MicroStrategy ONE

Creating a report object prompt (shortcut to a report)

Before you begin

You should be familiar with filters (which contain at least one qualification), prompts, and custom groups. For background information, see About filters, Types of qualifications, About prompts, and About custom groups. Shortcut-to-a-report qualifications use the dataset of one report as a filter inside another report; for a more detailed description and example, see Shortcut-to-a-report qualifications.

In a filter, a report object prompt allows you to select a report to apply as a filter in another report at run time. In a custom group, the report results are used to create the custom group element. In the Filter Editor and Custom Group Editor, this type of qualification is called a Shortcut to a Report.

You can control the list of options that users can select from at run time by doing one of the following:

  • Creating a pre-defined list of reports by choosing the reports to be offered as the list of options at report run time.

  • Creating a search object that searches various objects and uses the result from that search object to define the list of options at report run time.

To create a report object prompt

  1. Choose one of the following:

    • To create a prompted filter, open the Filtering Options pane of the Filter Editor, if it is not already open. How?

    • To create a prompted custom group, open the Custom Group Options pane of the Custom Group Editor, if it is not already open. How?

  2. Select Add aShortcut to a Report and click OK. The Shortcut to a Report dialog box opens.

  3. Click Prompt. The Prompt Generation Wizard opens.

  4. For detailed instructions on completing the Prompt Generation Wizard, see Filtering based on metrics, attributes, or other objects: Object prompts.

  5. You can add more qualifications to the filter or custom group.

  6. Save the filter or custom group.

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