MicroStrategy ONE

Hiding or displaying document sections for a finished document

By default, all the sections of a document are displayed to users in all views in MicroStrategy Developer and all modes in MicroStrategy Web. However, if a section is empty (that is, it does not contain any controls), that section is not displayed to users.

In certain scenarios, you do not want an end user, or a certain group of end users, to be able to view particular sections. For example:

  • As a designer, you want to work in a single large section, such as in a Report Services (RS) dashboard, thus using all the available space in the Document Editor. This one section is displayed to all users in all views. For more details and instructions, see Hiding a section from users and designers.

  • You create a number of documents that should have specific sections hidden. To simplify and standardize the documents, you can create a template that hides those sections. You can then use the template to create the documents, and by default only the selected sections are displayed. For more details and instructions, see Hiding a section from users and designers.

  • A section contains information that makes sense in a printed document but not in one displayed in MicroStrategy Web. For example, the Page Footer section in a document contains page numbers. You can hide the Page Footer in all MicroStrategy Web modes but display it in PDF View in MicroStrategy Developer. The section is still displayed in Design View in both MicroStrategy Developer and MicroStrategy Web. For more details and instructions, see Displaying a section in the PDF only.

  • A section contains data that is displayed only when a specific condition is met. This scenario uses conditional formatting and the Visible property, which is described in Hiding controls.

  • A section contains internal notes about the source of the data and when to run the document. You do not want users to see this information; only document designers should be able to view it. The section must be hidden in all MicroStrategy Developer views except Design View and in all MicroStrategy Web modes except Design Mode. For an example and a procedure, see Hiding controls. Although the example discusses controls specifically, hiding a section works the same way.

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