MicroStrategy ONE

Selecting targets for selectors

Before you begin

You should be familiar with the various properties that define how a selector looks and what it controls, such as target and source. See Defining selectors for descriptions.

The target of a selector is the Grid/Graph, panel stack, or other selector that the selector affects. Target selection mode allows you to quickly and easily choose the target of a selector.


The document must contain:

Additionally, the layout must allow manual targets. If targets are instead automatically maintained:

  • Target selection mode is not available.

  • Attribute, metric, and metric condition selectors automatically target all Grid/Graphs and panel stacks that are in the same panel or document section as the selector.

  • A selector cannot be chosen as the target.

For more information on automatic target maintenance, including instructions to enable and disable it, see Automatically maintaining targets for selectors.

To select targets for a selector

  1. Right-click the selector and choose Select Targets. The selector is outlined in orange to indicate target selection mode is on.

  2. Click the Grid/Graph, panel stack, or selector to specify as the target. The sizing handles of the target are displayed in orange.

    Target selection mode

  3. To select multiple targets, use CTRL+click, that is, hold down the CTRL key while you click each control.

  4. Click anywhere in the Layout area to turn target selection mode off.