MicroStrategy ONE

Registering MicroStrategy Library with Your SAML Identity Provider

MicroStrategy Library needs to be registered to the IdP to enable SAML authentication. The registration methods provided below should apply to most IdPs. Exact configuration details may differ depending on your IdP. Consult your identity provider's documentation for specific instructions.

Register by Uploading SPMetadata.xml

Many IdPs provide a convenient way to register an application by uploading a metadata file.

Use the SPMetadata.xml file generated previously and follow IdP's instructions to register the MicroStrategy Library application.

Manual Registration

If uploading a metadata file is not supported by your IdP, manual configuration is necessary.

The SPMetadata.xml file contains all of the information needed for manual configuration.

  • The entityID= parameter is the same EntityID you provided in the SAML config page
  • AssertionConsumerService Location= this URL is located near the end of the file.

    Be aware that there are multiple URLs in this file. The AssertionConsumerService Location will contain the binding statement HTTP-POST at the end.

  • If the signing certificate is required:
    1. Copy the text between <ds:X509Certificate> and </ds:X509Certificate> tags.
    2. Paste the contents into a text editor.
    3. Save the file as file_name.cer and upload to IdP.