MicroStrategy ONE

Select Report Dialog Box

Use the Select Report dialog box to select a report to use to provide the list of addresses for a dynamic recipient list. The Select Report dialog box is accessed by clicking Select in the Report section of the Create a New Dynamic Recipient List dialog box.

To select a report, do one of the following:

  • Navigate to the report, by selecting a folder from the drop-down list and clicking the folder or report name.
  • Search for a report in the displayed folder and its subfolders, by typing the report's name in the Find field and clicking the Search icon.

You can determine whether the system uses columns in the report grid or the report's page-by elements to provide subscription information. Most dynamic recipient list source reports use columns in the report grid to provide subscription information. However, if you have existing Narrowcast Server subscriptions, you can select the page-by option to take advantage of your Narrowcast Server source reports. Narrowcast Server source reports contain subscription information in the page-by elements. When you create a source report to support a dynamic recipient list, you can designate the page-by elements as the location where the system should locate subscription information, thus enabling you to reuse your existing Narrowcast Server source reports.

From the All Subscription Information is Stored drop-down list, select one of the following options:

  • To use columns in the report's grid to provide subscription information, select On the Grid. This is the default setting.
  • To use the report's page-by elements to provide subscription information, select In the Page By.

Click OK.