MicroStrategy ONE

Export Options: General tab

The General tab of the Export Options dialog box provides options for after-export display, automatic display, destination name and location, use of associated macros, and advanced options. Click a section for more information:

These options apply to the current template or report, overriding the project level defaults. For information about project-level export options, see My Preferences: Export Options: General tab.


  • Show application after exporting: If you export a report with this check box selected, the report is automatically opened in the application that you selected.

  • Export this report automatically: If you send a report to your History List with this check box selected, and then read the report from your History List, the report is automatically exported to the application that you selected.

  • Expand all page fields when exporting data: If your report has page-by elements and you select this check box, the report is exported with all the page-by fields expanded. This option is not available when exporting the report to a Microsoft Access database.


  • File name: Allows you to specify the file where you want the report to be exported.

  • Location: (Available for Excel export only) Allows you to specify the location where you want the report to be exported when exporting the report to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

  • Bookmark: (Available for Word export only) Allows you to specify a bookmark when exporting the report to a Microsoft Word document.

  • Table: (Available for Access export only) Allows you to specify the table name when exporting the report to a Microsoft Access database.

  • Pass file to: (Available for text file export only) Allows you to specify the table name when exporting the report to a text file.


  • Pre-macro: Allows you to specify a macro to be run before exporting the report.

  • Post-macro: Allows you to specify a macro to be run after exporting the report.

    Pre-macroandPost-macroare not available for text, HTML, or PDF file export.


Advanced Options: Allows you to specify destination, formatting, and error handling details.

The information in the Advanced Options dialog box varies depending on the application selected in the Export Options dialog box:

Advanced Options are not available for HTML file export.

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