MicroStrategy ONE

Steps to map an existing object to a column

By mapping existing objects to columns in Freeform SQL reports, you can avoid creating duplicate copies of the same object. In addition, mapping with a project object serves the purpose of joining data when the object is used in a Report Services document that contains multiple datasets. Using project objects also allows you to use security filters with your Freeform SQL reports.

An existing object is any one of the following:

  • An attribute defined in an existing MicroStrategy project.

  • A managed object attribute that has been created for previous Freeform SQL reports or Query Builder reports in the current project.

  • A managed object metric that has been created for previous Freeform SQL reports or Query Builder reports.

    • Note: A metric defined in an existing MicroStrategy project that is not a managed object cannot be used for mapping in Freeform SQL reports or Query Builder reports.

For more information on how columns are mapped in Freeform SQL reports, refer to the Mapping columns to metadata objects topic.


  • The procedure below assumes you have already created a Freeform SQL report and it is open in the Freeform SQL Editor.

  • You must have the Define Freeform SQL report and Create schema objects privileges to access and use the Freeform SQL Editor.

To map an existing object to a column

  1. From the Mapping menu, select Insert. The Select an Object dialog box opens.

  2. Browse to and select an attribute or metric, and click OK. You are returned to the Freeform SQL Editor and the object is mapped to a new column.

  3. Ensure that the column number for the object matches the order of the column in the SQL statement. For example, an object is to be mapped to the second column listed in the SELECT clause. In the Mapping pane (the bottom pane on the right), the object must be included as column 2. You can use the Move Up and Move Down options in the toolbar to change the column position of an object.