MicroStrategy ONE

Report FAQs

This topic contains some frequently asked questions about report functionality.

See Create and Edit Reports for more information about release dates for report functionality.

Usage/ General

Can I export reports to PDF or Excel?

Yes, MicroStrategy supports exporting to Excel and PDF.

Choose File to find the export options.

Click Share to find the export options.

Are reports compliant with my accessibility needs?

Yes, MicroStrategy supports full accessibility compliance in Library for consumption.

What happened to pages?

Our new grid offers a much faster incremental data fetch and scroll functionality. This means you don’t need to split your information into multiple pages. Use a combination of features to search for elements, such as sorting or viewing filters for a particular attribute or metric you want to find.

Will I be able to run my report if it was saved in graph mode?

Yes! All reports display in grid mode from now on, regardless if they were previously saved in grid, grid-graph, graph, or SQL mode. Our dashboard visualizations offer a more appealing and functional way to represent your data. Reports can be easily integrated with dashboards as datasets.

Shortcut vs. Embedded

How do I save a filter/prompt as a shortcut?

MicroStrategy has removed the “shortcut” name for the sake of consistency with the language used in other products. In dashboards, the reuse of objects such as filters or prompts are equivalent to shortcuts, since the original definition is untouched, but they are not referred to as such.

If you add pre-existing objects to your report, technically they are shortcuts. They are just no longer labeled.

How do I save an object as embedded?

MicroStrategy is deprecating the “embedding” of object definitions into a report. The Report Editor offers the capability to create prompts and filters whose definition belongs exclusively to the report definition itself. If MicroStrategy receives multiple requests for the ability to copy definitions from existing objects, we will consider re-adding the capability with a modern and re-vamped workflow.


The template object ceases to exist as you know it. It is now called the drilling template. There are distinct reasons behind this decision. First of all, MicroStrategy is introducing a template for dashboards; second, MicroStrategy had many objects named with some variation of template; and third, the main use for the template object is to define the set of objects available for drill maps.

Report Details

Where are the report data properties?

MicroStrategy added an Advanced Properties dialog that includes elements formerly know as VLDB properties, as well as other items including report data properties such as Evaluation Order.

The following list offers a detailed trace of each property available in Developer and its new place in MicroStrategy’s modern tools, such as Workstation and Library.

  • Calculations

    • Report Limit > Report Filter

    • Metric Join Type > Right-click a metric on the Object and Editor panels

    • Attribute Join Type > Right-click an attribute on the Object and Editor panels

    • Evaluation Order > Report Properties > Calculation

    • Subtotals > Right-click a custom group on the Object and Editor panels

  • Display

    • Alias > All objects can be renamed directly on the Object and Editor panel

    • Object Display > Right-click a custom group on the Object and Editor panels

    • Null Values > Report Properties > Advanced Properties

    • Grid Graph Mode > Deprecated

  • General

    • Drilling > Report Properties > Drilling

    • Advanced > Library automatically keeps the page-by selections per user and the selections can be reset

    • SQL Generation > Report Properties > Advanced Properties

    Report Data Options in MicroStrategy Developer

Where can I see report details?

Report details have been split into the Advanced Properties dialog. The SQL view has been added.

Report details have been deprecated from authoring mode, since all filtering information can be seen from the Filter panel. In addition, all filtering information appears in the filter summary during consumption in Library.

Where can I see prompt details?

Prompt details will be added to the filter summary in a future release.