MicroStrategy ONE

Format Custom Group Dialog Box

Once you have created a custom group, you can format how the custom group is displayed when it is added to a grid report.

For an introduction and examples of custom groups, and steps to create a custom group, see the Advanced Reporting Help.

You must have the Web Use Custom Group Editor privilege.

To format a custom group

  1. Browse to the folder in which the custom group is located.
  2. Right-click the custom group, then select Edit. The Custom Group Editor is displayed.
  3. Click Format. The Format Custom Group dialog box is displayed.
  4. From the first drop-down list, select the custom group element you want to format.
  5. From the second drop-down list, select the section of the custom group you want to format. The options are:
    • Element Header: Specify the format in which to display the name of the custom group element, which appears in the row or column heading.
    • Element Value: Specify the format in which to display data for the custom group element. Values appear in the cells of a grid report.
    • Individual Items Header: Specify the format in which to display individual items in the custom group element. By default, individual items are not displayed on a grid report. See the Advanced Reporting Help for steps to display individual items. See Custom Group Options Dialog Box for steps to display individual items above or below the name of the custom group element in a grid report.
    • Individual Items Value: Specify the format in which to display data for each individual item. Values appear in the cells of a grid report.
  6. From the left, select Font, Number, Alignment, or Color and Lines and specify the appropriate formatting options, as described below. You can click Clear Format to return all formatting options for the custom group element to their default values.
  7. Click OK to return to the Custom Group Editor.
  8. Click Save to save changes.

You can use the following formatting options to format data displayed in a custom group element:

  • Font: Specify the font options to use to display data, such as font type and color:
    • Font: Select a font in which to display data.
    • Style: Select a font style, such as Bold.
    • Size: Select the font size to use to display data.
    • Effect: Select a font effect, such as Underline.
    • Color: Select the color of the text to use to display data.
  • Number: Specify the format in which to display numerical values:
    • Default: Display numbers using the default formatting options.
    • General: Display numbers without any special formatting.
    • Fixed: Display numbers as Fixed to determine the number of decimal places to be displayed, whether you want numbers to be separated by commas every three digits, and whether negative numbers are allowed.
      • Decimal places: Specify the number of decimal places to display.
      • Negative numbers: Specify the format in which to display negative numbers.
      • Use 1000 separator: Determine whether the number is displayed with a separator symbol every three decimal places.
    • Currency: Display numbers formatted as currency.
      • Decimal places: Specify the number of decimal places to display.
      • Currency symbol: Specify the currency symbol used to display with the number.
      • Currency position: Determine the position in which the currency symbol is displayed.
      • Negative numbers: Specify the format in which to display negative numbers.
      • Formatting: Select the format in which to display the date.
    • Date: Display numeric values as dates.
    • Time: Display numeric values as a time.
      • Formatting: Select the format in which to display the time.
    • Percentage: Display numbers as percentages.
      • Decimal places: Specify the number of decimal places to display.
      • Negative numbers: Specify the format in which to display negative numbers.
    • Fraction: Display numeric values as fractions.
      • Formatting: Select the format in which to display fractions.
    • Scientific: Display numbers in scientific format.
      • Decimal places: Specify the number of decimal places to display.
    • Custom: Define your own custom number format if none of the existing formats meet your needs. In the Custom field, type a number with formatting symbols, such as 123,456.789.
  • Alignment: Specify alignment options, such as the direction in which data is displayed when the custom group is added to a report grid:
    • Text Alignment: Specify the horizontal and vertical alignment of text within data cells.
      • Horizontal: Select the horizontal alignment of text within the cell.
      • Vertical: Select the vertical alignment of text within the cell. For example, if you select Top, the data is displayed at the top of the data cell.
    • Text Control: Specify text wrapping and direction options.
      • Wrap Text: Determine whether to wrap large amounts of text displayed in data cells.
      • Text Direction: Select a direction in which to display text. The options are:
        • Default: Default settings determine the direction in which text is displayed.
        • Horizontal: The text is displayed horizontally.
        • -90 Degree: The text is rotated clockwise ninety degrees and displayed vertically.
    • Padding: Specify the amount of padding to apply to the left, right, top, and bottom of the cell, in pixels.
  • Color and Lines: Specify color and border options:
    • Fill: Select the background color to use to display data.
    • Borders: Specify the type of border to use to display data in a cell.
      • None: No border is displayed.
      • All: A border is displayed on all four sides of the data cell.
      • Custom: Select a border style and color for the left, right, top, and bottom borders.

Related Topics

Custom Group Editor

Custom Group Options Dialog Box