MicroStrategy ONE

Condition Editor

Once you have created a custom group, you can define filtering conditions using the Condition Editor, allowing you determine which data is included in a custom group element.

For an introduction and examples of custom groups, and steps to create a custom group, see the Advanced Reporting Help. For information on qualifications in general, see the sections on filters in the Basic Reporting Help and the Advanced Reporting Help.

You can define the following types of conditions:

  • Attribute qualification: Restrict data based on the value of an attribute form, view data only for attribute elements in a list, or compare two attribute forms to filter data.
  • Set qualification: Restrict data based on the value, rank, or percentage of a metric, or by comparing the values of two metrics.
  • Shortcut to a report: Restrict data using the results of an already existing report.
  • Shortcut to a filter: Restrict data using an already existing filter.
  • Shortcut to a prompt: Restrict data using the answers to an already existing prompt.

You must have the Web Use Custom Group Editor privilege to access the Custom Group Editor.

To Define a Filtering Condition

The table below provides steps to define a filtering condition for a selected custom group element.



Filter data based on the value of an attribute form

  1. Click Browse, then locate and select the attribute to use to filter data.
  2. Select the attribute form you want to filter data based on.
  3. Select the operator that describes how you want to filter data, such as Begins With or Less Than.
  4. To filter data based on a date, select a date from the calendar. This is the value that will be compared to the selected attribute form above.
  5. To filter data based on a value that is not a date, type the value in the field. This is the value that will be compared to the selected attribute form above.
  6. Depending on the operator you selected from the previous drop-down menu, you may need to select additional values. For example, the operator Between requires two values.
  7. Click OK.

Include or exclude data for attribute elements in a specified list

  1. Click Browse, then locate and select the attribute to use to filter data.
  2. To include data only for attribute elements in a specified list, select In List.
  3. To exclude data for all attribute elements in a specified list, select Not In List.
  4. Click Browse elements.
  5. Select the attribute elements for which you want to include or exclude data.
  6. Click OK.

Filter data by comparing two attribute forms

You can compare:

  • The attribute forms of two different attributes
  • Two different attribute forms of a single attribute
  1. Click Browse, then locate and select the first attribute to use to filter data.
  2. Select the attribute form you want to filter data based on.
  3. Select the operator that describes how you want to filter data, such as Equals or Does not equal.
  4. Click Select attribute, then locate and select the second attribute to use in the comparison.
  5. Select an attribute form for the second attribute. This is the value that will be compared against the form of the first attribute.
  6. Click OK.

Filter data based on the value of a metric

  1. Click Browse, then locate and select the metric to use to filter data.
  2. Select the operator that describes how you want to filter data, such as Equals or Does not equal.
  3. Type the value in the field. This is the value that will be compared against the selected metric.
  4. Click Select attribute, then locate and select the attribute to use for the output level for the condition.

    For example, you create a condition to filter data for revenue values greater than $5 million. If you specify Year as the output level, the custom group displays revenue for years in which the revenue is greater than $5 million. For more information on the output level of a metric qualification, see the Advanced Filters chapter of the Advanced Reporting Help.

  5. Click OK.

Filter data by comparing the values of two metrics

  1. Click Browse, then locate and select the first metric to use to filter data.
  2. Select the operator that describes how you want to filter data, such as Begins With or Less Than.
  3. Click Select metric, then locate and select a second metric. This is the value that will be compared against the first metric.
  4. Click Select attribute, then locate and select the attribute to use for the output level for the condition.

    For example, you create a condition to filter data for revenue values greater than cost. If you specify Year as the output level, the custom group displays revenue for years in which the revenue is greater than cost. For more information on the output level of a metric qualification, see the Advanced Filters chapter of the Advanced Reporting Help.

  5. Click OK.

Filter data using a report

  1. Click Browse.
  2. Locate and select the report object to use to filter data.
  3. Click OK.

Filter data using a filter

  1. Click Browse.
  2. Locate and select the filter object to use to filter data.
  3. Click OK.

Filter data using a prompt

  1. Click Browse.
  2. Locate and select the prompt object to use to filter data.
  3. Click OK.

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