MicroStrategy ONE

Formatting single-color backgrounds of Grid/Graphs

Both the Formatting toolbar and the right-click menu provide easy access to quickly apply a background color to the Grid/Graph itself, but not to the (optional) title bar. The background of the Grid/Graph container shows only when the container is larger than the grid inside it. For more information on the container and when the background color shows, see Formatting the Grid/Graph container vs. title bar. For instructions to apply a background color to the title bar, see Formatting Grid/Graph title bars.

To use a gradient (a two-color combination) for the background, you must use either the Property List or the Format Objects dialog box. To define the background color of cells selected in a Grid/Graph used as a selector, you must use the Format Objects dialog box. For instructions, see Formatting the backgrounds of Grid/Graphs.


This procedure assumes that the document contains a Grid/Graph. For instructions on adding Grid/Graphs, see Displaying reports in documents: Grid/Graphs.

To format Grid/Graph backgrounds

  1. Open the document to be formatted in the Document Editor. (How?)

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Right-click the Grid/Graph, point to Fill, and then select a background color.

    • Select the Grid/Graph. Click the arrow next to the Fill icon on the Formatting toolbar, and select a background color from the drop-down list.

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