MicroStrategy ONE

Add Images to Cards

The Profile template allows you to add images to your cards. You have two options for adding images:

HyperIntelligence supports the following formats:

  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • GIF
  • BMP

For optimal resolution, use square or circular images that are at least 80 x 80 pixels for your cards. Any values below this image will affect the image's resolution.

Additionally, images must be stored on a public repository, such as a website or storage drive that is open to the Internet. If the website or drive requires a log in or has a firewall blocking access to the Internet, images may not load properly in the card.

Using HTML Image Tags

One way to add images to your Profile cards is by including an HTML img tag to your attributes. Tags are displayed as <img src=“example_path”>, where "example_path" is an image URL. Before importing your data, add a column called Images containing the image tags.

If you are using MicroStrategy ONE (March 2024) or later, you need to enable the Enable granular control of HTML and JavaScript content setting to use HTML image tags. For more information, see Disallow Custom HTML in Dashboards.

  1. Create a dataset with a column specifically for images. Add your HTML img tags to this column.

  2. From the Workstation navigation, next to Datasets, click Create New Dataset.
  3. Upload your dataset to Workstation and click Prepare Data.
  4. Create a multi-form attribute that contains the Image column as form. For steps to create a multi-form attribute, see Allow Alternate Forms of a Keyword.

  5. Right-click the Image form and select Change Data Type > HTML Tag.
  6. Click Finish.

Now in a Profile card, you can click the image bubble and select the Image form. The Image form may appear as Synonym X. To see an example of adding HTML image tags, see KB483140: Best Practices and an Example of Adding Images to HyperCards.

Using Image URLs

To use image URLs, you have to create a dataset specific for Profile cards. In your dataset, set the attribute form type to image using MicroStrategy Developer to add the information to the database.

There are five overarching steps to use image URLS:

  1. Create Tables Using the MicroStrategy Database Query Tool
  2. Add the Table to Your Warehouse Catalog
  3. Create an Image Attribute
  4. Create Metrics for Your Dataset
  5. Create an OLAP Cube

The following instructions assume you have a Cloud Console environment.

Create Tables Using the MicroStrategy Database Query Tool

  1. Using Remote Desktop, connect to your developer machine.
  2. Connect to your VNC instance using the login information from the Welcome to MicroStrategy on AWS email.

  3. Go to Applications > System ToolsTerminal.
  4. Open the folder containing the MicroStrategy Database Query Tool by entering the following command:
    cd /opt/mstr/MicroStrategy/bin/
  5. Run the query tool by using the command:
  6. Log into your metadata warehouse using your environment's username and password in the Getting Started with MicroStrategy email.
  7. Create a table called ImageTable1.

  8. Add a row for your image URLs.

Add the Table to Your Warehouse Catalog

  1. Open MicroStrategy Developer and select your project.

    If you are running MicroStrategy Developer on Windows for the first time, run it as an administrator.

    Right‑click the program icon and select Run as Administrator.

    This is necessary in order to properly set the Windows registry keys. For more information, see KB43491.

  2. Click Schema > Warehouse Catalog.
  3. Under Tables available in the database instance, double-click ImageTable1. Your table is now in your project.

    If your table does not appear, click Refresh.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Create an Image Attribute

  1. In your project, open the folder containing your attributes.
  2. Click File > New > Attribute.
  3. In the New Expression Form editor, click the drop-down and select ImageTable1.
  4. Under Available columns, select an attribute ID and click OK.

    Do not select the Image column.

  5. In the Create New Attribute Form editor, under Form Category, use the drop-down and set Category Used to ID.
  6. Click New to create another attribute form. This is the DESC form of the attribute.
  7. In the New Expression Form editor, click the drop-down and select ImageTable1.
  8. Under Available columns, select an attribute DESC and click OK.

    Do not select the Image column.

  9. In the Create New Attribute Form editor, under Form Category, use the drop-down and set Category Used to DESC.
  10. Click New to create another attribute form. This is the Image form of the attribute.
  11. In the New Expression Form editor, click the drop-down and select ImageTable1.
  12. Under Available columns, select the Image column and click OK.
  13. In the Create New Attribute Form editor, under Form Category, use the drop-down and set Form Format to Picture.
  14. Click OK.
  15. Click Save and Close.

    You can create multiple image attributes.

Create Metrics for Your Dataset

  1. In your project, open the folder containing your metrics.
  2. Click File > New > Fact.
  3. In the New Fact Expression editor, click the drop-down and select ImageTable1.
  4. Under Available columns, select a column to use as a fact and click OK.
  5. Click Save and Close. Repeat these steps to add all intended metric values as facts.
  6. Click FileNewMetric.
  7. Open the folder where you saved your facts. Double-click a fact to add it to the metric as a Sum value.

  8. Click Save and Close. Create as many metrics as needed for your dataset.

Create an OLAP Cube

  1. Open the folder you'd like to store your cube in.
  2. Click FileNew > Intelligence Cube.
  3. Select Empty Cube and click OK.
  4. Open the folder where you’ve saved your attributes and metrics. Double-click the attributes and metrics you want in your cube.
  5. Click Save and Close.
  6. Click Update Schema .
  7. Publish the cube.

Now you can create Profile cards using your OLAP cube to include images. In the Profile card, click the image bubble and select the Image form. The Image form may appear as “Synonym X”.