MicroStrategy ONE
Filter Editor: Attribute Qualification pane
The Attribute Qualification pane of the Filter Editor allows you to create an attribute qualification for a filter. An attribute qualification specifies the condition that the attribute elements must satisfy to be included in the report results. For more information, see Attribute qualifications.
Attribute Qualification pane content
The Attribute Qualification pane contains the following options:
Attribute: The target attribute, that is, the attribute to test in the qualification. Use any of the following methods to select an attribute:
Drag the attribute from the Object Browser.
Type the name of the attribute.
Click ... (the browse button) to select an attribute from the Attributes folder.
Prompt: Opens the Prompt Generation Wizard to create a prompted attribute qualification, which allows a user to choose the attribute elements, attribute forms, or operators on which to qualify at report run time.
After you create the prompt, the Attribute Qualification pane displays the prompt information; you cannot set any of the options listed below. The Prompt button is replaced by an Edit Prompt button.
Qualify On: The target attribute form. Choose from all the forms of the selected attribute, which are displayed in the drop-down list. If you select Elements instead of a form, you are creating an attribute element list qualification, which qualifies on a list of elements.
Operator: A drop-down list of operators, such as Greater than, Between, Begins with, and so on.
If Qualify On is set to Elements, the only options are In list or Not in list.
The options in the rest of the pane vary depending on the selections made in the Qualify On and Operator boxes, as described below:
If you select Is Null or Is Not Null as the Operator, the qualification is complete and no additional boxes are displayed.
Element List: (Displayed when Qualify On is set to Elements) Lists all the elements to be compared. Create the list using the buttons described below, or drag elements from the Object Browser into the Element List.
Add or Modify: Click to add elements to the list; opens the Select Objects dialog box.
Add is displayed until an element has been added to the list; it is then replaced by Modify.
Remove: Click to delete the selected element from the Element List.
RemoveAll: Click to delete all the elements in the Element List.
Element List allows you to create an attribute element list qualification, which qualifies on a list of elements.
List: (Displayed when Qualify On is set to a specific form and Operator is In List or Not in list) Lists all the elements to be compared. Do one of the following to create the list:
Drag elements from the Object Browser. Separate them by a comma or the list separator specified in your machine's regional settings.
Type elements separated by a comma or other list separator.
Import: Click to open the Import Elements from File dialog box, which allows you to import a list of elements from an Excel or text file. See Attribute qualification: Import/export rules for more information on setting up files for import.
Export: (Displayed once an element is added to the List) Click to open the Export Elements to File dialog box, which allows you to export the list of elements to a file for further use.
List allows you to create an attribute form qualification, which qualifies a form against the list.
Drop-down list and text box: (Displayed in all other situations) The drop-down list contains the types of operator value to which to compare. These types are listed below, with information on how to fill in the text box next to the drop-down list.
Value: Enter the value to compare to the attribute in the text box.
If you want to use a list of values with the Contains or Does not contain operator, enclose the values in brackets and separate them with commas. For example, you want to exclude all last names that contain the letters a, e, i, o, and u. Select the Does not contain operator and enter the Value as [a,e,i,o,u]. If you do not use the brackets, the filter excludes only last names that contain the string "a,e,i,o,u", not the separate letters.
Simple Prompt: Creates a value prompt, allowing you to select a single value on which to qualify. Opens the Prompt Generation Wizard. See Filtering based on a single value or string: Value prompts for further instructions and Prompted attribute qualifications for more information.
This is the same as clicking the Simple Prompt icon at the end of the text box. If this icon is not displayed, you can display it by selecting the Show all available prompts buttons option in the My Preferences dialog box. See Defining default options for the Filter Editor for instructions.
Custom: Allows you to create an attribute-to-attribute qualification.
If you selected Between or Not Between as the Operator, two lists and two text boxes are displayed.
If you select a date attribute, you can qualify the attribute form on a static date or a dynamic date. Click the Date Editor icon to access this functionality.
Accessing the Attribute Qualification pane
Do one of the following in the Filter Editor:
Drag an attribute from the Object Browser into the Filter definition pane.
Select Add anAttribute qualification in the Filtering Options pane.
To edit a completed attribute qualification, double-click it in the Filter definition pane.