MicroStrategy ONE

Formatting Grid/Graphs using the Format Objects dialog box

You can format the Grid/Graph and the (optional) title bar using the Format Objects dialog box. You can format the:

  • Borders and background of the Grid/Graph

  • Font and background of the title bar

The border options include 3D borders and drop shadows, while the background options include gradient colors and transparent or opaque backstyles.

The background of the Grid/Graph shows only when the Grid/Graph is larger than the report grid displayed inside it. For more information on when the background color shows, see Formatting the Grid/Graph container vs. title bar.

These formatting options affect the Grid/Graph object on the document, not the formatting on the data displayed in the Grid/Graph, such as formatting metrics or rows. For information on formatting the data, see Editing Grid/Graphs in documents.


This procedure assumes that the document contains a Grid/Graph. For instructions on adding Grid/Graphs, see Displaying reports in documents: Grid/Graphs.

To format a Grid/Graph

  1. Open the document to be formatted in the Document Editor. (How?)

  2. Select the Grid/Graph to format.

  3. If the Grid/Graph does not yet have a title bar, you can add it by setting Show title bar to True in the Property List: View section.

    If the Property List is not displayed, select Property List from the View menu.

  4. From the Format menu, select Format. The Format Objects dialog box opens.

  5. Select Container in the object list on the left.

    The Grid/Graph container is the object that holds the actual Grid/Graph, as opposed to the title bar or the data displayed in the Grid/Graph.

  6. Use the Border tab to define the border around the Grid/Graph. For instructions, see Format the border.

  7. Use the Effects tab to apply a 3D effect or a drop shadow, and overwrite the border settings. For instructions, see Applying 3D effects to controls, and Applying drop shadows to controls.

    • The 3D effect makes the Grid/Graph appear three-dimensional, like a button.

    • A drop shadow "floats" the Grid/Graph on top of the background.

  8. Use the Background tab to set the background fill of the Grid/Graph. Choose one of the following:

    • To use a single color as the background, set the Background style to Solid. Use the Fill color drop-down list to select the background color.

    • To shade the Grid/Graph using gradient colors, which combine two colors:

      • Set the Background style to Gradient.

      • Use the Color 1 drop-down list to select the first color to apply to the Grid/Graph.

      • Use the Color 2 drop-down list to select the second color to apply. Color 1 and Color 2 are blended together.

      • Click one of the squares to set the direction of the shading between the two colors. The colors can blend left to right, right to left, top to bottom, or bottom to top.

        If you choose Horizontal centered or Vertical centered instead, you are applying a three-way or mirror gradient, which can be displayed in Flash Mode (MicroStrategy Web) only. In other MicroStrategy Web view modes and in MicroStrategy Developer, three-way gradients are rendered as non-mirrored gradients. For more information, see Applying three-way (mirror) gradients.

    • To allow what is behind the Grid/Graph to show through, set the Background style to Transparent.

  9. You can also use the Background tab to define the background color for cells that are selected in a Grid/Graph that is used as a selector. For an example, see Formatting the backgrounds of Grid/Graphs. Choose one of the following:

    • If you want to specify a color, click Selection color, and choose a color from the color palette.

    • If you want the color to be automatically set to contrast with the selector's background, choose Automatic from the Selection color drop-down list.

      The Selection color is applied in Flash Mode and Express Mode in MicroStrategy Web.

  10. Select Title in the object list on the left.

  11. Use the Font tab to format the font, such as color, size, and style. For instructions, see Format the font.

  12. Use the Background tab to set the background fill of the title bar.

    To allow what is behind the title bar to show through, set the Background style to Transparent.

  13. Click OK to return to the document.