MicroStrategy ONE

Linking from Grid/Graphs in documents

A link is a connection from a Grid/Graph in a document to another document or a report. A link lets an analyst execute another document or report (the target) from a document (the source), and to answer any prompts that are in the target. For example, if a user is viewing a document containing regional sales, he can click a particular region to execute another document that displays sales for the stores in that region. The source document could also link to the underlying dataset report, to display profit and cost values as well.

Links can be created on a report as well. For more information, including examples and instructions, see About links.

In a document, links can:

  • Be used from a Grid/Graph in a document (the source).

    The Grid/Graph must be displayed as a grid. For instructions, see Viewing Grid/Graphs as grids.

  • Be created on attributes, metrics, hierarchies, or object prompts in the Grid/Graph.

  • Execute a report or a document (the target).

  • Be used in Interactive Mode and Editable Mode in MicroStrategy Web, although you can create them in both MicroStrategy Developer and MicroStrategy Web.

  • Be used in Flash Mode in MicroStrategy Web, if links are enabled. See Enabling filtering, drilling, grouping and moving objects for Grid/Graphs in Flash Mode for instructions.

  • Open the target in either a new window or the same window (replacing the source).

  • Answer prompts in the target in a variety of ways, including using existing prompt answers from the source, using the objects selected in the source, running the prompts, sending a list of elements, and others. For descriptions of these prompt answer methods, see Specifying how prompts are answered in the target.

You can create multiple links for the same object. For example, the Region attribute in a Grid/Graph can link to a yearly revenue report, which displays data for the selected region only. The same attribute can also link to a document that provides additional information about the region, such as revenue forecasts, inventory figures, store listings, employee schedules, and so on.

Different objects on a Grid/Graph can have different links. For example, the Region attribute in a Grid/Graph can link to a yearly revenue report, while the Revenue metric can link to a document with revenue forecasts and other key performance indicators.

Related Topics

For an example of a link in a Grid/Graph in a document, see the Document Creation Help. For more examples of links in both reports and documents, see the Advanced Reporting Help.