MicroStrategy ONE

Selecting the background colors of sections

You can define the background fill, including gradient colors (a two-color combination), of a section.

To select the background colors of a section

  1. Open the document to be formatted in the Document Editor. (How?)

  2. Click the upper boundary of the section to format.

  3. From the Format menu, select Format. The Format Objects dialog box opens.

  4. The Background tab determines the background color of the section. Choose one of the following:

    • To use a single color as the background:

    • Set the Background style to Solid.

    • Use the Fill color drop-down list to select the background color of the section.

    • To use a gradient color, which blends two colors in a gradual color change in the background:

      • Set the Background style to Gradient.

      • Use the Color 1 drop-down list to select the first color to apply to the section.

      • Use the Color 2 drop-down list to select the second color to apply. Color 1 and Color 2 are blended together.

      • Click one of the squares to set the direction of the shading between the two colors. The colors can blend left to right, right to left, top to bottom, or bottom to top.

    • As you make changes, the Sample area changes to show a preview of your selections.

    • To allow what is behind the section to show through, set the Background style to Transparent.

  5. Click OK to accept the changes and return to the Document Editor.

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