MicroStrategy ONE
Develop a Custom Visualization
Once you have initialized your visualization, you can start developing it.
- In your text editor, open config.js for visualization you just initialized.
Locate the line that starts with path_of_plugins and enter the path where your MicroStrategy plugins are located. The plugin folder can be on the Web server or where Workstation is installed in one of the locations mentioned below, assuming it is your default install location. Use either a relative or absolute path.
Use the one of the following paths, assuming it is your default install location:
Mac Workstation:
/Applications/MicroStrategy Workstation.app/Contents/Frameworks/OneTierDashboardWindow.framework/Resources/code/plugins
Windows Workstation:
C:/Program Files/MicroStrategy/Code/plugins
Web server:
ASP Web: <Installation Path>/Web ASPx/plugins
JSP Web on Tomcat: <Tomcat Installation Path>/webapps/MicroStrategy/plugins
Copymodule.exports = {
// ####################################################
plugin_name: 'MyVizName',
// ####################################################
// the dir path of MicroStrategy plugins, relative or absolute path are both valid
path_of_plugins: 'C:/Program Files/MicroStrategy/Code/plugins', -
- Go back to the command line and navigate to the MyVizName folder you created earlier.
Run the npm run start command to build a simple demo visualization that you can modify. This command starts the dev service and builds the demo visualization in the plugins folder.
CopyC:\Custom_Viz\MyVizName>npm run start
> myvizname@1.0.0 start C:\Custom_Viz\MyVizName
> mstr-viz-build development
webpack is watching the files…
Hash: 36b3ca829e9b4ccd8bbb
Version: webpack 4.40.2
Time: 4241ms
Built at: 09/18/2019 3:20:18 PM
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
javascript/mojo/js/source/MyVizName.js 2.32 MiB MyVizName [emitted] MyVizName
javascript/mojo/js/source/MyVizNameDropZones.js 8.61 KiB MyVizNameDropZones [emitted] MyVizNameDropZones
javascript/mojo/js/source/MyVizNameEditorModel.js 10.7 KiB MyVizNameEditorModel [emitted] MyVizNameEditorModel
style/global.css 655 bytes MyVizName [emitted] MyVizName
style/images/a1ae0d62f3e47ae0cc1aa22b839584ba.svg 6.18 KiB [emitted]
Entrypoint MyVizName = style/global.css javascript/mojo/js/source/MyVizName.js
Entrypoint MyVizNameDropZones = javascript/mojo/js/source/MyVizNameDropZones.js
Entrypoint MyVizNameEditorModel = javascript/mojo/js/source/MyVizNameEditorModel.js
[./src/MyVizName.js] 4.9 KiB {MyVizName} [built]
[./src/MyVizNameDropZones.js] 1.69 KiB {MyVizNameDropZones} [built]
[./src/MyVizNameEditorModel.js] 2.37 KiB {MyVizNameEditorModel} [built]
[./src/vis.scss] 39 bytes {MyVizName} [built]
+ 521 hidden modules
Child mini-css-extract-plugin ../mstr-viz/node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!../mstr-viz/node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js!../mstr-viz/src/build/loaders/icon-loader.js??ref--6-0!src/vis.scss:
Entrypoint mini-css-extract-plugin = *
[../mstr-viz/node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!../mstr-viz/node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js!../mstr-viz/src/build/loaders/icon-loader.js?!./src/vis.scss] ../mstr-viz/node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js!../mstr-viz/node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js!../mstr-viz/src/build/loaders/icon-loader.js??ref--6-0!./src/vis.scss 952 bytes {mini-css-extract-plugin} [built]
[./src/images/icon.svg] 63 bytes {mini-css-extract-plugin} [built]
+ 2 hidden modules - Restart your application server.
Open Desktop, Workstation, or MicroStrategy Web and locate your custom visualization in the Gallery.
- Make code changes to your custom visualization as necessary. Since the dev service is still running, any changes you make in the source code are instantly re-built. To view the latest changes in Web, make sure to disable the cache in your browser. Then refresh your report, document, or dashboard to see the latest changes.