MicroStrategy ONE

Funnel: General category

In the General category for Funnel graphs, some or all of the following options are available depending on what type of Funnel graph you are formatting:

  • Funnel Tilt: Defines the tilt of the funnel graph. Smaller values make the funnel more flat. Higher values make the front edge of the funnel appear as if it is tilting towards you. This formatting is only available for three-dimensional Funnel graphs.

  • Funnel Width: Defines the width of the funnel. This formatting is only available for three-dimensional Funnel graphs.

  • Funnel Height: Defines the height of the funnel graph. Higher values display the values near the bottom as a cylinder underneath the funnel shape.

  • Funnel Explode: Detaches all slices of the funnel from each other.

  • Funnels per Row: Defines the number of funnels to display on each horizontal row.

  • Restore Funnels: Restores all slices as part of a single funnel if slices have been detached or removed from a funnel graph.

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