this setting is 20 megabytes, and the maximum value is 65536 megabytes, or 64 gigabytes. 256
Datasets - Maximum number of caches

Define the maximum number of caches allowed in the project at one time.

Note: The default value for the maximum number of caches is 10,000. The maximum value that you can set is 999,999. If you enter any positive value greater than 999,999, the value sets itself to 1,000,000. If you enter ?, Intelligence Server uses the default value.

Formatted Documents - Maximum RAM usage (MB) Define the maximum RAM usage (in megabytes) for report caching. This setting needs to be at least the size of the largest cache file, or the largest report caches will not be used. The minimum value for this setting is 20 megabytes, and the maximum value is 65536 megabytes, or 64 gigabytes. 4096
Formatted Documents - Maximum number of caches

Define the maximum number of caches allowed in the project at one time.

Note: The default value for the maximum number of caches is 100,000. The maximum value that you can set is 999,999. If you enter any positive value greater than 999,999, the value sets itself to 1,000,000. If you enter ?, Intelligence Server uses the default value.

RAM swap multiplier This setting controls how much memory is swapped to disk, relative to the size of the cache being swapped into memory. For example, if the RAM swap multiplier setting is 2 and the requested cache is 80 Kilobytes, 160 Kilobytes are swapped from memory to disk. Increasing this setting can increase caching efficiency in cases where the cache memory is full and several concurrent reports are trying to swap from disk. 2
Maximum RAM for report caches index (%) This setting determines what percentage of the amount of memory specified in the Maximum RAM usage limits can be used for result cache lookup tables. If your reports and documents contain many prompt answers, the cache lookup table may reach this limit. At this point, Intelligence Server no longer creates new caches. To continue creating new caches, you must either remove existing caches to free up memory for the cache lookup table, or increase this limit. The default value for this setting is 100%, and the values can range from 10% to 100%. 100
Load caches on startup When this setting is enabled (selected), when Intelligence Server starts up it will load report caches from disk until the maximum RAM usage for cache has been reached. Checked

Caching - Result Caches - Maintenance



Default Value
Never expire caches

Causes caches to never automatically expire.

MicroStrategy recommends selecting the Never expire caches checkbox, instead of using use time-based result cache expiration. A cache is dependent on the results in your data source and should only be invalidated when the events occur that result in the cache no longer being valid. For example, for a daily report, the cache may need to be deleted when the data warehouse is loaded. For weekly reports, you may want to delete the cache and recreate it at the end of each week. In production systems, cache invalidation should be driven by events such as Warehouse Load or End Of Week, not short-term time-based occurrences such as 24 hours.

Cache duration (hours)

Select the number of hours that a report cache should exist before it expires.

Note: When a cache is updated, the current cache lifetime is used to determine the cache expiration date based on the last update time of the cache. This means that changing the Cache duration (Hours) setting or the Never Expire Caches setting does not affect the expiration date of the already existing caches. It only affects the new caches that are being or will be processed.

Do not apply automatic expiration logic for reports containing dynamic data

By default, the caches for reports are based on filters that use dynamic dates. These caches always expire at midnight of the last day in the dynamic date filter.

For example, a report has a filter based on the dynamic date Today. If this report is executed on Monday, the cache for this report expires at midnight on Monday. This is because a user who runs the report on Tuesday expects to view data from Tuesday, not the cached data from Monday.

To change the default behavior, select the Do not Apply Automatic Expiration Logic for reports containing dynamic dates checkbox. When this setting is enabled, report caches with dynamic dates expire in the same way as other report caches, according to the other cache duration settings.


Purge Caches

Click Purge Now to ensure that a re-run report displays the most recent data stored in your data source, you should purge caches regularly.


Caching - Auxiliary Caches - Objects



Default Value
Server Maximum RAM usage (MB) Set the maximum RAM usage (MB) for object caching for the server. The object cache is non-schema metadata information used by Intelligence Server to speed the retrieval of objects from the metadata. A value of -1 indicates the default value of 50 megabytes. A value of 0 resets to the minimum value of 1 megabyte. 1024

Purge Object Cache

Click Purge Now to delete all object caches.


Client Maximum RAM usage (MB) Set the maximum RAM usage (MB) for object caching for the client. The object cache is non-schema metadata information used by Intelligence Server to speed the retrieval of objects from the metadata. A value of -1 indicates the default value of 50 megabytes. A value of 0 resets to the minimum value of 1 megabyte. 10

Caching - Auxiliary Caches - Elements



Default Value
Server Maximum RAM usage (MB) Set the maximum RAM usage (MB) for element caching for the server. The Element cache is stored in memory or in a cache file located on the Intelligence Server. If the Element cache memory setting is not large enough to hold a newly created cache, that cache is not created. Even though the cache may have been purged on the Intelligence Server machine, it may still be created on the Developer client machine. 512
Create element caches per passthrough login Select this checkbox to create element caches for each passthrough login. If you use database authentication, for security reasons MicroStrategy recommends selecting this checkbox. This ensures that users who execute their reports using different pass-through login IDs do not use the same cache. Checked
Create caches per connection map Select this checkbox to create caches per connection map. Use this setting if connection mapping is used. See Controlling Access to the Database: Connection Mappings for more information. Checked

Purge element caches

Click Purge Now to delete all element caches.


Client Maximum RAM usage (MB) Set the maximum RAM usage (MB) for element caching for the client. The Element cache is stored in memory or in a cache file located on the Intelligence Server. If the Element cache memory setting is not large enough to hold a newly created cache, that cache is not created. Even though the cache may have been purged on the Intelligence Server machine, it may still be created on the Developer client machine. 1

Caching - Subscription Execution



Default Value
Re-run history list and mobile subscriptions against the warehouse Select this checkbox to create caches or update existing caches when a report or document is executed and that report/document is subscribed to the History List folder or a mobile device. Unchecked
Re-run, file, email, print, or FTP subscriptions against the warehouse Select this checkbox to create caches or update existing caches when a report or document is executed and that report/document is subscribed to a file, email, or print device Unchecked
Do not create or update matching caches Select this checkbox to prevent the subscription from creating or updating Matching caches. If this checkbox is cleared, Matching caches are created or updated as per the standard report or document caching rules. Unchecked
Keep document available for manipulation for History List Subscriptions only Select this checkbox to retain a document or report for later manipulation that was delivered to the History List folder. Checked

Intelligent Cubes - General



Default Value
Intelligent Cube file directory Specifies the file location in which Intelligent Cubes are stored when you select to save an Intelligent Cube to secondary storage. Along with storing Intelligent Cubes in Intelligence Server memory, you can store them in secondary storage, such as a hard disk. These Intelligent Cubes can then be loaded from this secondary storage into Intelligence Server memory when reports require access to the Intelligent Cube data.
Maximum RAM usage (MB)


Defines the amount of data required for all Intelligent Cubes to limit the amount of Intelligent Cube data stored in Intelligence Server memory at one time for a project. The default is 256 megabytes.

The total amount of memory used on Intelligence Server by Intelligent Cubes for a project is calculated and compared to the limit you define. If an attempt to load an Intelligent Cube is made that would exceed this limit, an Intelligent Cube is removed from Intelligence Server memory before the new Intelligent Cube is loaded into memory.

Maximum number of cubes


Defines the limit of how many Intelligent Cubes are stored in Intelligence Server memory at one time for a project.

The total number of Intelligent Cubes for a project that are stored in Intelligence Server memory is compared to the limit you define. If an attempt to load an Intelligent Cube is made that would exceed the limit, an Intelligent Cube is removed from Intelligence Server memory before the new Intelligent Cube is loaded into memory.

Maximum cube size allowed for download (MB) Defines the maximum cube size, in megabytes, that can be downloaded from Intelligence Server. Additionally, this value is used by Distribution Services when sending an .mstr file by email. If the cube size is greater than the specified value, the .mstr file will not be sent by email. 100
Maximum % growth of an Intelligent Cube due to indexes Defines the maximum that indexes are allowed to add to the Intelligent Cube’s size, as a percentage of the original size. For example, a setting of 50 percent defines that a 100 MB Intelligent Cube can grow to 150 MB due to its indexes. If the Intelligent Cube’s size exceeds this limit, the least-used indexes are dropped from the Intelligent Cube. 500
Cube growth check frequency (minutes) Defines, in minutes, how often the Intelligent Cube’s size is checked and, if necessary, how often the least-used indexes are dropped. 30
Create Intelligent Cubes by database connection


Select this checkbox to define your Intelligent Cubes to use and support connection mapping. If you do not define Intelligent Cubes to support connection mapping when connection mapping is used in a project, users may be able to access data they are not intended to have access to.

When an Intelligent Cube that supports connection mapping is published, it uses the connection mapping of the user account that published the Intelligent Cube. Only users that have this connection mapping can create and view reports that access this Intelligent Cube. This maintains the data access security and control defined by your connection mappings.

If an Intelligent Cube needs to be available for multiple connection mappings, you must publish a separate version of the Intelligent Cube for each of the required connection mappings.

Load Intelligent Cubes on startup


Select this checkbox to include the process of loading all published Intelligent Cubes as one of the tasks completed when Intelligence Server is started. Report runtime performance for reports accessing Intelligent Cubes is optimized because the Intelligent Cube for the report has already been loaded. However, the overhead experienced during Intelligence Server startup is increased because of the processing of loading Intelligent Cubes.

You can clear this checkbox to exclude the process of loading all published Intelligent Cubes as one of the tasks completed when Intelligence Server is started. The overhead experienced during Intelligence Server startup is decreased as compared to including loading Intelligent Cubes as part of the startup tasks. However, report runtime performance for reports accessing Intelligent Cubes can be negatively affected because the Intelligent Cube must first be loaded into Intelligence Server. To avoid these report performance issues, you can load Intelligent Cubes manually or with subscriptions after Intelligence Server is started.

Allow reports to drill outside the Intelligent Cube


All reports that access Intelligent Cubes allow you to drill within the data included in an Intelligent Cube. This provides ROLAP-type analysis without having to re-execute against the data warehouse. For example, an Intelligent Cube includes Year and Quarter. A report accessing the Intelligent Cube includes only Year on the report. On the report, you can drill down from Year to Quarter, which returns the results without any extra load on the data warehouse or Intelligence Server.

The decision to enable or disable drilling outside an Intelligent Cube depends on several factors. You should consider the size and complexity of your Intelligent Cubes when deciding whether to enable drilling outside an Intelligent Cube. Enabling drilling outside relatively small Intelligent Cubes can give the benefit of ROLAP analysis through drilling, but enabling this analysis on relatively large Intelligent Cubes can put increased load on your data warehouse and Intelligence Server. See the In-memory Analytics Help for steps to define the drilling behavior of Intelligent Cubes.

Load Intelligent Cubes into Intelligence Server memory upon publication


Select this checkbox to load Intelligent Cubes into Intelligence Server memory when the Intelligent Cube is published. Intelligent Cubes must be loaded into Intelligence Server memory to allow reports to access and analyze their data.

To conserve Intelligence Server memory, clear this checkbox to define Intelligent Cubes to be stored in secondary storage only when published. The Intelligent Cube can then be loaded into Intelligence Server memory manually, using schedules, or whenever a report attempts to access the Intelligent Cube.

Dynamic Sourcing Enable Dynamic Sourcing Select this checkbox to enable dynamic sourcing for the entire project, or clear this checkbox to disable dynamic sourcing for the entire project. Checked
Make Intelligent Cubes available for Dynamic Sourcing by default Select this checkbox to enable dynamic sourcing for all Intelligent Cubes in a project. To disable dynamic sourcing as the default behavior for all Intelligent Cubes in a project, clear this checkbox. Unchecked
Allow Dynamic Sourcing even if outer join properties are not set Select this checkbox to make Intelligent Cubes available for dynamic sourcing even if some outer join properties are not set. However, this may cause incorrect data to be shown in reports that use dynamic sourcing. Unchecked

Statistics - General



Default Value
Statistics Connection The statistics database is listed in the Statistics Connection field. You set the statistics database instance in the Project Configuration Editor: Database Instances category, Statistics subcategory. <None>
Basic statistics User session and project session analysis. This option must be selected for any statistics to be logged. Unchecked
Advanced Statistics Collections Options Report job steps Detailed statistics on the processing of each report. Unchecked
Document job steps Detailed statistics on the processing of each document. Unchecked
Report job SQL The generated SQL for all report jobs. Warning: This option can create a very large statistics table. Select this option only when you need the job SQL data. Unchecked
Report job tables/columns accessed Data warehouse tables and columns accessed by each report. Unchecked
Mobile Clients Detailed statistics on reports and documents that are executed on a mobile device. Unchecked
Mobile Clients Manipulations Statistics on reports and document users executed on mobile clients as a result of a manipulation of the report or document. Unchecked
Mobile Clients Location Location information logged from a mobile client. Unchecked

Statistics - Purge



Default Value
Select dates From The beginning date of the date range for which to purge statistics. Today minus one year
To The end date of the date range for which to purge statistics. Today
Purge timeout (seconds) The number of seconds to wait for the purge process to finish. If the process does not respond by the end of this time, a timeout for the process occurs, and the system does not continue to take up system resources trying to start the process. 10

Advanced >>

You can select the categories of staging statistics to be purged for the selected period:


Purge Now Starts the purge process. Unclicked

Project Access - General



Default Value
Select a security role from the following list Use this drop-down list to view existing security roles and to assign a security role to a group or to individual users. Empty
Available members Use this drop-down list to select the groups or users or both you want to assign a security role to. To search for a group or user name, type a name into the Find field and click the Filter button next to the Find field. Empty
Show users Select this checkbox to display user names in a selected group. Unchecked
Selected members This box displays any user or group that has the selected security role assigned to them. You can assign security roles by using the right arrow to move users and groups from the Available members box on the left to the Selected members box on the right. Empty

Security Filter - General



Default Value
Security Filter Manager Click Modify to open the Security Filter Manager. From this manager you can assign security filters to groups or individual users and modify a security filter's definition. Empty
Security Filter Merge Options Union (OR) Security Filters on related attributes, intersect (AND) Security Filters on unrelated attributes By default, MicroStrategy merges related security filters with OR and unrelated security filters with AND. That is, if two security filters are related, the user can see all data available from either security filter. However, if the security filters are not related, the user can see only the data available in both security filters. Two security filters are considered related if the attributes that they derive from belong in the same hierarchy, such as Country and Region, or Year and Month. Selected
Intersect (AND) all Security Filters You can also configure Intelligence Server to always merge security filters with an AND, regardless of whether they are related. This setting may cause problems if a user is included in two mutually exclusive security filters. For example, a user who is a member of both the Northeast and Southeast regions cannot see any data from the Geography hierarchy. Unselected

Report Definition - SQL Generation



Default Value
Attribute weights Click Modify to open the Attribute weights dialog box. Here you can define attribute weights to be used when creating a temporary table index. Empty

Warehouse catalog

Click Catalog Options to open the Warehouse catalog dialog box. Configure options for the Warehouse Catalog.

Attribute creation Click Attribute Options to open the Attribute Creation Rules dialog box .Set the default behavior for attribute creation dialogs. Empty
Fact creation Click Fact Options to open the Fact Creation Rules dialog box. Set the default behavior for fact creation dialogs. Empty
Custom column creation Determine whether the system should Check for invalid characters and name length in custom column names. Checked
Database Instance Ordering Use Multisource Option default ordering

If data is available in multiple data sources through MultiSource Option, the primary database instance is used if it has the necessary data. If the data is only available in other secondary data sources, one of the secondary data sources that includes the data is used to retrieve the necessary data using some basic internal logic. Any data source priority you defined using Database Instance Ordering is ignored.

By selecting this option, this MultiSource Option default ordering is used for all reports in a project. You can enable or disable the use of this ordering for individual reports.

Use project level database instance ordering

If data is available in multiple data sources through MultiSource Option, the data source used to retrieve the data is based off of the priority that you defined using Database Instance Ordering. If data is only available in a data source that is not included in the priority list, then an applicable data source is chosen using the standard MultiSource Option logic.

By selecting this option, the data source priority list you defined for the project is used for all reports in a project. You can enable or disable the use of this ordering for individual reports.


Report Definition - Null Values



Default Value
Null display settings Set the value to be displayed in the reports when there is an empty value in the data retrieved from the warehouse   Empty
Set the value to be displayed in the reports when there is an empty value in the data as a result of the cross-tabulation process   Empty
Set the value to be used in place of empty values when the report data is sorted   Unchecked
Aggregation null values Set the value to be displayed in the reports when the metric value cannot be calculated at the desired level   --
Missing Object Display Enter the value to display when an object on a report or document references an object that is not available. For example, a document may use a metric that is not included in a dataset report. Or an MDX report may use an attribute that is no longer mapped to an MDX cube. The types of objects that may encounter this problem include MDX reports, Freeform SQL reports, views within a working set report, and documents. Empty

Report Definition - Graph



Default Value
Use graph default font Override the default font in the graph template when creating a new chart

Select this checkbox to define a character set and font to override the defaults.

Select the character set to be used for the new graph: Select a character set from the drop-down list. This character set overrides the default character set when creating a new graph.

Select the font to be used for the new graph: Select a font from the drop-down list. This font overrides the default font when creating a new graph.

Null values Use zero instead of null values Select this checkbox to display a zero value (0) in place of null values when a report is displayed as a graph. This acts as the default behavior for all graph reports in a project. You can also define this support for each individual graph report using the Graph Preferences dialog box. Unchecked
Rounded Effects

Select the manner in which rounded effects are applied to graph reports in the project. You can then define whether rounded effects are applied for each individual graph report using the Graph Preferences dialog box. You have the following options for how rounded effects are applied to graph reports:

<None>: Select this option to disable rounded effects from being applied to graph reports in the project. Even if the individual graph reports are defined to use rounded effects, no rounded effects are used for the graph reports. Instead of using these rounded effects, you can define bevel and fill formatting for each individual series marker in graph reports. Disabling the rounded effects can also allow thresholds to be displayed on certain graph types.

Standard: Select this option to enable the standard rounded effects to be applied to graph reports in the project, but disable threshold formatting for Horizontal Bar graphs. This is the default option to support backward compatibility. However, you should select Optimized to support both rounded effects and threshold formatting for most graph types.

Optimized: Select this option to enable the optimized rounded effects to be applied to graph reports in the project. This applies the rounded effects to the graph series, while also keeping any formatting that was applied through thresholds for graph types such as Bar graphs. However, some graph types cannot support both rounded effects and thresholds. You can support the display of thresholds for those graph types by selecting <None> to disable rounded effects for all graphs in a project, or by using the Graph Preferences dialog box to disable rounded effects for individual graph reports.


Report Definition - Advanced



Default Value
No data returned This is the message that will be displayed when the report execution has no data as a result   Empty
Display message in document grids

If you select this option, empty Grid/Graphs display a message as described below.

If no text is entered in the No data returned field, empty Grid/Graphs display the default message (No data returned) in the localized language.

If text has been entered in the No data returned field, empty Grid/Graphs display that text.

Hide document grid If you select this option, empty Grid/Graphs are displayed as blank Grid/Graphs. Any text entered in the No data returned field is not displayed. Unselected
Page by reports Retain page-by selections when you save a report Select this checkbox if you want to retain page-by selections when saving a report in this project. Checked
Overwriting reports with MicroStrategy 9 OLAP Service Reports

(OLAP Services only) Determine how differing report versions will be handled for OLAP Services reports. Previous versions of MicroStrategy clients, such as Web or Developer, may not display correct formatting for OLAP Services reports created or edited and saved in version 9.0 and later. If your environment uses a mixture of 9.0 clients and older clients, select one of the following settings to determine how the system should handle OLAP Services reports.

If a user attempts to save a 9.0 OLAP Services report with the same name as an older report, select one of the settings below to determine the outcome:

Allow without a warning message: The 9.0 report automatically replaces the older report; the user is not warned.

Allow with a warning message: A warning message opens. The user can overwrite the older report, or cancel the save, or change the name of the 9.0 report so that the older report is not overwritten.

Prevent: The user is not allowed to overwrite the older report, and is prompted to save the 9.0 report with a different name.

Allow with a warning message
Sorting Move sort keys with pivoting unit When you pivot (move an object between the rows and the columns of a report), this option determines whether the pivoted object retains its sorting. Checked

Language - Metadata

Settings Description Default Value
Selected Languages Select the languages that will be available for translations of text strings of objects, such as report names, descriptions, and custom group elements in the metadata. Based on machine settings

Language - Data



Default Value
Enable data internationalization

SQL based

The Enable data internationalization checkbox allows users to translate the objects in the selected project. Checked with SQL based
Connection mapping based
Selected Languages Select the languages that will be available for translations of text strings of objects, such as report names, descriptions, and custom group elements in the metadata. Based on machine settings Selected Languages

Language - User Preferences



Default Value
User Language Preferences Manager Click Modify to specify the metadata and data language for this project by individual user. Empty
Metadata language preference for all users in this project Select the metadata language to be used in this project. Default
Data language preference for all users in this project Select the data language to be used in this project. Default

Deliveries - Email Delivery - Email Notification



Default Value
Enable email notification to administrator for failed email delivery   Select this checkbox to send a notification email to the recipient when the subscribed report or document is delivered to the file location. If this checkbox is cleared, all other options in this category are disabled. Checked
Recipient name The MicroStrategy user or contact that subscribed to the delivery. Checked
Owner name The owner of the subscription. Checked
Report or Document name Name of the subscribed report or document. Checked
Project name Project containing the report or document. Checked
Delivery method Email, file, FTP, print, Histoy List, Cache, or Mobile Checked
Schedule The schedule associated with the subscription. Checked
Subscription name The name of the subscription. Checked
Delivery status Status of the delivery, such as Complete, Timed Out, or Error. Checked
Date Date of the delivery. Checked
Time Time of the delivery. Checked
Email address Address to which the failed delivery attempted to be sent. Checked
Error message The specific error message for a failed delivery. Checked
Append the following text To include a message with each cache delivery notification, select this checkbox and type the message in the field. Checked
Send notification to this administrator email address when delivery fails Enter the email address of a system administrator to receive a notification email for the failed cache delivery. Empty

Deliveries - Email Delivery - Compression



Default Value
Enable compression Select this checkbox to compress the report or document that is subscribed and delivered to a file location. Checked
Level of compression Select the level of compression for the subscribed report or document as High, Medium, or Low from the drop-down list. Medium
Extension of compressed file In this field, specify the file extension for the compressed files. The default extension is ZIP. Reports or documents are compressed using the ZIP algorithm. Changing the extension does not change the algorithm; it changes only the file extension. For example, some network environments do not allow files with the ZIP extension to be delivered as email attachments. In these environments, changing the file extension is necessary for the attachments to be delivered. zip

Deliveries - Email Delivery - Email Footer



Default Value
Append the following footer Select this checkbox and type the text that you want to add as a footer in the email that is sent to email subscription recipients. Unchecked

Deliveries - File Delivery - Email Notification



Default Value
Enable email notification for file delivery   Select this checkbox to send a notification email to the recipient when the subscribed report or document is delivered to the file location. If this checkbox is cleared, all other options in this category are disabled. Checked
Send notification to recipient when delivery fails Select this checkbox to send a notification email to the recipient when the subscribed report or document fails to be delivered on schedule. Checked
Recipient name The MicroStrategy user or contact that subscribed to the delivery. Checked
Owner name The owner of the subscription. Checked
Report or Document name Name of the subscribed report or document Checked
Project name Project containing the report or document Checked
Delivery method The delivery method of email, file, FTP, print, Histoy List, Cache, or Mobile. Checked
Schedule The schedule associated with the subscription. Checked
Subscription name The name of the subscription. Checked
Delivery status The status of the delivery, such as Complete, Timed Out, or Error. Checked
Date Date of the delivery Checked
Time Time of the delivery Checked
File location Location of the file Checked
Link to file Hyperlink to the file Checked
Error message The specific error message for a failed delivery. Checked
Append the following text To include a message with each cache delivery notification, select this checkbox and type the message in the field. Checked
Send notification to this administrator email address when delivery fails Type the email address of a system administrator to receive a notification email for the failed cache delivery. Empty

Deliveries - File Delivery - Compression



Default Value
Enable compression Select this checkbox to compress the report or document that is subscribed and delivered to a file location. Checked
Level of compression Select the level of compression for the subscribed report or document as High, Medium, or Low from the drop-down list. Medium
Extension of compressed file In this field, specify the file extension for the compressed files. The default extension is ZIP. Reports or documents are compressed using the ZIP algorithm. Changing the extension does not change the algorithm; it changes only the file extension. For example, some network environments do not allow files with the ZIP extension to be delivered as email attachments. In these environments, changing the file extension is necessary for the attachments to be delivered. zip

Deliveries - FTP Delivery - Email Notification



Default Value
Enable email notification for FTP   Select this checkbox to send a notification email to the recipient when the subscribed report or document is delivered to the file location. If this checkbox is cleared, all other options in this category are disabled. Checked
Send notification to recipient when delivery fails Select this checkbox to send a notification email to the recipient when the subscribed report or document fails to be delivered on schedule. Checked
Recipient name The MicroStrategy user or contact that subscribed to the delivery. Checked
Owner name The owner of the subscription. Checked
Report or Document name Name of the subscribed report or document Checked
Project name Project containing the report or document Checked
Delivery method The delivery method of email, file, FTP, print, Histoy List, Cache, or Mobile. Checked
Schedule The schedule associated with the subscription. Checked
Subscription name The name of the subscription. Checked
Delivery status The status of the delivery, such as Complete, Timed Out, or Error. Checked
Date Date of the delivery Checked
Time Time of the delivery Checked
File location Location of the file Checked
Link to file Hyperlink to the file Checked
Error message The specific error message for a failed delivery Checked
Append the following text To include a message with each cache delivery notification, select this checkbox and type the message in the field. Checked
Send notification to this administrator email address when delivery fails Type the email address of a system administrator to receive a notification email for the failed cache delivery. Empty

Deliveries - FTP Delivery - Compression



Default Value
Enable compression Select this checkbox to compress the report or document that is subscribed and delivered to a file location. Checked
Level of compression Select the level of compression for the subscribed report or document as High, Medium, or Low from the drop-down list. Medium
Extension of compressed file In this field, specify the file extension for the compressed files. The default extension is ZIP. Reports or documents are compressed using the ZIP algorithm. Changing the extension does not change the algorithm; it changes only the file extension. For example, some network environments do not allow files with the ZIP extension to be delivered as email attachments. In these environments, changing the file extension is necessary for the attachments to be delivered. zip

Deliveries - Printing - Email Notification



Default Value
Enable email notification for printing   Select this checkbox to send a notification email to the recipient when the subscribed report or document is delivered to the file location. If this checkbox is cleared, all other options in this category are disabled. Checked
Send notification to recipient when delivery fails Select this checkbox to send a notification email to the recipient when the subscribed report or document fails to be delivered on schedule. Checked
Recipient name The MicroStrategy user or contact that subscribed to the delivery Checked
Owner name The owner of the subscription Checked
Report or Document name Name of the subscribed report or document Checked
Project name Project containing the report or document Checked
Delivery method Delivery method of email, file, FTP, print, Histoy List, Cache, or Mobile Checked
Schedule The schedule associated with the subscription Checked
Subscription name The name of the subscription Checked
Delivery status Status of the delivery, such as Complete, Timed Out, or Error Checked
Date Date of the delivery Checked
Time Time of the delivery Checked
Printer name The name of the printer Checked
Error message The specific error message for a failed delivery. Checked
Append the following text To include a message with each cache delivery notification, select this checkbox and type the message in the field. Checked
Send notification to this administrator email address when delivery fails Enter the email address of a system administrator to receive a notification email for the failed cache delivery. Empty

Deliveries - Printing - PDF Properties



Default Value
Enable print range   Checked

Deliveries - History List - Email Notification



Default Value
Enable email notification for history list   Select this checkbox to send a notification email to the administrator when a subscribed report or document fails to be delivered to the cache. If this checkbox is cleared, all other options in this category are disabled. Checked
Send notification to recipient when delivery fails Select this checkbox to send a notification email to the recipient when the subscribed report or document fails to be delivered on schedule. Checked
Recipient name The MicroStrategy user or contact that subscribed to the delivery Checked
Owner name The owner of the subscription Checked
Report or Document name Name of the subscribed report or document Checked
Project name Project containing the report or document Checked
Delivery method Delivery method of Email, file, FTP, print, Histoy List, Cache, or Mobile Checked
Schedule The schedule associated with the subscription Checked
Subscription name The name of the subscription Checked
Delivery status Status of the delivery, such as Complete, Timed Out, or Error Checked
Date Date of the delivery Checked
Time Time of the delivery Checked
Link to History List A link to the report or document's History List message Checked
Error message The specific error message for a failed delivery Checked
Append the following text To include a message with each cache delivery notification, select this checkbox and type the message in the field. Checked
Send notification to this administrator email address when delivery fails Type the email address of a system administrator to receive a notification email for the failed cache delivery. Empty

Deliveries - Mobile Delivery - Email Notification



Default Value
Enable email notification to administrator for failed mobile delivery   Select this checkbox to send a notification email to the administrator when a subscribed report or document fails to be delivered to the cache. If this checkbox is cleared, all other options in this category are disabled. Checked
Recipient name The MicroStrategy user or contact that subscribed to the delivery Checked
Owner name The owner of the subscription Checked
Report or Document name Name of the subscribed report or document Checked
Project name Project containing the report or document Checked
Delivery method Delivery method of Email, file, FTP, print, Histoy List, Cache, or Mobile Checked
Schedule The schedule associated with the subscription Checked
Subscription name The name of the subscription Checked
Delivery status Status of the delivery, such as Complete, Timed Out, or Error Checked
Date Date of the delivery Checked
Time Time of the delivery Checked
Error message The specific error message for a failed delivery Checked
Append the following text To include a message with each cache delivery notification, select this checkbox and type the message in the field. Checked
Send notification to this administrator email address when delivery fails Type the email address of a system administrator to receive a notification email for the failed cache delivery. Empty

Deliveries - Mobile Delivery - Real Time Updates



Default Value
Enable real time updates for mobile delivery Select this checkbox to enable updated report and document data to be automatically sent to Mobile users that are subscribed to the report or document. Checked

Deliveries - Cache - Email Notification



Default Value
Enable email notification to administrator for failed cache creation   Select this checkbox to send a notification email to the administrator when a subscribed report or document fails to be delivered to the cache. If this checkbox is cleared, all other options in this category are disabled. Checked
Recipient name The MicroStrategy user or contact that subscribed to the delivery Checked
Owner name The owner of the subscription Checked
Report or Document name Name of the subscribed report or document Checked
Project name Project containing the report or document Checked
Delivery method Delivery method of email, file, FTP, print, Histoy List, Cache, or Mobile Checked
Schedule The schedule associated with the subscription Checked
Subscription name The name of the subscription Checked
Delivery status Status of the delivery, such as Complete, Timed Out, or Error. Checked
Date Date of the delivery Checked
Time Time of the delivery Checked
Error message The specific error message for a failed delivery Checked
Append the following text To include a message with each cache delivery notification, select this checkbox and type the message in the field. Checked
Send notification to this administrator email address when delivery fails Type the email address of a system administrator to receive a notification email for the failed cache delivery. Empty

Deliveries - Error Handling



Default Value
No data returned Deliver Select whether to Deliver or Do not deliver the subscription if the report or document execution returns no data. Do not deliver
Notify Select whether to Notify or Do not notify the subscription if the report or document execution returns no data. Do not notify
Partial results Deliver Select whether to Deliver or Do not deliver the subscription if the report or document execution returns only some of the data. Partial results are delivered when the size of the report or document exceeds the memory governing setting for Maximum memory consumption for PDF files and Excel files. Do not deliver
Notify Select whether to Deliver or Do not deliver the subscription if the report or document execution returns only some of the data. Partial results are delivered when the size of the report or document exceeds the memory governing setting for Maximum memory consumption for PDF files and Excel files. Do not notify