MicroStrategy ONE
How to Create a Shortcut to an Object
You can create shortcuts to reports, documents, folders, prompts, and other objects. Shortcuts are helpful when you want quick access to an object that is stored in a different location, but you do not want to create multiple copies of the object. A shortcut is only a reference to an object, not a separate copy of it.
Shortcuts are represented by an icon used for that object type, overlaid by a small arrow (Example: ).
You must complete the following before creating a shortcut to an object:
- DHTML must be enabled. See How to Enable DHTML in MicroStrategy Web.
- Because a new shortcut object must be based on an existing object, other objects must already exist in your project. If your project does not yet contain objects, your report designer or object designer can create the objects you need to place on reports.
To Create a Shortcut to an Object
- Navigate to the folder that contains the object for which you want to create a shortcut.
- Right-click the object and select Create Shortcut.
- Navigate to the folder in which to create the new shortcut and click OK.
- By default, the name of the shortcut
is the same as the name of the object. To rename the shortcut, right-click
the object and select Rename.
Type a new name for the object and click Apply