MicroStrategy ONE

Editing Grid/Graphs in Grid view

Editing a Grid/Graph displayed as a grid provides many of the same options that editing a grid report does. For example, you can create derived metrics and apply thresholds.

Some of the most commonly used options that are available when you edit a Grid/Graph that is viewed as a grid are listed below:

  • Row and column formatting

  • Removing the column named Metrics(applies to documents displayed in MicroStrategy Web only)

  • Sorting

  • Totals and subtotals

  • Derived metric creation

  • Autostyles

  • Thresholds

  • Moving objects

  • Editing and creating drill maps

These options also apply to the grid part of a Grid/Graph viewed as a grid and a graph. For more information on these grid editing options and others, see Designing reports.

Editing changes the grid or graph in the document; it does not change the original report. To format the Grid/Graph control within the document, see Formatting Grid/Graphs, which discusses borders, title bars, and quick switch, among other properties.


This procedure assumes that:

To edit a Grid/Graph in Grid view

  1. If the Grid/Graph is in not in edit mode already, double-click it. A Grid/Graph in edit mode is displayed with a red hashed border.

    If the Grid/Graph is a shortcut, you cannot edit it because it is linked to the original report. A message appears, allowing you to choose whether to unlink the shortcut. If you click OK, changes made to the original report are no longer passed to the Grid/Graph in the document.

  2. To format a part of the Grid/Graph, on the Format menu, select the object or part of the object (such as row headers or Category values) to be formatted. The Format Objects dialog box opens.

    You can also right-click the object in the Grid/Graph and select Formatting.

  3. To change the Autostyle for the whole Grid/Graph, select the new Autostyle in the toolbar.

    The toolbar accesses only predefined report Autostyle objects. To access custom Autostyles or Autostyles saved in a directory other than the Public folder, select Open Autostyle from the Grid menu.

  4. To move an object, select it in the Grid/Graph. Drag and drop it to the desired location.

    You can also right-click the object in the Grid/Graph, select Move, and then choose the direction to move.

  5. To insert a derived metric:

    • From the Insert menu, select New Metric. The Input Metric Formula dialog box opens.

  6. To sort the Grid/Graph:

    • Select the object in the Grid/Graph by which to sort.

    • Click Sort Ascending or Sort Descending on the toolbar.

    • For advanced sorting, select Advanced Sorting from the Data menu. The Advanced Sorting dialog box opens. For instructions, see Advanced sorting.

  7. To add subtotals:

    • From the Data menu, select Subtotals. The Subtotals dialog box opens.

    • On the Definition tab, select one or more functions to calculate subtotals.

    • Click OK.

    • For more details and more advanced functionality, see Applying subtotals to a report.

  8. To change the width of a column:

    • On the Grid menu, set Column Width to Fixed. Column sizing handles are displayed on the grid.

  9. To hide column and/or row headers:

    • On the Grid menu, select Options. The Grid Options dialog box opens.

    • On the General tab, clear the appropriate check box(es):

    • Show row headers

    • Show column headers

    • Click OK.

  10. To remove the column named Metrics in the Grid/Graph, select the Remove extra column (Web only) check box. This setting is available with all column width settings, and applies to documents displayed in MicroStrategy Web only.

  11. To render the Grid/Graph in a static version of outline mode, select Display Outline Results on the Grid menu.

    • Outline mode allows indented groupings of related attributes, functioning similar to heading levels in an HTML document outline.

    • A static version of outline mode means that the rows and columns are indented, just as they are in normal outline mode, but the user cannot collapse any of the rows. For more information on outline mode, see Displaying outline results for a report.

  12. You can apply banding to group rows or columns by color to enhance readability and, in some cases, identify attributes or attribute elements meeting certain criteria. High-level instructions follow; for a complete procedure, see Steps to apply banding.

    • From the Grid menu, choose Options. The Grid Options dialog box opens.

    • On the General tab, select Custom banding.

    • Click Settings. The Banding Settings dialog box opens.

    • Do one of the following:

      • To create horizontal bands, set Banding preference to By rows.

      • To create vertical bands, set Banding preference to By columns.

    • Define the banding criteria, which specifies how the columns or rows are banded, and the banding colors. For complete instructions, see Steps to apply banding.

    • Click OK to return to the Grid Options dialog box.

    • Click OK.

  13. You can create and edit drill maps, which determines what happens when you drill on an object in a Grid/Graph. You can create new drill maps and drill paths, edit existing drill maps, and designate the default drill paths. The drill path determines what happens when you drill on the object and includes the destination of the drill. The destination can be an attribute, a consolidation, a hierarchy, or a template. For more details on drill maps and instructions to work with them, see About drill maps and associations.

  14. To exit edit mode, press ESC.

This procedure describes the most common grid editing options; it is not an exhaustive list. For more information, see Designing reports.