MicroStrategy ONE


Combination graphs are graphs that use default formatting to display risers with multiple marker types. For example, one combination graph can display both bars and lines together on the same graph. Combination graphs use the formatting options of other standard MicroStrategy graph types, as described below:

You can change the layout of combination graphs on the Layout category. However, if you select a three-dimensional layout, the multiple marker type formatting is lost. All other layout types retain the multiple marker type formatting for the combination graphs.

  • Bar Area: This combination graph displays a combination of bar risers and area risers. It uses the formatting options available for Vertical Bar graphs.
  • Dual Axis Bar Area: This combination graph displays a combination of bar risers and area risers on a dual axis. It uses the formatting options available for Vertical Bar graphs.
  • Bar Line: This combination graph displays a combination of bar risers and line risers. It uses the formatting options available for Vertical Bar graphs.
  • Dual Axis Bar Line: This combination graph displays a combination of bar risers and line risers on a dual axis. It uses the formatting options available for Vertical Bar graphs.
  • Area Line: This combination graph displays a combination of area risers and line risers. It uses the formatting options available for Vertical Area graphs.
  • Dual Axis Area Line: This combination graph displays a combination of area risers and line risers on a dual axis. It uses the formatting options available for Vertical Area graphs.