MicroStrategy ONE

Formatting HTML containers using the Property List

Before you begin

You should be familiar with the different types of HTML container, iFrame and HTML text. The iFrame type contains the URL of a website, while the HTML text type contains HTML tags that are rendered in MicroStrategy Web. For examples and more detailed explanation of the differences, see Displaying HTML content in a document: HTML containers.

The Property List is the most convenient way to format HTML containers, as it contains all the options of the other interfaces, and the Property List appears on the same screen as the Layout area.

These formatting properties apply to the HTML container itself, not to anything placed inside the container. For example, a drop shadow or a border is displayed around the HTML container.

HTML container formatting options do not affect what the HTML container displays (either the text or the website). The formatting of the content inside the HTML container is determined by either the HTML tags or the website displayed by the URL. For an HTML container that contains HTML tags, any font formatting not specified in the HTML tags is provided by the MicroStrategy formatting options. For examples and a more detailed explanation, see Formatting HTML containers.

To format an HTML container using the Property List

  1. Open the document to be formatted. (How?)

  2. If the Property List is not displayed, select Property List from the View menu.

  3. In the Layout area, select the HTML container to format.

  4. You can change the Name, which identifies the HTML container.

  5. To make the HTML container appear three-dimensional, like a button, apply a 3D effect:

    • Change 3D effect to either Sunken (to inset the HTML container, like a pushed button) or Raised (to outset the HTML container, like a button).

    • Enter the thickness of the 3D line, measured in points, in 3D weight.

      The 3D effect border takes precedence over any existing border. If you later disable the 3D effect, the original border settings are automatically restored.

  6. To define the style and color of the borders, click the button in the Border field. The Border tab of the Format Objects dialog box opens. See Steps to format borders for further instructions.

  7. To "float" the HTML container on top of the background, apply a drop shadow:

    • Set Drop shadow to True.

    • Enter the offset of the drop shadow, in points, in Drop shadow depth.

  8. To display a pop-up tooltip, enter the text in Tooltip.

  9. To hide the HTML container when a user views the document, set Visible to False. The HTML container remains visible in Design View in MicroStrategy Developer and Design Mode in MicroStrategy Web. For more information, see Hiding controls.

    The remaining properties in this section apply only to HTML containers using HTML text, not iFrame.

  10. To change the background color, select a new Backcolor using the Color dialog box.

  11. Change the Backstyle property to specify whether the background is:

    • Transparent, which allows you to see what is behind the HTML container.

    • Opaque, which covers what is behind the HTML container. It also allows the fill color of the HTML container to be seen.

    • Gradient, which blends two colors together. For more information, see Steps to apply gradient colors.

  12. Click the button in the Font field. The Font tab of the Format Objects dialog box opens.

    See Steps to format the font for further instructions.

    The Fontsetting is overwritten by any formatting specified in the HTML tags. For examples and a more detailed explanation, see Formatting HTML containers.

  13. To specify the font color of the text, select a new Forecolor using the Color dialog box. (Applies only to HTML containers using HTML text, not iFrame.)

    The Forecolor setting is overwritten by any formatting specified in the HTML tags. For examples and a more detailed explanation, see Formatting HTML containers.

  14. To apply gradient colors, which blend two colors to create a gradual color change in the background, see Steps to apply gradient colors.

    The HTML type determines whether the HTML container uses HTML code (HTML text) or a URL (iFrame).

    Only one of the following properties is displayed:

    • If the HTML type is defined as HTML text, HTML text displays the HTML tags entered in the HTML container itself.

    • If the HTML type is defined as iFrame, iFrame source displays the URL entered in the HTML container itself.

    • It is easier to edit the HTML tags or URL by doing the following:

      1. Right-click the HTML container and select Edit Text.

      2. Enter the HTML tags in the HTML container. To create a new line, press CTRL+ENTER. When you have finished typing, press ENTER or click anywhere outside the HTML container.

  15. Enter a new number in the Left property. This left margin is the distance between the left edge of the HTML container and the left border of the section.

  16. Enter a new number in the Top property. This top margin is the distance between the top edge of the HTML container and the top of the section.

  17. Use the Locked property to determine whether the HTML container is locked in MicroStrategy Web, so that it cannot be resized or moved.

    The lock functionality applies to MicroStrategy Web. You can select or clear the Locked property in MicroStrategy Developer, but the control can still be sized or moved in MicroStrategy Developer. For more information, see Locking and unlocking controls.

  18. To change the height of the HTML container, enter the new number in the Height property.

  19. To change the width of the HTML container, enter the new number in the Width property.

  20. To determine how the text is aligned horizontally within the control boundaries, change the Horizontal alignment to Left, Center, or Right.

    This property applies only to HTML containers using HTML codes, not iFrame.

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