MicroStrategy ONE

Grid Options: Columns and Rows tab (Document Editor)

This tab is accessed by selecting Options from the Grid menu when a Grid/Graph is edited in Grid view. By default, the General tab is selected. Click the Columns and Rows tab.

Use this tab to select either automatic (Fit to Content or Fit to Window) or fixed column widths. Fixed column width mode allows you to set both column widths and row heights.

The options in the Grid Options dialog box are different if you have accessed it from a report. For more information, see Grid Options: Columns and Rows tab in the Report Editor.


Select from the following column width settings:

  • Fit to Content automatically scales each column to the width of its contents. The width of the Grid/Graph is then adjusted to fit all the columns.

  • Fit to Window automatically scales the column widths to the size of the Grid/Graph.

  • Fixed allows you to size the columns using column and row handles in the Grid/Graph display. The Rows section of the dialog box is enabled.

  • The drop-down list allows you to select the type of width to specify with the column and handles:

  • All Columns: sets the width of all the columns on the report.

  • All Row Axis: sets the width for the columns on the row axis (the attributes). Use this setting if there are no metrics on the reports, either because the report contains no metrics or they have been moved to the Report Objects.

  • All Grid: sets the width of the data columns (the metrics).

  • Attribute form name: sets the width for the specified attribute form. Each attribute form in the report is listed.

  • Metrics: sets the width of the column named "Metrics", which holds the column axis headers.

  • Metric name: sets the column width for the specified metric. Each metric in the report is listed. All instances of this metric use this width, including those in the page axis.

  • Inches: After you select the type, enter the column width in inches.

You can also specify whether or not to display the column named Metrics in the Grid/Graph. To remove the column, select the Remove extra column (Web only)check box. This setting is available with all column width settings, and applies to documents displayed in MicroStrategy Web only.


Select one of the following row height settings. These settings are enabled only if fixed column height is selected.

  • Auto Row Height: allows row heights to be determined automatically.

  • Fixed Row Height: allows you to specify the height of the rows. Enter the number of Inches for the row height.

  • Fixed Row Height is allowed in fixed column width mode only.

  • If both column widths and row heights are fixed, column width is applied first and then row heights.

  • When a Grid with automatic column widths is reset to fixed, all column widths from the row axis are preserved. The metric column widths are based on each metric's maximum width. Column handles are turned on.

  • When a Grid with fixed column widths is reset to automatic, the report is redrawn based on the automatic mode settings. Column handles are turned off.

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