MicroStrategy ONE

Configuring how logical operators are displayed

Before you begin

This topic assumes that you are familiar with filters, especially the different types of filters and the components of filters. For background information, see Filters.

The filter details display the report filter and report limit of the report by default, although other types of filters can be displayed. For more information on displaying other types, see Configuring the content of the filter details.

Filters can have multiple qualifications, which are the conditions (such as Revenue > 6,000,000) that the data must meet to be included in a report. A report can also contain multiple filters in its report filter. For example, the report filter contains two filters, East Coast Regions and Revenue > $6M. The filters are joined by a logical operator, which is AND in this case.

Use the following properties to configure how to display the logical operators that join multiple conditions:

  • New line between conditions: Determines whether or not each condition is placed on a separate line. You can also select Automatic, which inserts a line only when conditions are joined by different logical operators.

    For example, a report is filtered for revenue greater than 10 million and profit greater than 2 million and the Mid-Atlantic region. Using the Automatic option, the filter details display as:

    (Revenue > 10,000,000) AND (Profit > 2,000,000) AND (Region = Mid-Atlantic)

    A second report uses the same filter conditions, except the second logical operator is replaced by or, and the report is filtered for revenue greater than 10 million and either profit greater than 2 million or the Mid-Atlantic region. With the Automatic option, a new line is started at the logical operator AND, and again before the Profit condition. Using the new lines helps to distinguish the conditions, as shown below:

    (Revenue > 10,000,000)

    • AND

    • (Profit > 2,000,000) OR (Region = Mid-Atlantic)

  • Parentheses around conditions: Determines whether or not parentheses are placed around each condition, such as (Region = Northeast). If a new line is inserted between conditions, you can often omit the parentheses since the different conditions are already differentiated from each other.

    • You can also select Automatic, which displays parentheses only when they resolve ambiguity in the expression. Parentheses are not included around conditions that are joined by the same logical operator. When conditions are joined by different operators, the parentheses are necessary to ensure that the conditions are grouped correctly.

    • The following examples use the same reports as the previous examples, except that both the filter details use the Automatic option for parentheses. Parentheses are displayed only in the filter that needs them, to ensure that any ambiguity about the order is resolved.

    • Revenue > 10,000,000 AND Profit > 2,000,000 AND Region = Mid-Atlantic

    • Revenue > 10,000,000 AND (Profit > 2,000,000 OR Region = Mid-Atlantic)

  • Logical operator between conditions: Specifies whether or not to display the logical operator between conditions. The options are:

  • Yes to display all operators

  • No to omit all operators

  • AND only

  • OR only

    • The following filter details display all the logical operators:

    • (Revenue > 10,000,000) AND ((Profit > 2,000,000) OR (Region = Mid-Atlantic))

    • The same filter details set to AND only; notice that the OR before the Region condition is replaced by a comma:

    • (Revenue > 10,000,000) AND ((Profit > 2,000,000),(Region = Mid-Atlantic))

Interaction of report details preferences and filter details

The report details preferences specified in the MicroStrategy Developer Preferences dialog box specify which types of report details are displayed. These preferences override some of the report details that are configured in the Report Details Properties dialog box in the Project Configuration Editor and in the Report Editor. The report details preferences specify whether the filter details are displayed.

  • If the report details preferences specify that the filter details are not displayed, you cannot display them using the Report Details Properties dialog box.

  • If the report details preferences specify that the filter details are displayed, you cannot hide them using the Report Details Properties dialog box. You can use the Report Details Properties dialog box to configure how they are displayed, however.

You can change this behavior by disabling the report details preferences, allowing the report details properties to be used instead. You can disable the report details preferences when you save changes to the report details properties (as described in Configuring the content of the filter details) or by using the MicroStrategy Developer Preferences dialog box (for instructions, see Disabling report details preferences). For more information about the report details preferences in general, and how to set them, see Enabling and customizing report details preferences.

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