MicroStrategy ONE

Radar: Display category

In the Display category for Radar charts, some or all of the following options are available depending on what type of Radar chart you are formatting:

  • Color Mode: You can display colors for the risers based on the series or the categories of the graph report. Select either Color by Series or Color by Categories from the drop-down list to view how the sample displays each option on the left.

  • Show Legend: Displays or hides the graph legend. If the check box is cleared, the legend formatting options listed below are grayed out and cannot be configured:

  • Markers and Text: Allows you to select from the following options to position the markers in relation to the text in the legend:

    • Markers to Left of Text

    • Markers to Right of Text

    • Text Centered on Markers

    • Markers Above Text

    • Markers Below Text

  • Layout: Allows you to select from the following options to define where the legend is displayed within the graph frame:

    • Legend on Right Side

    • Legend on Left Side

    • Legend Below Chart

  • Box Style: Allows you to select from the following options to define the type of frame to surround the text in the legend:

    • No Frame

    • Single Line Frame

    • Double Line Frame

    • Beveled Frame

    • Reverse Beveled Frame

  • Show Y-Axis Values on the left: Displays or hides the values of the Y-Axis on the left side of the graph.

  • Angle: Allows you to specify the angular position for each data point. If you do not specify an angular position, the first point is automatically placed at an angle of 0, with subsequent points at increments of 360 degrees divided by the total number of points.

  • Spider Gridlines: Joins two points on the graph with a straight line.

  • Circular Gridlines: Joins the points on the graph to represent a circle.

  • Circular Data Lines: Joins the data points on the graph with curved lines.

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