MicroStrategy ONE

Drilling in Grid/Graphs

Drilling on a Grid/Graph in a document is similar to drilling on a report. Drilling allows you to look at specific data at levels other than that of the originally displayed Grid/Graph. It allows you to retrieve more information after the document has been executed. The new data is obtained by requerying the database at a different attribute or fact level. For a basic introduction to drilling, see Drilling on a report.

You can drill on a Grid/Graph in Interactive Mode, Editable Mode, and Express Mode in MicroStrategy Web. If drilling is disabled in Flash Mode, you can enable it by allowing data manipulations. For instructions, and more details on how drilling works in Flash Mode, see Enabling filtering, drilling, grouping and moving objects for Grid/Graphs in Flash Mode.

Whether drilling in Flash Mode is disabled or enabled by default depends on the document template that the document was created with.

In Interactive Mode and Editable Mode, you can drill down, up, or across attributes, custom groups, and consolidations displayed in a Grid/Graph.


  • Drilling down allows access to data at progressively lower levels within a hierarchy. For example, if the attribute level displayed for the Geography hierarchy is region, drilling down can allow you to see information at the state, city, or store level.

  • You can broaden the scope of information by drilling up to levels of data increasingly higher within a hierarchy. For example, if time is shown at the date level, drilling up can display information at the week, month, or quarter level.

  • You can drill across from one attribute level to another, either within a hierarchy or across hierarchies. In other words, you can drill in any direction, allowing you to find specific element values.

In Express Mode, you can drill only on the default drill path of an attribute. This is defined when a drill map is created for a report, as described in Designating the default drill path.

In Flash Mode, you can drill only to report objects within the dataset report that are not included in the Grid/Graph. If all objects within the dataset report are displayed in the Grid/Graph, no drilling options are displayed.

For examples of drilling in Grid/Graphs, see the Displaying Reports in Documents: Grid/Graphs chapter of the Document Creation Help or the Analyzing Documents in MicroStrategy Web chapter of the Document and Dashboard Analysis Guide. For instructions to drill in Grid/Graphs, see the Document and Dashboard Analysis Guide or the MicroStrategy Web Help.

Enabling drilling

Before you can drill on a Grid/Graph in a document, you must enable drilling for that Grid/Graph. When you enable drilling, you can define whether users can only drill within the dataset report or drill anywhere. If you allow users to drill only within the dataset, only the drill paths from the drill maps that are included in the dataset report but not already on the report grid are shown to the user. For an expanded comparison, see Drilling within a dataset vs. drilling anywhere. For instructions to enable drilling, as well as descriptions of all the drilling options, see Enabling drilling on Grid/Graphs.

The following instructions apply to Interactive Mode, Editable Mode, and Express Mode only. For instructions to drill in Flash Mode, see Enabling filtering, drilling, and moving objects for Grid/Graphs in Flash Mode.

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