MicroStrategy ONE

Configuring report details overview

Report details include such information as the objects included in the filter, how they are filtered, whether to include the report description, and so on. Report details are displayed in the Report Details pane, which can be displayed when a report is opened. If the Report Details pane is not displayed, select Report Details from the View menu.

You can specify whether the Report Details pane automatically opens when a report is opened. See Enabling report details display or Disabling report details display for instructions. Regardless of this setting, report details can be hidden or viewed manually after a report is opened.

You can configure the following report details:

  • Filter details, which display the report filter and report limit by default, although other types of filters can be displayed.

  • Report limit details, which display the report limit.

  • Prompt details, which display the prompt information for all prompts in the report.

  • Report details, which display the complete report details, including report description, prompt details, filter details, and template details.

  • Template details, which display the complete template details, including attribute details and metric details.

You can configure different options for different types of report details. For example, you can select whether to include view filter information or the attribute name in the filter details. For report details, you can choose whether to include information on prompts or filters. For a complete list of the options, see:

Levels of report details configuration

You can configure:

  • All the auto text codes in a specific text field in a document, from the Properties dialog box (the text field level)

  • All the auto text codes in a specific document, from the Document Properties dialog box (the document level)

    For information on configuring auto text codes in documents, see Configuring auto text codes.

  • The Report Details in the Report Editor, from the Report Details Formatting option (the report level)

  • All the report details in a project, using the Project Configuration Editor (the project level)

The list above also shows the order of precedence. The configuration of a particular text field in a document overrides the configuration at the document level, which overrides the configuration in the related dataset report, which overrides the project configuration. For example, if a property is set one way for a document and another for the report, the document setting takes precedence.

Interaction of report details preferences and report details for reports

The report details preferences specified in the Developer Preferences dialog box specify which types of report details are displayed. These preferences override some of the report details that are configured in the Report Details Properties dialog box in the Project Configuration Editor and the Report Editor.

For example, you choose prompt details as a report details preference, in the Developer Preferences dialog box. When you open a prompted report, the name of each prompt and its prompt answers are displayed in the Report Details pane. You cannot remove the prompt details display from that report, unless you remove prompt details as a report details preference or disable report details preferences. In the report itself, however, you can configure how the prompt details are displayed, such as whether the title of the prompt is displayed.

The report details preferences specify whether the following types of report details are displayed:

  • Report description

  • Prompt details

  • Filter details

  • Definition of shortcut filters, as opposed to the filter name

  • View filter details

  • Metric details

You can change this behavior by disabling the report details preferences, which allows the report details properties to be used instead. You can disable the report details preferences when you save changes to the report details properties (as described in the procedures in the topics listed below) or by using the Developer Preferences dialog box (for instructions, see Disabling report details preferences). For more information about the report details preferences in general, and how to set them, see Enabling and customizing report details preferences.

The report details preferences do not affect auto text codes in documents; the preferences only impact reports.

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